예제 #1
   * Create Field instances, according to the attribute configurations inside the fieldConfig
   * parameter
   * @param strAttName the attributes name
   * @param strAttValue the attributes value
   * @param fieldConfig the field configuration. Here you can specify whether a specific field
   *     should be analyzed, etc. You can also set default values.
   * @return the field, with Store, Index and TermVector configuration as given in fieldConfig. Null
   *     in the case the field could'nt generated
  public static AbstractField createField(
      String strAttName, String strAttValue, FieldConfig fieldConfig) {

    // Der Store

    Store store = fieldConfig.defaultFieldMapping.store;

    FieldMapping fieldMapping4Att = fieldConfig.hsFieldName2FieldMapping.get(strAttName);

    Index index = fieldMapping4Att != null ? fieldMapping4Att.index : null;

    if (index == null) index = fieldConfig.defaultFieldMapping.index;

    TermVector termVector = fieldMapping4Att != null ? fieldMapping4Att.termVector : null;
    if (termVector == null) termVector = fieldConfig.defaultFieldMapping.termVector;

    // welches Field erzeugt wird, steht ebenfalls in der config
    FieldType fieldType = fieldMapping4Att != null ? fieldMapping4Att.fieldType : null;
    if (fieldType == null) fieldType = fieldConfig.defaultFieldMapping.fieldType;

    AbstractField newField = null;
    if (strAttValue == null) strAttValue = "";

    if (FieldType.STRING.equals(fieldType)) {
      newField = new Field(strAttName, strAttValue, store, index, termVector);
    } else if (StringUtils.nullOrWhitespace(strAttValue)) {
      // wir können keine leeren numericValues eintragen - wir probieren, ob man string und number
      // mit einem attributnamen mischen kann^^
      // scheint zu gehen
      // wenn das value leer ist und wir ein numerisches Field haben, dann indexieren wir dieses
      // value nicht - ansonsten gibt es
      // Probleme beim Sortieren nach diesem numerischen Field
      newField = new Field(strAttName, strAttValue, store, Index.NO, TermVector.NO);
    } else if (m_llNumberTypes.contains(fieldType)) {
      boolean bIndex = false;
      if (index == Index.ANALYZED || index == Index.ANALYZED_NO_NORMS) bIndex = true;
      newField = new NumericField(strAttName, store, bIndex);

      if (FieldType.INTEGER.equals(fieldType))
        ((NumericField) newField).setIntValue(Integer.parseInt(strAttValue));
      else if (FieldType.LONG.equals(fieldType))
        ((NumericField) newField).setLongValue(Long.parseLong(strAttValue));
      else if (FieldType.FLOAT.equals(fieldType))
        ((NumericField) newField).setFloatValue(Float.parseFloat(strAttValue));
      else if (FieldType.DOUBLE.equals(fieldType))
        ((NumericField) newField).setDoubleValue(Double.parseDouble(strAttValue));
    } else if (FieldType.DATE.equals(fieldType)) {
      boolean bIndex = false;
      if (index == Index.ANALYZED || index == Index.ANALYZED_NO_NORMS) bIndex = true;
      newField = new NumericField(strAttName, store, bIndex);

      Date parsedDate = DateParser.parseDateString(strAttValue);
      if (parsedDate == null) {
        return null;
      ((NumericField) newField).setLongValue(DateUtils.date2Number(parsedDate));
    } else if (FieldType.TIME.equals(fieldType)) {
      boolean bIndex = false;
      if (index == Index.ANALYZED || index == Index.ANALYZED_NO_NORMS) bIndex = true;
      newField = new NumericField(strAttName, store, bIndex);

      Date parsedDate = DateParser.parseDateString(strAttValue);
      ((NumericField) newField)
          .setIntValue(Integer.parseInt(new SimpleDateFormat("HHmmssSSS").format(parsedDate)));

    return newField;