public void open_account(boolean save) { // actually opens the account customer.addAccount( starting_account_number, save); // addAccount will create a new account based on whether it is savings/checkings StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); text.append("<html>Account created!<br>"); String result = customer.returnInfo(); String subResult = result.substring(6); text.append(subResult); String infoText = text.toString(); jf.displayInfo(infoText); transaction_counter++; add_interest(); try { saveFile(cust, DBfile); saveFile(adminLogs, logFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } customer = null; // resets the customer and account after each transaction pin = null; }
public void model_transfer(String customerID, String customerPIN) { // calls the transfer screen from the RunningFrame class validate_info(customerID, customerPIN); if (customer != null) { jf.dispose(); jf = new RunningFrame(this); String result = customer.returnInfo(); ArrayList<String> allAccounts = customer.getAllAccounts(); jf.transferScreen(result, allAccounts); } }
public String close_account(String accountNum) { // actually closes the customer's account and returns a dialog box customer.removeAccount(accountNum); String cusInfo = customer.returnInfo(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("<html>Deleted account!<br>Updated information:<br>"); String subCusInfo = cusInfo.substring(7, cusInfo.length()); // removes the last html tag from returnInfo() result.append(subCusInfo); try { saveFile(cust, DBfile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } customer = null; // resets the customer and account after each transaction pin = null; return result.toString(); }