예제 #1
   * Is standard Period closed for all Document Base Types
   * @param ctx context for AD_Client
   * @param DateAcct accounting date
   * @return true if closed
  public static boolean isClosed(Ctx ctx, Timestamp DateAcct) {
    if (DateAcct == null) return false;
    MAcctSchema as = MClient.get(ctx, ctx.getAD_Client_ID()).getAcctSchema();
    if (as.isAutoPeriodControl()) return !as.isAutoPeriodControlOpen(DateAcct);

    //	Get all Calendars in line with Organizations
    MClientInfo cInfo = MClientInfo.get(ctx, ctx.getAD_Client_ID(), null);
    ArrayList<Integer> calendars = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    MOrg[] orgs = MOrg.getOfClient(cInfo);
    for (MOrg org : orgs) {
      MOrgInfo info = MOrgInfo.get(ctx, org.getAD_Org_ID(), null);
      int C_Calendar_ID = info.getC_Calendar_ID();
      if (C_Calendar_ID == 0) C_Calendar_ID = cInfo.getC_Calendar_ID();
      if (!calendars.contains(C_Calendar_ID)) calendars.add(C_Calendar_ID);
    //	Should not happen
    if (calendars.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("@NotFound@ @C_Calendar_ID@");

    //	For all Calendars get Periods
    for (int i = 0; i < calendars.size(); i++) {
      int C_Calendar_ID = calendars.get(i);
      MPeriod period = MPeriod.getOfCalendar(ctx, C_Calendar_ID, DateAcct);
      //	Period not found
      if (period == null) return false;
      if (!period.isClosed()) return false;
    return true; //	closed
  } //	isClosed
예제 #2
   * Set Environment
   * @param prop
   * @param WindowNo included Window variables
  public void setEnvironment(Ctx prop, int WindowNo) {
    if (prop == null) prop = Env.getCtx();

    m_ctx = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    //  Convert properties to HashMap
    Iterator<String> it = prop.keySet().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      String key = it.next();
      //  filter
      if (key == null
          || key.length() == 0
          || key.startsWith("P") //  Preferences
          || (key.indexOf("|") != -1
              && !key.startsWith(String.valueOf(WindowNo))) //  other Window Settings
      ) continue;

      String value = prop.getContext(key);
      setEnvironment(key, value);
  } //  setEnvironment
예제 #3
   * Get User Goals
   * @param ctx context
   * @param AD_User_ID user
   * @return array of goals
  public static MGoal[] getUserGoals(Ctx ctx) {
    int AD_Role_ID = ctx.getAD_Role_ID();
    MRole role = MRole.get(ctx, AD_Role_ID);
    int AD_User_ID = ctx.getAD_User_ID();

    if (AD_User_ID < 0) return getTestGoals(ctx);
    ArrayList<MGoal> list = new ArrayList<MGoal>();
    String sql =
        "SELECT * FROM PA_Goal g "
            + "WHERE IsActive='Y'"
            + " AND AD_Client_ID=?" //	#1
            + " AND (";
    if (!role.isWebStoreRole()) sql += " (AD_User_ID IS NULL AND AD_Role_ID IS NULL) OR ";
    sql +=
        " AD_User_ID=?" //	#2
            + " OR EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_User_Roles ur "
            + "WHERE ?=ur.AD_User_ID AND g.AD_Role_ID=ur.AD_Role_ID AND ur.IsActive='Y')) "
            + "ORDER BY SeqNo";
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, (Trx) null);
      pstmt.setInt(1, ctx.getAD_Client_ID());
      pstmt.setInt(2, AD_User_ID);
      pstmt.setInt(3, AD_User_ID);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while (rs.next()) {
        MGoal goal = new MGoal(ctx, rs, null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
    MGoal[] retValue = new MGoal[list.size()];
    return retValue;
  } //	getUserGoals