예제 #1
  protected void downloadNewPodCasts(
      ContentService contentService, String accounts, boolean canCollectData) {

    say("Starting find/download new podcasts. CarCast ver " + BaseActivity.getVersion());
    say("Problems? please use Menu / Email Download Report - THANKS!");

    List<Subscription> sites = contentService.getSubscriptions();

    if (canCollectData) {
      postSitesToJadn(accounts, sites);

    say("\nSearching " + sites.size() + " subscriptions. " + sdf.format(new Date()));

    totalSites = sites.size();

    say("History of downloads contains " + history.size() + " podcasts.");

    SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    EnclosureHandler encloseureHandler = new EnclosureHandler(max, history, this);

    for (Subscription sub : sites) {

      if (sub.enabled) {
        try {
          say("\nScanning subscription/feed: " + sub.url);
          URL url = new URL(sub.url);
          int foundStart = encloseureHandler.metaNets.size();
          if (sub.maxDownloads == -1) {
            encloseureHandler.max = max;
          } else {
            encloseureHandler.max = sub.maxDownloads;
          } // endif

          SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
          XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();
          String name = sub.name;
          xr.parse(new InputSource(url.openStream()));

          String message =
                  + "/"
                  + sites.size()
                  + ": "
                  + name
                  + ", "
                  + (encloseureHandler.metaNets.size() - foundStart)
                  + " new";

        } catch (Throwable e) {
          /* Display any Error to the GUI. */
          say("Error ex:" + e.getMessage());
          Log.e("BAH", "bad", e);
      } else {
        say("\nSkipping subscription/feed: " + sub.url + " because it is not enabled.");

    } // endforeach

    say("\nTotal enclosures " + encloseureHandler.metaNets.size());

    List<MetaNet> newPodcasts = new ArrayList<MetaNet>();
    for (MetaNet metaNet : encloseureHandler.metaNets) {
      if (history.contains(metaNet)) continue;
    say(newPodcasts.size() + " podcasts will be downloaded.");
    contentService.updateNotification(newPodcasts.size() + " podcasts will be downloaded.");

    totalPodcasts = newPodcasts.size();
    for (MetaNet metaNet : newPodcasts) {
      podcastsTotalBytes += metaNet.getSize();

    System.setProperty("http.maxRedirects", "50");

    int got = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < newPodcasts.size(); i++) {
      String shortName = newPodcasts.get(i).getUrlShortName();
      say((i + 1) + "/" + newPodcasts.size() + " " + shortName);
      contentService.updateNotification((i + 1) + "/" + newPodcasts.size() + " " + shortName);
      podcastsDownloaded = i + 1;

      try {
        File castFile =
            new File(Config.PodcastsRoot, Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ".mp3");
        if (encloseureHandler.isVideo(newPodcasts.get(i).getUrl().toString())) {
          castFile =
              new File(
                  "dcim/Camera/" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ".mp4");
        // This logic used to ensure we don't download the same file
        // more than once
        // by using the filename to verify if we have it or not, but now
        // we dont
        // trust the filename, so it could use some reworking
        if (castFile.exists()) {
          say("Skipping already have: " + shortName);
        } else {
          currentSubscription = newPodcasts.get(i).getSubscription();
          currentTitle = newPodcasts.get(i).getTitle();
          File tempFile = new File(Config.PodcastsRoot, "tempFile");
          say("Subscription: " + currentSubscription);
          say("Title: " + currentTitle);
          say("enclosure url: " + new URL(newPodcasts.get(i).getUrl()));
          InputStream is = getInputStream(new URL(newPodcasts.get(i).getUrl()));
          FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
          byte[] buf = new byte[16383];
          int amt = 0;
          int expectedSizeKilo = newPodcasts.get(i).getSize() / 1024;
          String preDownload = sb.toString();
          int totalForThisPodcast = 0;
          say(String.format("%dk/%dk 0", totalForThisPodcast / 1024, expectedSizeKilo) + "%\n");
          while ((amt = is.read(buf)) > 0) {
            fos.write(buf, 0, amt);
            podcastsCurrentBytes += amt;
            totalForThisPodcast += amt;
            sb =
                new StringBuilder(
                        + String.format(
                            "%dk/%dk  %d",
                            totalForThisPodcast / 1024,
                            (int) ((totalForThisPodcast / 10.24) / expectedSizeKilo))
                        + "%\n");
          say("download finished.");
          // add before rename, so if rename fails, we remember
          // that we tried this file and skip it next time.

