예제 #1
   * Add a web-fragment.xml
   * @param jarResource the jar the fragment is contained in
   * @param xmlResource the resource representing the xml file
   * @throws Exception
  public void addFragment(Resource jarResource, Resource xmlResource) throws Exception {
    if (_metaDataComplete)
      return; // do not process anything else if web.xml/web-override.xml set metadata-complete

    // Metadata-complete is not set, or there is no web.xml
    FragmentDescriptor descriptor = new FragmentDescriptor(xmlResource);
    _webFragmentResourceMap.put(jarResource, descriptor);


    if (descriptor.getName() != null) {
      Descriptor existing = _webFragmentNameMap.get(descriptor.getName());
      if (existing != null && !isAllowDuplicateFragmentNames()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "Duplicate fragment name: "
                + descriptor.getName()
                + " for "
                + existing.getResource()
                + " and "
                + descriptor.getResource());
      } else _webFragmentNameMap.put(descriptor.getName(), descriptor);

    // If web.xml has specified an absolute ordering, ignore any relative ordering in the fragment
    if (_ordering != null && _ordering.isAbsolute()) return;

    if (_ordering == null && descriptor.isOrdered())
      _ordering = new Ordering.RelativeOrdering(this);