예제 #1
 public DMatrix sub(DMatrix other) {
   assert this.length() == other.length()
       : System.out.printf("Length is not equal. %d - %d\n", this.length(), other.length());
   DMatrix m = new CUDAMatrix(this.rows(), this.columns(), this.toArray());
   SimpleCuBlas.axpy(-1.0, other, m);
   return m;
예제 #2
 public static DMatrix randn(int r, int c, boolean _persist) {
   DMatrix m = new CUDAMatrix(r, c);
   m.persist = _persist;
   for (int i = 0; i < r * c; i++) m.put(i, RandomUtils.nextGaussian());
   if (m.persist) {
     m.cPointer = SimpleCuBlas.alloc(m.data());
   return m;
예제 #3
  * update with give grad and hess
  * @param dtrain training data
  * @param grad first order of gradient
  * @param hess seconde order of gradient
  * @throws XGBoostError native error
 public void boost(DMatrix dtrain, float[] grad, float[] hess) throws XGBoostError {
   if (grad.length != hess.length) {
     throw new AssertionError(
         String.format("grad/hess length mismatch %s / %s", grad.length, hess.length));
       XgboostJNI.XGBoosterBoostOneIter(handle, dtrain.getHandle(), grad, hess));
예제 #4
   * Computes the density function <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>f</I> (<I>x</I>)</SPAN>, with <SPAN
   * CLASS="MATH"><I>&#955;</I><SUB>i</SUB> =</SPAN> <TT>lambda[<SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>i</I> -
   * 1</SPAN>]</TT>, <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>i</I> = 1,&#8230;, <I>k</I></SPAN>.
   * @param lambda rates of the hypoexponential distribution
   * @param x value at which the density is evaluated
   * @return density at <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>
  public static double density(double[] lambda, double x) {
    if (x < 0) return 0;
    DoubleMatrix2D Ax = buildMatrix(lambda, x);
    DoubleMatrix2D M = DMatrix.expBidiagonal(Ax);

    int k = lambda.length;
    return lambda[k - 1] * M.getQuick(0, k - 1);
예제 #5
   * Computes the complementary distribution <SPAN CLASS="MATH">bar(F)(<I>x</I>)</SPAN>, with <SPAN
   * CLASS="MATH"><I>&#955;</I><SUB>i</SUB> =</SPAN> <TT>lambda[<SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>i</I> -
   * 1</SPAN>]</TT>, <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>i</I> = 1,&#8230;, <I>k</I></SPAN>.
   * @param lambda rates of the hypoexponential distribution
   * @param x value at which the complementary distribution is evaluated
   * @return complementary distribution at <SPAN CLASS="MATH"><I>x</I></SPAN>
  public static double barF(double[] lambda, double x) {
    if (x <= 0.0) return 1.0;
    if (x >= Double.MAX_VALUE) return 0.0;
    DoubleMatrix2D M = buildMatrix(lambda, x);
    M = DMatrix.expBidiagonal(M);

    // prob is first row of final matrix
    int k = lambda.length;
    double sum = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) sum += M.getQuick(0, j);
    return sum;
예제 #6
  * base function for Predict
  * @param data data
  * @param outPutMargin output margin
  * @param treeLimit limit number of trees
  * @param predLeaf prediction minimum to keep leafs
  * @return predict results
 private synchronized float[][] pred(
     DMatrix data, boolean outPutMargin, int treeLimit, boolean predLeaf) throws XGBoostError {
   int optionMask = 0;
   if (outPutMargin) {
     optionMask = 1;
   if (predLeaf) {
     optionMask = 2;
   float[][] rawPredicts = new float[1][];
       XgboostJNI.XGBoosterPredict(handle, data.getHandle(), optionMask, treeLimit, rawPredicts));
   int row = (int) data.rowNum();
   int col = rawPredicts[0].length / row;
   float[][] predicts = new float[row][col];
   int r, c;
   for (int i = 0; i < rawPredicts[0].length; i++) {
     r = i / col;
     c = i % col;
     predicts[r][c] = rawPredicts[0][i];
   return predicts;
예제 #7
  private void test(DMatrix a) {
    int m = a.getM();
    int n = a.getN();

    DMatrixLud lud = new DMatrixLud(a);
    int[] piv = lud.getPivot();
    DMatrix l = lud.getL();
    DMatrix u = lud.getU();
    DMatrix lu = l.times(u);
    assertEqualFuzzy(a.get(piv, null), lu);