          new MetaFile(newPodcasts.get(i), castFile).save();
          if (totalForThisPodcast != newPodcasts.get(i).getSize()) {
            say("Note: reported size in rss did not match download.");
            // subtract out wrong value
            podcastsTotalBytes -= newPodcasts.get(i).getSize();
            // add in correct value
            podcastsTotalBytes += totalForThisPodcast;
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        say("Problem downloading " + newPodcasts.get(i).getUrlShortName() + " e:" + e);
    say("Finished. Downloaded " + got + " new podcasts. " + sdf.format(new Date()));

    idle = true;
예제 #2
public class DownloadHelper implements Sayer {
  public String currentSubscription = " ";
  public String currentTitle = " ";
  DownloadHistory history = DownloadHistory.getInstance();
  int max;
  StringBuilder newText = new StringBuilder();
  int podcastsCurrentBytes;
  int podcastsDownloaded;
  int podcastsTotalBytes;
  int sitesScanned;
  int totalPodcasts;
  int totalSites;
  TextView tv;
  boolean idle;
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

  public DownloadHelper(int max) {
    this.max = max;

  SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM-dd hh:mma");

  protected void downloadNewPodCasts(
      ContentService contentService, String accounts, boolean canCollectData) {

    say("Starting find/download new podcasts. CarCast ver " + BaseActivity.getVersion());
    say("Problems? please use Menu / Email Download Report - THANKS!");

    List<Subscription> sites = contentService.getSubscriptions();

    if (canCollectData) {
      postSitesToJadn(accounts, sites);

    say("\nSearching " + sites.size() + " subscriptions. " + sdf.format(new Date()));

    totalSites = sites.size();

    say("History of downloads contains " + history.size() + " podcasts.");

    SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    EnclosureHandler encloseureHandler = new EnclosureHandler(max, history, this);

    for (Subscription sub : sites) {

      if (sub.enabled) {
        try {
          say("\nScanning subscription/feed: " + sub.url);
          URL url = new URL(sub.url);
          int foundStart = encloseureHandler.metaNets.size();
          if (sub.maxDownloads == -1) {
            encloseureHandler.max = max;
          } else {
            encloseureHandler.max = sub.maxDownloads;
          } // endif

          SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
          XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();
          String name = sub.name;
          xr.parse(new InputSource(url.openStream()));

          String message =
                  + "/"
                  + sites.size()
                  + ": "
                  + name
                  + ", "
                  + (encloseureHandler.metaNets.size() - foundStart)
                  + " new";

        } catch (Throwable e) {
          /* Display any Error to the GUI. */
          say("Error ex:" + e.getMessage());
          Log.e("BAH", "bad", e);
      } else {
        say("\nSkipping subscription/feed: " + sub.url + " because it is not enabled.");

    } // endforeach

    say("\nTotal enclosures " + encloseureHandler.metaNets.size());

    List<MetaNet> newPodcasts = new ArrayList<MetaNet>();
    for (MetaNet metaNet : encloseureHandler.metaNets) {
      if (history.contains(metaNet)) continue;
    say(newPodcasts.size() + " podcasts will be downloaded.");
    contentService.updateNotification(newPodcasts.size() + " podcasts will be downloaded.");

    totalPodcasts = newPodcasts.size();
    for (MetaNet metaNet : newPodcasts) {
      podcastsTotalBytes += metaNet.getSize();

    System.setProperty("http.maxRedirects", "50");

    int got = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < newPodcasts.size(); i++) {
      String shortName = newPodcasts.get(i).getUrlShortName();
      say((i + 1) + "/" + newPodcasts.size() + " " + shortName);
      contentService.updateNotification((i + 1) + "/" + newPodcasts.size() + " " + shortName);
      podcastsDownloaded = i + 1;

