static void initLookAndFeel() { MetalLookAndFeel mlf = new MetalLookAndFeel(); mlf.setCurrentTheme(new SipCommunicatorColorTheme()); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(mlf); } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) { console.error("Failed to set custom look and feel", ex); } }
/** * For "iteration" number of cycles, generate user-visit events within the bounds of customer * range and user range. */ public void run() { final String meth = "run()"; ILdtOperations ldtOps = dbOps.getLdtOps(); long startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); long endTimeMS = startTimeMs + 1000 * emulationDays * 86400; long checkTimeMS = 0; long secondStartMS = 0; long deltaTimeMS = 0; int interTransactionWaitMS = 10; long secondCount = 1; long opNum = 0; try { // This thread will try to maintain a given TPS load, where it will // measure its performance per second and try to speed up or slow // down accordingly. // In each second, it will attempt to complete "threadTPS" actions // by calling the "working function" doOperation(). "<%s:%s> ThreadNum(%d) Start: ThreadTPS(%d)", CLASSNAME, meth, threadNumber, threadTPS); do { // We're going to organize ourselves in terms of TPS and // second intervals. For a given number of TPS, we're going // to try to fit in that amount of operations, and then sleep // for the remaining amount if we're ahead of schedule in each // second. If we fall behind, then we're going to shorten the // amount of time between each operation. secondStartMS = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < threadTPS; i++) { opNum = (secondCount * threadTPS) + i; doOperation((int) opNum, ldtOps); Thread.sleep(interTransactionWaitMS); } // for each Transaction (per second) secondCount++; checkTimeMS = System.currentTimeMillis(); deltaTimeMS = checkTimeMS - secondStartMS; console.debug( "StartSecond(%d) CheckTime(%d) Delta(%d)", secondStartMS, checkTimeMS, deltaTimeMS); if (deltaTimeMS > 1000) { if (interTransactionWaitMS > 10) { interTransactionWaitMS--; } // otherwise, do nothing. } else { interTransactionWaitMS++; Thread.sleep(Math.abs(1000 - deltaTimeMS)); } } while (checkTimeMS < endTimeMS); // end for each generateCount } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); console.error("<%s:%s>Problem with Thread(%d) ", CLASSNAME, meth, opNum); } } // end run()
public static String getUniquePath() { String unique = System.getProperty("") + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); File f; try { f = new File(unique); unique = f.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException ex) { Console.error("Strange file error.\n" + ex); } Console.debug("Generated unique path: " + unique, 3); return unique; }
public void run() { try { StunAddress localAddr = null; StunAddress serverAddr = null; localAddr = new StunAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 5678); serverAddr = new StunAddress("", 3479); NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess addressDiscovery = new NetworkConfigurationDiscoveryProcess(localAddr, serverAddr); addressDiscovery.start(); StunDiscoveryReport report = addressDiscovery.determineAddress(); if (console.isDebugEnabled()) console.debug("Result of NetworkDiagnosticts:\n" + report); } catch (Throwable exc) // catch everything // this is a diagnostic kit only so we don't want it // to spoil our actual application { console.error( "The network diagnostics process has failed with " + "the following exception", exc); } }
