예제 #1
     * Allocate a new context big enough for globalCount + localCount + remoteCount elements and
     * return the initial corresponding ContextState.
    public static ContextState allocate(int globalCount, int localCount, int remoteCount) {
      int headerLength = HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH + (globalCount + localCount) * HEADER_ELT_LENGTH;
      int bodyLength = (globalCount + localCount + remoteCount) * STEP_LENGTH;

      ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(headerLength + bodyLength);
      buffer.putShort(buffer.position(), (short) (globalCount + localCount));

      return ContextState.wrap(buffer);
예제 #2
   * Human-readable String from context.
   * @param context counter context.
   * @return a human-readable String of the context.
  public String toString(ByteBuffer context) {
    ContextState state = ContextState.wrap(context);
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    while (state.hasRemaining()) {
      if (state.getElementIndex() > 0) sb.append(",");
      sb.append(state.getCounterId()).append(", ");
      sb.append(state.getClock()).append(", ");
      if (state.isGlobal()) sb.append("$");
      else if (state.isLocal()) sb.append("*");

    return sb.toString();
예제 #3
  public void testDiff() throws UnknownHostException {
    ContextState left;
    ContextState right;

    CounterColumn leftCol;
    CounterColumn rightCol;

    // timestamp
    leftCol = new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("x"), 0, 1L);
    rightCol = new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("x"), 0, 2L);

    assert rightCol == leftCol.diff(rightCol);
    assert null == rightCol.diff(leftCol);

    // timestampOfLastDelete
    leftCol = new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("x"), 0, 1L, 1L);
    rightCol = new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("x"), 0, 1L, 2L);

    assert rightCol == leftCol.diff(rightCol);
    assert null == rightCol.diff(leftCol);

    // equality: equal nodes, all counts same
    left = ContextState.allocate(3, 0);
    left.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(3), 3L, 0L);
    left.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(6), 2L, 0L);
    left.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(9), 1L, 0L);
    right = new ContextState(ByteBufferUtil.clone(left.context), 2);

    leftCol = new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("x"), left.context, 1L);
    rightCol = new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("x"), right.context, 1L);
    assert null == leftCol.diff(rightCol);

    // greater than: left has superset of nodes (counts equal)
    left = ContextState.allocate(4, 0);
    left.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(3), 3L, 0L);
    left.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(6), 2L, 0L);
    left.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(9), 1L, 0L);
    left.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(12), 0L, 0L);

    right = ContextState.allocate(3, 0);
    right.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(3), 3L, 0L);
    right.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(6), 2L, 0L);
    right.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(9), 1L, 0L);

    leftCol = new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("x"), left.context, 1L);
    rightCol = new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("x"), right.context, 1L);
    assert null == leftCol.diff(rightCol);

    // less than: right has subset of nodes (counts equal)
    assert leftCol == rightCol.diff(leftCol);

    // disjoint: right and left have disjoint node sets
    left = ContextState.allocate(3, 0);
    left.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(3), 1L, 0L);
    left.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(4), 1L, 0L);
    left.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(9), 1L, 0L);

    right = ContextState.allocate(3, 0);
    right.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(3), 1L, 0L);
    right.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(6), 1L, 0L);
    right.writeElement(NodeId.fromInt(9), 1L, 0L);

    leftCol = new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("x"), left.context, 1L);
    rightCol = new CounterColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("x"), right.context, 1L);
    assert rightCol == leftCol.diff(rightCol);
    assert leftCol == rightCol.diff(leftCol);
예제 #4
 /** Creates a counter context with a single global, 2.1+ shard (a result of increment). */
 public ByteBuffer createGlobal(CounterId id, long clock, long count) {
   ContextState state = ContextState.allocate(1, 0, 0);
   state.writeGlobal(id, clock, count);
   return state.context;
예제 #5
 public void copyTo(ContextState other) {
   other.writeElement(getCounterId(), getClock(), getCount(), currentIsGlobal, currentIsLocal);
예제 #6
   * Compares two shards, returns:
   * - GREATER_THAN if leftState overrides rightState
   * - LESS_THAN if rightState overrides leftState
   * - EQUAL for two equal, non-local, shards
   * - DISJOINT for any two local shards
  private Relationship compare(ContextState leftState, ContextState rightState) {
    long leftClock = leftState.getClock();
    long leftCount = leftState.getCount();
    long rightClock = rightState.getClock();
    long rightCount = rightState.getCount();

