protected void simulateFlying(EntityPlayer ply) { double xpd = ply.motionX * ply.motionX + ply.motionZ * ply.motionZ; float speed = (float) Math.sqrt(xpd); float volumetricSpeed = (float) Math.sqrt(xpd + ply.motionY * ply.motionY); if ((ply.onGround || ply.isOnLadder()) == this.isFlying) { this.isFlying = !this.isFlying; if (this.isFlying) { this.airborneTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + this.VAR.WING_JUMPING_REST_TIME; } boolean hugeLanding = !this.isFlying && this.fallDistance > this.VAR.HUGEFALL_LANDING_DISTANCE_MIN; boolean speedingJumpStateChange = speed > this.VAR.GROUND_AIR_STATE_SPEED; if (hugeLanding || speedingJumpStateChange) { float volume = this.VAR.GROUND_AIR_STATE_CHANGE_VOLUME; // If the pegasus has landed if (hugeLanding) { volume = this.VAR.HUGEFALL_LANDING_VOLUME_MIN + (this.VAR.HUGEFALL_LANDING_VOLUME_MAX - this.VAR.HUGEFALL_LANDING_VOLUME_MIN) * scalex( this.fallDistance, this.VAR.HUGEFALL_LANDING_DISTANCE_MIN, this.VAR.HUGEFALL_LANDING_DISTANCE_MAX - this.VAR.HUGEFALL_LANDING_DISTANCE_MIN); if (speedingJumpStateChange && volume < this.VAR.GROUND_AIR_STATE_CHANGE_VOLUME) { volume = this.VAR.GROUND_AIR_STATE_CHANGE_VOLUME; } } volume = volume * this.VAR.GLOBAL_VOLUME_MULTIPLICATOR; if (!this.isFlying) { this.mod .manager() .getMinecraft() .theWorld .playSound( ply.posX, ply.posY, ply.posZ, "", volume, randomPitch(1f, this.VAR.LANDING_PITCH_RADIUS), false); } else { this.mod .manager() .getMinecraft() .theWorld .playSound( ply.posX, ply.posY, ply.posZ, "ccb_sounds.dash", volume, randomPitch(1f, this.VAR.DASHING_PITCH_RADIUS), false); } } simulateJumpingLanding(ply); } // Fall distance is used by non-pegasi if (this.isFlying) { if (volumetricSpeed != 0) { this.immobileTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } this.fallDistance = ply.fallDistance; } // Only play wing sounds if pegasus if (!ply.isInWater() && this.isPegasus && this.isFlying && System.currentTimeMillis() > this.airborneTime) { int period = this.VAR.WING_SLOW; if (volumetricSpeed > this.VAR.WING_SPEED_MIN) { period = (int) (period - (this.VAR.WING_SLOW - this.VAR.WING_FAST) * scalex( volumetricSpeed, this.VAR.WING_SPEED_MIN, this.VAR.WING_SPEED_MAX)); } this.airborneTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + period; float volume = this.VAR.WING_VOLUME; long diffImmobile = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.immobileTime; if (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.immobileTime > this.VAR.WING_IMMOBILE_FADE_START) { volume = volume * (1f - scalex( diffImmobile, this.VAR.WING_IMMOBILE_FADE_START, this.VAR.WING_IMMOBILE_FADE_DURATION)); } if (volume > 0f) { volume = volume * this.VAR.GLOBAL_VOLUME_MULTIPLICATOR; this.mod .manager() .getMinecraft() .theWorld .playSound( ply.posX, ply.posY, ply.posZ, "ccb_sounds.wing", volume, randomPitch(1f, this.VAR.WING_PITCH_RADIUS), false); } } }
protected void simulateHoofsteps(EntityPlayer ply) { final float distanceReference = ply.field_82151_R; // System.out.println(distanceReference); if (this.dmwBase > distanceReference) { this.dmwBase = 0; this.dwmYChange = 0; } if (ply.onGround || ply.isInWater() || ply.isOnLadder()) { float dwm = distanceReference - this.dmwBase; float speed = (float) Math.sqrt(ply.motionX * ply.motionX + ply.motionZ * ply.motionZ); float distance = this.VAR.WALK_DISTANCE; float volume = this.VAR.WALK_VOLUME; if (ply.isOnLadder()) { volume = this.VAR.LADDER_VOLUME; distance = this.VAR.LADDER_DISTANCE; } /*else if (!ply.onGround && !ply.isInWater()) { volume = 0; }*/ else if (Math.abs(this.yPosition - ply.posY) > 0.4d) { // Regular stance on staircases (1-1-1-1-) volume = this.VAR.STAIRCASE_VOLUME; distance = this.VAR.STAIRCASE_DISTANCE; this.dwmYChange = distanceReference; } else if (speed > this.VAR.SPEED_TO_GALLOP) { volume = this.VAR.GALLOP_VOLUME; // Gallop stance (1-1-2--) if (this.hoof == 3) { distance = this.VAR.GALLOP_DISTANCE_4; } else if (this.hoof == 2) { distance = this.VAR.GALLOP_DISTANCE_3; } else if (this.hoof == 1) { distance = this.VAR.GALLOP_DISTANCE_2; } else { distance = this.VAR.GALLOP_DISTANCE_1; } } else if (speed > this.VAR.SPEED_TO_WALK) { // Walking stance (2-2-) // Prevent the 2-2 steps from happening on staircases if (distanceReference - this.dwmYChange > this.VAR.STAIRCASE_ANTICHASE_DIFFERENCE) { if (this.hoof % 2 == 0) { // distance = distance / 7f; distance = distance * this.VAR.WALK_CHASING_FACTOR; } } } else { // Slow stance (1--1--1--1--) distance = this.VAR.SLOW_DISTANCE; volume = this.VAR.SLOW_VOLUME * speed / this.VAR.SPEED_TO_WALK; } if (dwm > distance) { volume = volume * this.VAR.GLOBAL_VOLUME_MULTIPLICATOR; makeSoundForPlayerBlock(ply, volume, 0d, CCBEventType.STEP); this.dmwBase = distanceReference; this.hoof = (this.hoof + 1) % 4; } } this.yPosition = ply.posY; }