/** * Main Function for URL Tracker. Get the options from the user and launch the URL Tracker * application. * * @param args * @throws AerospikeException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws AerospikeException { Console console = new Console();"Starting in Main (1.2.5) \n"); try { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("h", "host", true, "Server hostname (default: localhost)"); options.addOption("p", "port", true, "Server port (default: 3000)"); options.addOption("n", "namespace", true, "Namespace (default: test)"); options.addOption("s", "set", true, "Set (default: demo)"); options.addOption("u", "usage", false, "Print usage."); options.addOption("d", "debug", false, "Turn on DEBUG level prints."); options.addOption("f", "filename", true, "Input File (default: commands.json)"); options.addOption("t", "type", true, "LDT Type (LMAP or LLIST) (default: LLIST)"); options.addOption( "g", "generate", false, "Generate input data, rather than use Input Command File (default: false"); options.addOption("c", "customer", true, "Generated Number of Customer Sets (default: 10)"); options.addOption( "r", "records", true, "Generated number of Users per customer (default: 20)"); options.addOption( "v", "visits", true, "Average number of SiteVisits per UserRecord (default: 1000)"); options.addOption( "T", "Threads", true, "Number of threads to use in Generate Mode (default: 10)"); options.addOption( "L", "TimeToLive", true, "Number of seconds for a Site Visit Object to live (default: 600)"); options.addOption( "I", "CleanInterval", true, "Time to sleep in seconds between cleaning (default: 1200 sec)"); options.addOption( "D", "CleanDuration", true, "Total seconds to run clean threads (default: 3600 sec)"); options.addOption( "M", "CleanMethod", true, "Method for cleaning expired values: 1:client, 2:UDF(default)"); options.addOption("X", "NoCleanThreads", false, "Turn off the Set Cleaning Threads"); options.addOption( "C", "Clean", true, "CLEAN all records at start of run (0==no, 1==yes) (default: 1)"); options.addOption( "R", "Remove", true, "REMOVE all records at END of run (0==no, 1==yes) (default: 1)"); options.addOption( "N", "NoLoad", false, "Do NOT load Data: Run ONLY the SiteVisit Updates and Clean"); options.addOption( "O", "LoadOnly", false, "Load the Data, but do NOT update SiteVisits or Clean"); options.addOption("S", "DoScan", false, "Scan the LDTs after the Update Phase"); options.addOption("E", "Emulate", true, "Emulate Customer Activity for N days (default N=0)"); options.addOption( "1", "BaseNameSpace", true, "Namespace to use for Base Records (default: 'base')"); options.addOption( "2", "CacheNameSpace", true, "Namespace to use for Cache Records (default: 'cache')"); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args, false); String host = cl.getOptionValue("h", "localhost"); String portString = cl.getOptionValue("p", "3000"); int port = Integer.parseInt(portString); String namespace = cl.getOptionValue("n", "test"); String set = cl.getOptionValue("s", "demo"); String fileName = cl.getOptionValue("f", "commands.json"); String ldtType = cl.getOptionValue("t", "LLIST"); String customerString = cl.getOptionValue("c", "10"); long customers = Long.parseLong(customerString); String recordString = cl.getOptionValue("r", "20"); long records = Long.parseLong(recordString); String visitString = cl.getOptionValue("v", "1000"); long aveVisits = Long.parseLong(visitString); String threadString = cl.getOptionValue("T", "10"); int threadCount = Integer.parseInt(threadString); String cleanString = cl.getOptionValue("C", "1"); boolean clean = Integer.parseInt(cleanString) == 1; // Remove Command: Should we remove data at end of the test? String removeString = cl.getOptionValue("R", "1"); boolean remove = Integer.parseInt(removeString) == 1; // Amount to sleep (in seconds) between LDT data cleaning runs String intervalString = cl.getOptionValue("I", "1200"); int intervalSeconds = Integer.parseInt(intervalString); // Total Duration (in seconds) of the time that we'll let the // Cleaning Threads run. String durationString = cl.getOptionValue("D", "3600"); long durationSeconds = Long.parseLong(durationString); // Time to Live for Site Visit Objects String ttlString = cl.getOptionValue("L", "600"); long timeToLive = Long.parseLong(ttlString); // Method for Cleaning Expired data: // 1: Use the Client Code (scan, get key, call expire method) // 2: Use the UDF Code (call UDF Scan to perform expire on the server) String cleanMethodString = cl.getOptionValue("M", "2"); int