    if (leftState.isGlobal() || rightState.isGlobal()) {
      if (leftState.isGlobal() && rightState.isGlobal()) {
        if (leftClock == rightClock) {
          // Can happen if an sstable gets lost and disk failure policy is set to 'best effort'
          if (leftCount != rightCount && CompactionManager.isCompactionManager.get()) {
                "invalid global counter shard detected; ({}, {}, {}) and ({}, {}, {}) differ only in "
                    + "count; will pick highest to self-heal on compaction",

          if (leftCount > rightCount) return Relationship.GREATER_THAN;
          else if (leftCount == rightCount) return Relationship.EQUAL;
          else return Relationship.LESS_THAN;
        } else {
          return leftClock > rightClock ? Relationship.GREATER_THAN : Relationship.LESS_THAN;
      } else // only one is global - keep that one
        return leftState.isGlobal() ? Relationship.GREATER_THAN : Relationship.LESS_THAN;

    if (leftState.isLocal() || rightState.isLocal()) {
      // Local id and at least one is a local shard.
      if (leftState.isLocal() && rightState.isLocal()) return Relationship.DISJOINT;
      else // only one is local - keep that one
      return leftState.isLocal() ? Relationship.GREATER_THAN : Relationship.LESS_THAN;

    // both are remote shards
    if (leftClock == rightClock) {
      // We should never see non-local shards w/ same id+clock but different counts. However, if we
      // do
      // we should "heal" the problem by being deterministic in our selection of shard - and
      // log the occurrence so that the operator will know something is wrong.
      if (leftCount != rightCount && CompactionManager.isCompactionManager.get()) {
            "invalid remote counter shard detected; ({}, {}, {}) and ({}, {}, {}) differ only in "
                + "count; will pick highest to self-heal on compaction",

      if (leftCount > rightCount) return Relationship.GREATER_THAN;
      else if (leftCount == rightCount) return Relationship.EQUAL;
      else return Relationship.LESS_THAN;
    } else {
      if ((leftClock >= 0 && rightClock > 0 && leftClock >= rightClock)
          || (leftClock < 0 && (rightClock > 0 || leftClock < rightClock)))
        return Relationship.GREATER_THAN;
      else return Relationship.LESS_THAN;
예제 #7
  private ByteBuffer merge(
      ContextState mergedState, ContextState leftState, ContextState rightState) {
    while (leftState.hasRemaining() && rightState.hasRemaining()) {
      int cmp = leftState.compareIdTo(rightState);
      if (cmp == 0) {
        Relationship rel = compare(leftState, rightState);
        if (rel == Relationship.DISJOINT) // two local shards
              leftState.getClock() + rightState.getClock(),
              leftState.getCount() + rightState.getCount());
        else if (rel == Relationship.GREATER_THAN) leftState.copyTo(mergedState);
        else // EQUAL or LESS_THAN

      } else if (cmp > 0) {
      } else // cmp < 0

    while (leftState.hasRemaining()) {

    while (rightState.hasRemaining()) {

    return mergedState.context;
예제 #8
   * Return a context w/ an aggregated count for each counter id.
   * @param left counter context.
   * @param right counter context.
  public ByteBuffer merge(ByteBuffer left, ByteBuffer right) {
    boolean leftIsSuperSet = true;
    boolean rightIsSuperSet = true;

    int globalCount = 0;
    int localCount = 0;
    int remoteCount = 0;

    ContextState leftState = ContextState.wrap(left);
    ContextState rightState = ContextState.wrap(right);

    while (leftState.hasRemaining() && rightState.hasRemaining()) {
      int cmp = leftState.compareIdTo(rightState);
      if (cmp == 0) {
        Relationship rel = compare(leftState, rightState);
        if (rel == Relationship.GREATER_THAN) rightIsSuperSet = false;
        else if (rel == Relationship.LESS_THAN) leftIsSuperSet = false;
        else if (rel == Relationship.DISJOINT) leftIsSuperSet = rightIsSuperSet = false;

        if (leftState.isGlobal() || rightState.isGlobal()) globalCount += 1;
        else if (leftState.isLocal() || rightState.isLocal()) localCount += 1;
        else remoteCount += 1;

      } else if (cmp > 0) {
        leftIsSuperSet = false;

        if (rightState.isGlobal()) globalCount += 1;
        else if (rightState.isLocal()) localCount += 1;
        else remoteCount += 1;

      } else // cmp < 0
        rightIsSuperSet = false;

        if (leftState.isGlobal()) globalCount += 1;
        else if (leftState.isLocal()) localCount += 1;
        else remoteCount += 1;


    if (leftState.hasRemaining()) rightIsSuperSet = false;
    else if (rightState.hasRemaining()) leftIsSuperSet = false;

