public void add(Rendered r, GLState t) { if (curp == null) throw (new RuntimeException("Tried to set up relative slot with no parent")); Object seq = null; Buffer cos = null; if ((t == null) && (curp.statroot == null)) { seq = r.staticp(); curp.cs.copye(cos = new Buffer(cfg), GLState.Slot.Type.SYS); Cached c; if ((seq != null) && ((c = prevcache.get(new Cached(r, seq, cos, false))) != null)) { prevcache.remove(c); newcache.put(c, c); add(c, curp.cs); return; } } Slot s = getslot(); curp.cs.copy(s.os); if (t != null) t.prep(s.os); s.os.copy(s.cs); if (curp.statroot != null) { s.statroot = curp.statroot; } else if (seq != null) { s.statroot = new Cached(r, seq, cos); } setup(s, r); }
void rootdraw(GLState.Applier state, UI ui, BGL gl) { GLState.Buffer ibuf = new GLState.Buffer(state.cfg); gstate.prep(ibuf); ostate.prep(ibuf); GOut g = new GOut(gl, state.cgl, state.cfg, state, ibuf, new Coord(w, h)); state.set(ibuf); g.state(ostate); g.apply(); gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); gl.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); synchronized (ui) { ui.draw(g); } if (Config.dbtext) { int y = h - 150; FastText.aprintf( g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "FPS: %d (%d%%, %d%% idle)", fps, (int) (uidle * 100.0), (int) (ridle * 100.0)); Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); long free = rt.freeMemory(), total = rt.totalMemory(); FastText.aprintf( g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "Mem: %,011d/%,011d/%,011d/%,011d", free, total - free, total, rt.maxMemory()); FastText.aprintf(g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "Tex-current: %d", TexGL.num()); FastText.aprintf(g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "GL progs: %d",; GameUI gi = ui.root.findchild(GameUI.class); if ((gi != null) && ( != null)) { try { FastText.aprintf( g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "MV pos: %s (%s)",,; } catch (Loading e) { } if ( != null) FastText.aprintf( g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "Rendered: %,d+%,d(%,d)",,,; } if (Resource.remote().qdepth() > 0) FastText.aprintf( g, new Coord(10, y -= 15), 0, 1, "RQ depth: %d (%d)", Resource.remote().qdepth(), Resource.remote().numloaded()); } Object tooltip; try { synchronized (ui) { tooltip = ui.root.tooltip(mousepos, ui.root); } } catch (Loading e) { tooltip = "..."; } Tex tt = null; if (tooltip != null) { if (tooltip instanceof Text) { tt = ((Text) tooltip).tex(); } else if (tooltip instanceof Tex) { tt = (Tex) tooltip; } else if (tooltip instanceof Indir<?>) { Indir<?> t = (Indir<?>) tooltip; Object o = t.get(); if (o instanceof Tex) tt = (Tex) o; } else if (tooltip instanceof String) { if (((String) tooltip).length() > 0) tt = (Text.render((String) tooltip)).tex(); } } if (tt != null) { Coord sz =; Coord pos = mousepos.add(sz.inv()); if (pos.x < 0) pos.x = 0; if (pos.y < 0) pos.y = 0; g.chcolor(244, 247, 21, 192); g.rect(pos.add(-3, -3), sz.add(6, 6)); g.chcolor(35, 35, 35, 192); g.frect(pos.add(-2, -2), sz.add(4, 4)); g.chcolor(); g.image(tt, pos); } ui.lasttip = tooltip; Resource curs = ui.root.getcurs(mousepos); if (curs != null) { if (cursmode == "awt") { if (curs != lastcursor) { try { setCursor(makeawtcurs(curs.layer(Resource.imgc).img, curs.layer(Resource.negc).cc)); lastcursor = curs; } catch (Exception e) { cursmode = "tex"; } } } else if (cursmode == "tex") { Coord dc = mousepos.add(curs.layer(Resource.negc).cc.inv()); g.image(curs.layer(Resource.imgc), dc); } } state.clean(); GLObject.disposeall(state.cgl, gl); }
public void prep(Buffer buf) { for (GLState st : states) st.prep(buf); }
public void prepc(GLState t) { t.prep(curp.cs); }
public void prepo(GLState t) { t.prep(curp.os); }
public void usestate(GLState st) { st.prep(cur2d); }