   * Cleanup a file after it has been successfully processed.
   * <p>This can through both IOExceptions and runtime exceptions due to Preconditions failures.
   * <p>According to the link below, Solaris (I assume POSIX/linux) does atomic rename but Windows
   * does not guarantee it. http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4017593 To be truly
   * correct, I need to check the return value (will likely fail in unix if moving from one volume
   * to another instead of just within same volume)
  synchronized void changeState(String tag, State oldState, State newState) throws IOException {
    DFOData data = table.get(tag);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(data != null, "Tag " + tag + " has no data");
        tag.equals(data.tag), "Data associated with tag didn't match tag " + tag);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Change " + data.s + "/" + oldState + " to " + newState + " : " + tag);

    // null allows any previous state.
    if (oldState == null) {
      oldState = data.s;

        data.s == oldState, "Expected state to be " + oldState + " but was " + data.s);

    if (oldState == State.ERROR) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot move from error state");

    // SENT is terminal state, no where to move, just delete it.
    if (newState == State.SENT) {
      File sentFile = getFile(tag);
      data.s = newState;
      if (!sentFile.delete()) {
        LOG.error("Couldn't delete " + sentFile + " - can be safely manually deleted");

      // TODO (jon) need to eventually age off sent files entry to not exhaust
      // memory

    // move files to other directories to making state change durable.
    File orig = getFile(tag);
    File newf = new File(getDir(newState), tag);
    boolean success = orig.renameTo(newf);
    if (!success) {
      throw new IOException("Move  " + orig + " -> " + newf + "failed!");

    // is successful, update queues.
    LOG.debug("old state is " + oldState);
    BlockingQueue<String> q = getQueue(newState);
    if (q != null) {
    data.s = newState;
 /** This is a hook that imports external files to the dfo bypassing the default append */
 public synchronized void importData() throws IOException {
   // move all writing into the logged dir.
   for (String fn : importDir.list()) {
     // add to logging queue
     DFOData data = DFOData.recovered(fn);
     synchronized (this) {
       table.put(fn, data);
   * This looks at directory structure and recovers state based on where files are in the file
   * system.
   * <p>For a first cut, we will just get everything into the logged state and restart from there.
   * Optimizations will recover at finer grain and be more performant.
  public synchronized void recover() throws IOException {

    // move all writing into the logged dir.
    for (String f : writingDir.list()) {
      File old = new File(writingDir, f);

      if (!old.isFile() || !old.renameTo(new File(loggedDir, f))) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Unable to recover - couldn't rename " + old + " to " + loggedDir + f);
      LOG.debug("Recover moved " + f + " from WRITING to LOGGED");

    // move all sending into the logged dir
    for (String f : sendingDir.list()) {
      File old = new File(sendingDir, f);
      if (!old.isFile() || !old.renameTo(new File(loggedDir, f))) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Unable to recover - couldn't rename " + old + " to " + loggedDir + f);
      LOG.debug("Recover moved " + f + " from SENDING to LOGGED");

    // add all logged to loggedQ and table
    for (String f : loggedDir.list()) {

      // File log = new File(loggedDir, f);
      DFOData data = DFOData.recovered(f);
      table.put(f, data);
      LOG.debug("Recover loaded " + f);

    // carry on now on your merry way.
 static DFOData recovered(String tag) {
   DFOData data = new DFOData(tag);
   data.s = State.LOGGED;
   return data;