    if (m == n) {
      int nrhs = 2;
      DMatrix b = DMatrix.random(m, nrhs);
      DMatrix x = lud.solve(b);
      DMatrix ax = a.times(x);
      assertEqualFuzzy(ax, b);
예제 #8
 public DMatrix mmul(boolean tA, boolean tB, DMatrix B) {
   //    assert (this.columns()==B.rows());
   DMatrix C = new CUDAMatrix(this.rows(), B.columns());
   return mmul(tA, tB, B, C);
예제 #9
 public DMatrix muli(DMatrix other) {
   assert (this.length() == other.length());
   SimpleCuBlas.mul(this, other, this);
   return this;
예제 #10
 public DMatrix mul(DMatrix other) {
   assert (this.length() == other.length());
   DMatrix m = new CUDAMatrix(this.rows(), this.columns());
   SimpleCuBlas.mul(this, other, m);
   return m;
예제 #11
 public DMatrix dotRows(DMatrix B) {
   assert (this.rows() == B.rows() && this.columns() == B.columns());
   return this.mul(B).sumColumns();
예제 #12
 public DMatrix vectorNorm() {
   DMatrix m = DMath.createMatrix(this.rows(), this.columns(), this.toArray());
   DMatrix Denom = this.mul(this).sumColumns();
   return m.divRows(Denom);
예제 #13
 public DMatrix mulRows(DMatrix colVector) {
   assert (this.rows() == colVector.rows() && colVector.columns() == 1);
   DMatrix m = new CUDAMatrix(this.rows(), this.columns(), this.toArray());
   SimpleCuBlas.mulRows(colVector, m);
   return m;
예제 #14
 public DMatrix mmuli(DMatrix B) {
   assert (this.columns() == B.rows());
   return mmul(false, false, B, this);
예제 #15
 public DMatrix mmul(DMatrix B) {
   //    assert (this.columns()==B.rows());
   DMatrix C = new CUDAMatrix(this.rows(), B.columns());
   return mmul(false, false, B, C);
예제 #16
 public static DMatrix randn(int r, int c) {
   DMatrix m = new CUDAMatrix(r, c);
   for (int i = 0; i < r * c; i++) m.put(i, RandomUtils.nextGaussian());
   return m;
예제 #17
 public void testRandom() {
   test(DMatrix.random(100, 100));
   test(DMatrix.random(101, 100));
예제 #18
  // result = this*other
  public DMatrix mmul(boolean tA, boolean tB, DMatrix B, DMatrix C) {

    int m = tA ? this.columns() : this.rows();
    int n = tB ? B.rows() : B.columns();
    int k = tA ? this.rows() : this.columns();
    int kB = tB ? B.columns() : B.rows();
    assert (k == kB);
    if (C.rows != m || C.columns != n) {
      if (C != this && C != B) {
        C.resize(m, n);
      } else {
            "[ALERT] Should not resize result matrix because it is used in-place. But doing it anyway.\n");

    if (C == this || C == B) {
      /* actually, blas cannot do multiplications in-place. Therefore, we will fake by
       * * allocating a temporary object on the side and copy the result later.
       * */
      DMatrix temp = new CUDAMatrix(m, n);
      if (m == 1) {
        SimpleCuBlas.gemv(tB, B, this, temp, 1.0, 0.0);
      } else {
        SimpleCuBlas.gemm(tA, tB, this, B, temp, 1.0, 0.0);
      if (temp.rows() == C.rows() && temp.columns() == C.columns()) SimpleCuBlas.copy(temp, C);
      else {
        C.resize(m, n);
        SimpleCuBlas.copy(temp, C);
    } else {
      if (m == 1) {
        SimpleCuBlas.gemv(tB, B, this, C, 1.0, 0.0);
      } else {
        SimpleCuBlas.gemm(tA, tB, this, B, C, 1.0, 0.0);
    return C;
예제 #19
 // y = 1*x+y
 public DMatrix add(DMatrix other) {
   assert (this.length() == other.length());
   DMatrix m = new CUDAMatrix(this.rows, this.columns, this.data());
   SimpleCuBlas.axpy(1.0, other, m);
   return m;
예제 #20
 public DMatrix fillWithArray(DMatrix other) {
   assert (this.length() % other.length() == 0);
   SimpleCuBlas.fillWithArray(other, this);
   return this;
예제 #21
 public DMatrix addi(DMatrix other) {
   assert (this.length() == other.length());
   //    System.out.printf("Using cuda blas\n");
   SimpleCuBlas.axpy(1.0, other, this);
   return this;
예제 #22
 public DMatrix mulRowsi(DMatrix colVector) {
   assert (this.rows() == colVector.rows() && colVector.columns() == 1);
   SimpleCuBlas.mulRows(colVector, this);
   return this;
예제 #23
 public DMatrix subi(DMatrix other) {
   assert (this.length() == other.length());
   SimpleCuBlas.axpy(-1.0, other, this);
   return this;
예제 #24
 public DMatrix rowNorms() {
   DMatrix norm = this.mul(this).sumColumns();
   return norm;
예제 #25
 public DMatrix sub(double v) {
   DMatrix m = DMath.createMatrix(this.rows(), this.columns(), this.toArray());
   for (int i = 0; i < this.length(); i++) m.put(i, m.get(i) - v);
   return m;
예제 #26
 public static DMatrix ones(int r, int c) {
   DMatrix m = new CUDAMatrix(r, c);
   for (int i = 0; i < r * c; i++) m.put(i, 1.0);
   return m;
예제 #27
  * Update (one iteration)
  * @param dtrain training data
  * @param iter current iteration number
  * @throws XGBoostError native error
 public void update(DMatrix dtrain, int iter) throws XGBoostError {
   JNIErrorHandle.checkCall(XgboostJNI.XGBoosterUpdateOneIter(handle, iter, dtrain.getHandle()));