/** {@inheritDoc} */
  public V unswap(K key) throws GridException {
    ctx.denyOnFlags(F.asList(READ, SKIP_SWAP));

    // Unswap only from DHT. Near cache does not have swap storage.
    return dht.unswap(key);
예제 #2
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public void stopListenAsync(@Nullable GridInClosure<? super GridFuture<R>>... lsnr) {
   if (F.isEmpty(lsnr))
     synchronized (mux) {
     synchronized (mux) {
   * Checks entry for empty value.
   * @param entry Entry to check.
   * @return {@code True} if entry is empty.
  private boolean empty(GridCacheEntry<K, V> entry) {
    try {
      return entry.peek(F.asList(GLOBAL)) == null;
    } catch (GridException e) {
      U.error(null, e.getMessage(), e);

      assert false : "Should never happen: " + e;

      return false;
   * @param nodeId Node ID.
   * @param retryCnt Number of retries.
  private void sendAllPartitions(final UUID nodeId, final int retryCnt) {
    ClusterNode n = cctx.node(nodeId);

    try {
      if (n != null) sendAllPartitions(F.asList(n), exchId);
    } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
      if (e instanceof ClusterTopologyCheckedException || !cctx.discovery().alive(n)) {
            "Failed to send full partition map to node, node left grid "
                + "[rmtNode="
                + nodeId
                + ", exchangeId="
                + exchId
                + ']');


      if (retryCnt > 0) {
        long timeout = cctx.gridConfig().getNetworkSendRetryDelay();

            "Failed to send full partition map to node (will retry after timeout) "
                + "[node="
                + nodeId
                + ", exchangeId="
                + exchId
                + ", timeout="
                + timeout
                + ']');

                new GridTimeoutObjectAdapter(timeout) {
                  public void onTimeout() {
                    sendAllPartitions(nodeId, retryCnt - 1);
      } else
            "Failed to send full partition map [node=" + n + ", exchangeId=" + exchId + ']',
예제 #5
   * Finds all files in folder and in it's sub-tree of specified depth.
   * @param file Starting folder
   * @param maxDepth Depth of the tree. If 1 - just look in the folder, no sub-folders.
   * @param filter file filter.
   * @return List of found files.
  public static List<VisorLogFile> fileTree(File file, int maxDepth, @Nullable FileFilter filter) {
    if (file.isDirectory()) {
      File[] files = (filter == null) ? file.listFiles() : file.listFiles(filter);

      if (files == null) return Collections.emptyList();

      List<VisorLogFile> res = new ArrayList<>(files.length);

      for (File f : files) {
        if (f.isFile() && f.length() > 0) res.add(new VisorLogFile(f));
        else if (maxDepth > 1) res.addAll(fileTree(f, maxDepth - 1, filter));

      return res;

    return F.asList(new VisorLogFile(file));
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testGroupIndexOperations() throws Exception {
    IgniteCache<Integer, GroupIndexTestValue> c =
            .getOrCreateCache(cacheConfig("grp", false, Integer.class, GroupIndexTestValue.class));

    try {
      // Check group index usage.
      String qry = "select 1 from GroupIndexTestValue ";

      String plan = columnQuery(c, "explain " + qry + "where a = 1 and b > 0").get(0).toString();

      info("Plan: " + plan);


      // Sorted list
      List<GroupIndexTestValue> list =
              new GroupIndexTestValue(0, 0),
              new GroupIndexTestValue(0, 5),
              new GroupIndexTestValue(1, 1),
              new GroupIndexTestValue(1, 3),
              new GroupIndexTestValue(2, -1),
              new GroupIndexTestValue(2, 2));

      // Fill cache.
      for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) c.put(i, list.get(i));

      // Check results.
      assertEquals(1, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b = 1").size());
      assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b < 4").size());
      assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b <= 3").size());
      assertEquals(1, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b < 3").size());
      assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b > 0").size());
      assertEquals(1, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b > 1").size());
      assertEquals(2, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a = 1 and b >= 1").size());
      assertEquals(4, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a > 0 and b > 0").size());
      assertEquals(4, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a > 0 and b >= 1").size());
      assertEquals(3, columnQuery(c, qry + "where a > 0 and b > 1").size());
    } finally {
  /** @throws GridException If failed. */
  public void testAffinity() throws GridException {
    Grid g1 = grid(1);
    Grid g2 = grid(2);

    assert caches(g1).size() == 0;
    assert F.first(caches(g2)).getCacheMode() == PARTITIONED;

    Map<GridNode, Collection<String>> map = g1.mapKeysToNodes(null, F.asList("1"));

    assertEquals("Invalid map size: " + map.size(), 1, map.size());
    assertEquals(F.first(map.keySet()), g2.localNode());

    UUID id1 = g1.mapKeyToNode(null, "2").id();

    assertEquals(g2.localNode().id(), id1);

    UUID id2 = g1.mapKeyToNode(null, "3").id();

    assertEquals(g2.localNode().id(), id2);
   * Removes locks regardless of whether they are owned or not for given version and keys.
   * @param ver Lock version.
   * @param keys Keys.
  public void removeLocks(GridCacheVersion ver, Collection<? extends K> keys) {
    if (keys.isEmpty()) return;

    try {
      Collection<GridRichNode> affNodes = null;

      int keyCnt = -1;

