예제 #1
 // method to stop Drums playing
 public void stopPlay() throws IOException {
   DrumConfig.comboPrint("The Drum Machine is no longer playing." + "\n");
   playing = false;
예제 #2
 // method to set up drum
 public void tune() throws IOException {
   DrumConfig.comboPrint("The Drum Machine is setup." + "\n");
   tuned = true;
예제 #3
 // method to start Drums playing
 public void play() throws IOException {
   DrumConfig.comboPrint("The Drum Machine is now playing." + "\n");
   playing = true;
예제 #4
 // displays string notes using methods in DrumConfig class
 public void viewDrumConfig(Drums thisDrum) throws IOException {
   String notes = thisDrum.DrumConfig.Notes();
   DrumConfig.comboPrint("The number of heads on this drum machine is: " + notes + "\n");