      try {
        File castFile =
            new File(Config.PodcastsRoot, Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ".mp3");
        if (encloseureHandler.isVideo(newPodcasts.get(i).getUrl().toString())) {
          castFile =
              new File(
                  "dcim/Camera/" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ".mp4");
        // This logic used to ensure we don't download the same file
        // more than once
        // by using the filename to verify if we have it or not, but now
        // we dont
        // trust the filename, so it could use some reworking
        if (castFile.exists()) {
          say("Skipping already have: " + shortName);
        } else {
          currentSubscription = newPodcasts.get(i).getSubscription();
          currentTitle = newPodcasts.get(i).getTitle();
          File tempFile = new File(Config.PodcastsRoot, "tempFile");
          say("Subscription: " + currentSubscription);
          say("Title: " + currentTitle);
          say("enclosure url: " + new URL(newPodcasts.get(i).getUrl()));
          InputStream is = getInputStream(new URL(newPodcasts.get(i).getUrl()));
          FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
          byte[] buf = new byte[16383];
          int amt = 0;
          int expectedSizeKilo = newPodcasts.get(i).getSize() / 1024;
          String preDownload = sb.toString();
          int totalForThisPodcast = 0;
          say(String.format("%dk/%dk 0", totalForThisPodcast / 1024, expectedSizeKilo) + "%\n");
          while ((amt = is.read(buf)) > 0) {
            fos.write(buf, 0, amt);
            podcastsCurrentBytes += amt;
            totalForThisPodcast += amt;
            sb =
                new StringBuilder(
                        + String.format(
                            "%dk/%dk  %d",
                            totalForThisPodcast / 1024,
                            (int) ((totalForThisPodcast / 10.24) / expectedSizeKilo))
                        + "%\n");
          say("download finished.");
          // add before rename, so if rename fails, we remember
          // that we tried this file and skip it next time.

          new MetaFile(newPodcasts.get(i), castFile).save();
          if (totalForThisPodcast != newPodcasts.get(i).getSize()) {
            say("Note: reported size in rss did not match download.");
            // subtract out wrong value
            podcastsTotalBytes -= newPodcasts.get(i).getSize();
            // add in correct value
            podcastsTotalBytes += totalForThisPodcast;
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        say("Problem downloading " + newPodcasts.get(i).getUrlShortName() + " e:" + e);
    say("Finished. Downloaded " + got + " new podcasts. " + sdf.format(new Date()));

    idle = true;

  // Deal with servers with "location" instead of "Location" in redirect
  // headers
  private InputStream getInputStream(URL url) throws IOException {
    int redirectLimit = 15;
    while (redirectLimit-- > 0) {
      HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
      if (con.getResponseCode() == 200) {
        return con.getInputStream();
      if (con.getResponseCode() > 300 && con.getResponseCode() > 399) {
        say(url + " gave resposneCode " + con.getResponseCode());
        throw new IOException();
      url = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        if (con.getHeaderFieldKey(i) == null) continue;
        // println
        // "key="+con.getHeaderFieldKey(i)+" field="+con.getHeaderField(i)
        if (con.getHeaderFieldKey(i).toLowerCase().equals("location")) {
          url = new URL(con.getHeaderField(i));
          // say("key=" + con.getHeaderFieldKey(i) + " field="
          // + con.getHeaderField(i));
      if (url == null) {
        say("Got 302 without Location");
        // String x = "";
        // for (int jj = 0; jj < 50; jj++) {
        // x += ", " + con.getHeaderFieldKey(jj);
        // }
        // say("headers " + x);
      // println "next: "+url
    throw new IOException(BaseActivity.getAppTitle() + " redirect limit reached");

  public String getStatus() {
    if (sitesScanned != totalSites) return "Scanning Sites " + sitesScanned + "/" + totalSites;
    return "Fetching "
        + podcastsDownloaded
        + "/"
        + totalPodcasts
        + "\n"
        + (podcastsCurrentBytes / 1024)
        + "k/"
        + (podcastsTotalBytes / 1024)
        + "k";

   * CarCast sends your list of subscriptions to jadn.com so that the list can be used to make the
   * populate search the search engine. This information is collected only if the checkbox is set in
   * the settings
  private void postSitesToJadn(final String accounts, final List<Subscription> sites) {

    // Do this in the background so user doesn't wait for data collection... they hate that. :)
    new Thread(
            new Runnable() {

              public void run() {
                try {
                  // Construct data
                  StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
                  boolean first = true;
                  for (Subscription sub : sites) {
                    if (first) first = false;
                    else data.append('|');

                  // Send data
                  URL url = new URL("http://jadn.com/carcast/collectSites");
                  // URL url = new
                  // URL("");
                  URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
                  OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
                  wr.write("appVersion=" + URLEncoder.encode(BaseActivity.getVersion(), "UTF-8"));
                  wr.write("accounts=" + URLEncoder.encode(accounts, "UTF-8"));
                  wr.write("sites=" + URLEncoder.encode(data.toString(), "UTF-8"));

                  // Get the response
                  BufferedReader rd =
                      new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
                  // String line = null;
                  while ((rd.readLine()) != null) {
                    // Process line...
                    // Log.d("carcast",line);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                  Log.e("carcast", "updateSite", e);

  public void say(String text) {