    // if one of the contexts is a superset, return it early.
    if (leftIsSuperSet) return left;
    else if (rightIsSuperSet) return right;

    while (leftState.hasRemaining()) {
      if (leftState.isGlobal()) globalCount += 1;
      else if (leftState.isLocal()) localCount += 1;
      else remoteCount += 1;


    while (rightState.hasRemaining()) {
      if (rightState.isGlobal()) globalCount += 1;
      else if (rightState.isLocal()) localCount += 1;
      else remoteCount += 1;



    return merge(
        ContextState.allocate(globalCount, localCount, remoteCount), leftState, rightState);
예제 #9
   * Determine the count relationship between two contexts.
   * <p>EQUAL: Equal set of nodes and every count is equal. GREATER_THAN: Superset of nodes and
   * every count is equal or greater than its corollary. LESS_THAN: Subset of nodes and every count
   * is equal or less than its corollary. DISJOINT: Node sets are not equal and/or counts are not
   * all greater or less than.
   * <p>Strategy: compare node logical clocks (like a version vector).
   * @param left counter context.
   * @param right counter context.
   * @return the Relationship between the contexts.
  public Relationship diff(ByteBuffer left, ByteBuffer right) {
    Relationship relationship = Relationship.EQUAL;
    ContextState leftState = ContextState.wrap(left);
    ContextState rightState = ContextState.wrap(right);

    while (leftState.hasRemaining() && rightState.hasRemaining()) {
      // compare id bytes
      int compareId = leftState.compareIdTo(rightState);
      if (compareId == 0) {
        long leftClock = leftState.getClock();
        long rightClock = rightState.getClock();
        long leftCount = leftState.getCount();
        long rightCount = rightState.getCount();

        // advance

        // process clock comparisons
        if (leftClock == rightClock) {
          if (leftCount != rightCount) {
            // Inconsistent shard (see the corresponding code in merge()). We return DISJOINT in
            // this
            // case so that it will be treated as a difference, allowing read-repair to work.
            return Relationship.DISJOINT;
        } else if ((leftClock >= 0 && rightClock > 0 && leftClock > rightClock)
            || (leftClock < 0 && (rightClock > 0 || leftClock < rightClock))) {
          if (relationship == Relationship.EQUAL) relationship = Relationship.GREATER_THAN;
          else if (relationship == Relationship.LESS_THAN) return Relationship.DISJOINT;
          // relationship == Relationship.GREATER_THAN
        } else {
          if (relationship == Relationship.EQUAL) relationship = Relationship.LESS_THAN;
          else if (relationship == Relationship.GREATER_THAN) return Relationship.DISJOINT;
          // relationship == Relationship.LESS_THAN
      } else if (compareId > 0) {
        // only advance the right context

        if (relationship == Relationship.EQUAL) relationship = Relationship.LESS_THAN;
        else if (relationship == Relationship.GREATER_THAN) return Relationship.DISJOINT;
        // relationship == Relationship.LESS_THAN
      } else // compareId < 0
        // only advance the left context

        if (relationship == Relationship.EQUAL) relationship = Relationship.GREATER_THAN;
        else if (relationship == Relationship.LESS_THAN) return Relationship.DISJOINT;
        // relationship == Relationship.GREATER_THAN

    // check final lengths
    if (leftState.hasRemaining()) {
      if (relationship == Relationship.EQUAL) return Relationship.GREATER_THAN;
      else if (relationship == Relationship.LESS_THAN) return Relationship.DISJOINT;

    if (rightState.hasRemaining()) {
      if (relationship == Relationship.EQUAL) return Relationship.LESS_THAN;
      else if (relationship == Relationship.GREATER_THAN) return Relationship.DISJOINT;

    return relationship;
예제 #10
  * Creates a counter context with a single remote shard. For use by tests of compatibility with
  * pre-2.1 counters only.
 public ByteBuffer createRemote(CounterId id, long clock, long count) {
   ContextState state = ContextState.allocate(0, 0, 1);
   state.writeRemote(id, clock, count);
   return state.context;
예제 #11
  * Creates a counter context with a single local shard. For use by tests of compatibility with
  * pre-2.1 counters only.
 public ByteBuffer createLocal(long count) {
   ContextState state = ContextState.allocate(0, 1, 0);
   state.writeLocal(CounterId.getLocalId(), 1L, count);
   return state.context;