예제 #1
  * Updates the explorer for new perspectives / orderings.
  * <p>{@inheritDoc}
 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
   if (e.getSource() instanceof PerspectiveComboBox) {
     rules = ((ExplorerPerspective) e.getItem()).getList();
   } else { // it is the combo for "order"
     order = (Comparator) e.getItem();
   // TODO: temporary - let tree expand implicitly - tfm
예제 #2
   * Sorts the child nodes of node using the current ordering.
   * <p>Note: UserObject is only available from descendants of DefaultMutableTreeNode, so any other
   * children couldn't be sorted. Thus these are currently forbidden. But currently no such node is
   * ever inserted into the tree.
   * @param node the node whose children to sort
   * @return the UserObjects of the children, in the same order as the children.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if node has a child that is not a (descendant of)
   *     DefaultMutableTreeNode.
  private List<Object> reorderChildren(ExplorerTreeNode node) {
    List<Object> childUserObjects = new ArrayList<Object>();
    List<ExplorerTreeNode> reordered = new ArrayList<ExplorerTreeNode>();

    // Enumerate the current children of node to find out which now sorts
    // in different order, since these must be moved
    Enumeration enChld = node.children();
    Object lastObj = null;
    while (enChld.hasMoreElements()) {
      Object child = enChld.nextElement();
      if (child instanceof ExplorerTreeNode) {
        Object obj = ((ExplorerTreeNode) child).getUserObject();
        if (lastObj != null && order.compare(lastObj, obj) > 0) {
           * If a node to be moved is currently selected,
           * move its predecessors instead so don't lose selection.
           * This fixes issue 3249.
           * NOTE: this does not deal with the case where
           * multiple nodes are selected and they are out
           * of order with respect to each other, but I
           * don't think more than one node is ever reordered
           * at a time - tfm
          if (!tree.isPathSelected(new TreePath(getPathToRoot((ExplorerTreeNode) child)))) {
            reordered.add((ExplorerTreeNode) child);
          } else {
            ExplorerTreeNode prev =
                (ExplorerTreeNode) ((ExplorerTreeNode) child).getPreviousSibling();
            while (prev != null && (order.compare(prev.getUserObject(), obj) >= 0)) {
              childUserObjects.remove(childUserObjects.size() - 1);
              prev = (ExplorerTreeNode) prev.getPreviousSibling();
            lastObj = obj;
        } else {
          lastObj = obj;
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incomprehencible child node " + child.toString());

    for (ExplorerTreeNode child : reordered) {
      // Avoid our deinitialization here
      // The node will be added back to the tree again

    // For each reordered node, find it's new position among the current
    // children and move it there
    for (ExplorerTreeNode child : reordered) {
      Object obj = child.getUserObject();
      int ip = Collections.binarySearch(childUserObjects, obj, order);

      if (ip < 0) {
        ip = -(ip + 1);

      // Avoid our initialization here
      super.insertNodeInto(child, node, ip);
      childUserObjects.add(ip, obj);

    return childUserObjects;