      Map<GridNode, GridNearUnlockRequest<K, V>> map = null;

      for (K key : keys) {
        // Send request to remove from remote nodes.
        GridNearUnlockRequest<K, V> req = null;

        while (true) {
          GridDistributedCacheEntry<K, V> entry = peekExx(key);

          try {
            if (entry != null) {
              GridCacheMvccCandidate<K> cand = entry.candidate(ver);

              if (cand != null) {
                if (affNodes == null) {
                  affNodes = CU.allNodes(ctx, cand.topologyVersion());

                  keyCnt = (int) Math.ceil((double) keys.size() / affNodes.size());

                  map = new HashMap<GridNode, GridNearUnlockRequest<K, V>>(affNodes.size());

                GridRichNode primary = CU.primary0(ctx.affinity(key, affNodes));

                if (!primary.isLocal()) {
                  req = map.get(primary);

                  if (req == null) {
                    map.put(primary, req = new GridNearUnlockRequest<K, V>(keyCnt));


                // Remove candidate from local node first.
                if (entry.removeLock(cand.version())) {
                  if (primary.isLocal()) {
                    dht.removeLocks(primary.id(), ver, F.asList(key), true);

                    assert req == null;


                  req.addKey(entry.key(), entry.getOrMarshalKeyBytes(), ctx);

          } catch (GridCacheEntryRemovedException ignored) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                  "Attempted to remove lock from removed entry (will retry) [rmvVer="
                      + ver
                      + ", entry="
                      + entry
                      + ']');

      if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) return;

      Collection<GridCacheVersion> committed = ctx.tm().committedVersions(ver);
      Collection<GridCacheVersion> rolledback = ctx.tm().rolledbackVersions(ver);

      for (Map.Entry<GridNode, GridNearUnlockRequest<K, V>> mapping : map.entrySet()) {
        GridNode n = mapping.getKey();

        GridDistributedUnlockRequest<K, V> req = mapping.getValue();

        if (!req.keyBytes().isEmpty()) {
          req.completedVersions(committed, rolledback);

          // We don't wait for reply to this message.
          ctx.io().send(n, req);
    } catch (GridException ex) {
      U.error(log, "Failed to unlock the lock for keys: " + keys, ex);
예제 #9
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public Collection<GridRichNode> affinityNodes(K key) {
   return F.asList(ctx.localNode());
예제 #10
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public GridFuture<?> addData(Map.Entry<K, V> entry) throws GridException, IllegalStateException {
    A.notNull(entry, "entry");

    return addData(F.asList(entry));
예제 #11
   * @param nodeId Node ID to send message to.
   * @param msg Message to send.
   * @throws GridException If send failed.
  private void send0(UUID nodeId, Object msg) throws GridException {
    GridNode node = ctx.kernalContext().discovery().node(nodeId);

    ctx.kernalContext().io().sendUserMessage(F.asList(node), msg, GridTopic.TOPIC_HADOOP, false, 0);
  /** @throws Exception Thrown if test failed. */
  public void testA() throws Exception {
    Collection<Integer> set = new GridConcurrentWeakHashSet<>();

    Integer i = 1;

    assert set.add(i);
    assert !set.add(i);

    assert set.contains(i);

    assert set.size() == 1;

    Collection<Integer> c = F.asList(2, 3, 4, 5);

    assert set.addAll(c);
    assert !set.addAll(c);

    assert set.containsAll(c);

    assert set.size() == 1 + c.size();

    assert set.remove(i);
    assert !set.remove(i);

    assert !set.contains(i);

    assert set.size() == c.size();

    assert set.removeAll(c);
    assert !set.removeAll(c);

    assert !set.containsAll(c);

    assert set.isEmpty();

    Collection<Integer> c1 = Arrays.asList(1, 3, 5, 7, 9);

    int cnt = 0;

    for (Iterator<Integer> iter = set.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); cnt++) c1.contains(iter.next());

    assert set.size() == cnt;

    assert set.size() == set.toArray().length;

    assert set.addAll(c1);

    assert set.retainAll(c);
    assert !set.retainAll(c);

    Collection<Integer> c2 = F.retain(c1, true, c);

    assert set.containsAll(c2);
    assert !set.containsAll(c1);
    assert !set.containsAll(c);

    assert set.size() == c2.size();


    assert set.isEmpty();

    try {

      assert false;
    } catch (NoSuchElementException ignored) {
      assert true;

    try {

      assert false;
    } catch (NullPointerException ignored) {
      assert true;
  /** @throws Exception Thrown if test failed. */
  public void testB() throws Exception {
    Collection<SampleBean> set = new GridConcurrentWeakHashSet<>();

    SampleBean bean1 = new SampleBean(1);

    assert set.add(bean1);
    assert !set.add(bean1);

    assert set.size() == 1;

    assert set.contains(bean1);

    bean1 = null;


    assert set.isEmpty();

    Collection<SampleBean> c =
        F.asList(new SampleBean(1), new SampleBean(2), new SampleBean(3), new SampleBean(4));

    assert set.addAll(c);
    assert !set.addAll(c);

    assert set.size() == c.size();

    assert set.containsAll(c);

    c = null;


    assert set.isEmpty();

    SampleBean b1 = new SampleBean(1);
    SampleBean b2 = new SampleBean(2);
    SampleBean b3 = new SampleBean(3);
    SampleBean b4 = new SampleBean(4);
    SampleBean b5 = new SampleBean(5);


    Iterator iter = set.iterator();

    assert iter.hasNext();

    b2 = null;
    b3 = null;
    b4 = null;


    int cnt = 0;

    while (iter.hasNext()) {


    assert set.size() == cnt;