예제 #1
  * Returns a string which represents the DN of the subschema subentry holding the schema
  * controlling the Root DSE.
  * <p>Clients SHOULD NOT assume that this subschema (sub)entry controls other entries held by the
  * Directory Server.
  * @return The DN of the subschema subentry holding the schema controlling the Root DSE, or {@code
  *     null} if the DN is not provided.
 public DN getSubschemaSubentry() {
   return getSingleValuedAttribute(ATTR_SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY, Functions.byteStringToDN());
예제 #2
  * Returns an unmodifiable list of DNs identifying the context prefixes of the naming contexts
  * that the Directory Server masters or shadows (in part or in whole).
  * <p>If the Directory Server does not master or shadow any naming contexts, the returned list
  * will be empty.
  * @return An unmodifiable list of DNs identifying the context prefixes of the naming contexts,
  *     which may be empty.
 public Collection<DN> getNamingContexts() {
   return getMultiValuedAttribute(ATTR_NAMING_CONTEXTS, Functions.byteStringToDN());