private void changeComponent(final int comp) { String sql = "Update experimentcomponent set component = " + comp + " where id = " + compID; // Initialize the service remote procedure call if (databaseAccessSvc == null) { databaseAccessSvc = GWT.create(DatabaseAccess.class); } AsyncCallback<String> callback = new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {} public void onSuccess(String result) { if (comp > 0) { WebWOZWizard.changeVisiblility(6); } else { WebWOZWizard.changeVisiblility(7); } reloadSettings(); checkVisibility(); } }; databaseAccessSvc.storeData(sql, callback); }
private void changeLang(int type) { String sql = ""; switch (type) { case 1: sql = "Update experiment set mtoutsrc = '" + srcLangList.getValue(srcLangList.getSelectedIndex()) + "' where id = " + expId; mtoSrc = srcLangList.getValue(srcLangList.getSelectedIndex()); break; case 2: sql = "Update experiment set mtouttrg = '" + trgLangList.getValue(trgLangList.getSelectedIndex()) + "' where id = " + expId; mtoTrg = trgLangList.getValue(trgLangList.getSelectedIndex()); break; default: break; } // Initialize the service remote procedure call if (databaseAccessSvc == null) { databaseAccessSvc = GWT.create(DatabaseAccess.class); } AsyncCallback<String> callback = new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {} public void onSuccess(String result) { reloadSettings(); } }; databaseAccessSvc.storeData(sql, callback); }
public void turnOffComponent() { String sql = "Update experimentcomponent set component = 0 and componentmode = 0 where id = " + compID; // Initialize the service remote procedure call if (databaseAccessSvc == null) { databaseAccessSvc = GWT.create(DatabaseAccess.class); } AsyncCallback<String> callback = new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {} public void onSuccess(String result) { reloadLTCs(); compList.setItemSelected(0, true); checkVisibility(); } }; databaseAccessSvc.storeData(sql, callback); }