cleanMethod = Integer.parseInt(cleanMethodString); // Number of Days to do a Customer Emulation String emulationString = cl.getOptionValue("E", "0"); int emulationDays = Integer.parseInt(emulationString); // Base NameSpace when in Emulation Mode String baseNamespace = cl.getOptionValue("1", "base"); // Cache NameSpace when in Emulation Mode String cacheNamespace = cl.getOptionValue("2", "cache"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> cmds = cl.getArgList(); if (cmds.size() == 0 && cl.hasOption("u")) { logUsage(options); return; } if (cmds.size() == 0 && cl.hasOption("d")) { console.setDebug(); } boolean noCleanThreads = false; if (cmds.size() == 0 && cl.hasOption("X")) { noCleanThreads = true; } boolean noLoad = false; if (cmds.size() == 0 && cl.hasOption("N")) { noLoad = true; } boolean loadOnly = false; if (cmds.size() == 0 && cl.hasOption("O")) { loadOnly = true; } boolean doScan = false; if (cmds.size() == 0 && cl.hasOption("S")) { doScan = true; } long generateCount = 0L; if (cmds.size() == 0 && cl.hasOption("g")) { generateCount = aveVisits * customers * records; ; }"Module Stamp: " + MOD);"Host: " + host);"Port: " + port);"Namespace: " + namespace);"Emulation BaseNamespace: " + baseNamespace);"Emulation CacheNamespace: " + cacheNamespace);"Set: " + set);"Input Command FileName: " + fileName);"Generate Count: " + generateCount);"LDT Type: " + ldtType);"Customer Records: " + customers);"User Records: " + records);"Ave User Site Visit Records: " + aveVisits);"Generate: " + generateCount);"Threads: " + threadCount);"Clean Before: " + clean);"Remove After: " + remove);"Thread Count: " + threadCount);"TimeToLive: " + timeToLive);"Clean Interval: " + intervalSeconds);"Clean Duration: " + durationSeconds);"Clean Method (1 or 2): " + cleanMethod);"No Load: " + noLoad);"Load Only: " + loadOnly);"No Clean Threads: " + noCleanThreads);"Emulation Days: " + emulationDays); // Validate the LDT implementation that we're going to use if (LLIST.equalsIgnoreCase(ldtType) || LMAP.equalsIgnoreCase(ldtType)) {"Using LDT Operations:: " + ldtType); } else { console.error("Unknown LDT Type: " + ldtType); console.error("Cannot continue."); return; } UrlTracker urlTracker = new UrlTracker( console, host, port, namespace, baseNamespace, cacheNamespace, fileName, ldtType, clean, remove, customers, records, generateCount, threadCount, intervalSeconds, durationSeconds, cleanMethod, timeToLive, noLoad, loadOnly, noCleanThreads, doScan, emulationDays); // Run the main application with the given parameters. urlTracker.runUrlTracker(); } catch (Exception e) { console.error("Critical error::" + e.toString()); } }
/** * Run the URL Tracker Application. Based on the input parameters, we can run with commands read * from a JSON input file (the default) or from a command generator. */ public void runUrlTracker() { try { // Our "DbParmeters" object holds all of the Aerospike Server // values (host, port, namespace) in a single object. DbParameters parms = new DbParameters(host, port, namespace, baseNamespace, cacheNamespace); ProcessCommands pc = new ProcessCommands(console, parms, ldtType, dbOps, timeToLive, testTiming); if (generateCount > 0 || emulationDays > 0) { // We are using the command generator to drive this application if (cleanBefore && !noLoad) { testTiming.setStartTime(AppPhases.CLEAN); pc.cleanDB(customerRecords, userRecords, emulationDays); testTiming.setEndTime(AppPhases.CLEAN); } if (emulationDays > 0) { pc.emulateCustomer( threadCount, customerRecords, userRecords, noLoad, emulationDays, noCleanThreads, cleanMethod); } else { pc.generateCommands( threadCount, customerRecords, userRecords, generateCount, cleanIntervalSec, cleanDurationSec, cleanMethod, noLoad, loadOnly, noCleanThreads, doScan); } if (cleanAfter && !loadOnly) { testTiming.setStartTime(AppPhases.REMOVE); pc.cleanDB(customerRecords, userRecords, emulationDays); testTiming.setEndTime(AppPhases.REMOVE); } } else { // We are using the JSON file to drive this application pc.processJSONCommands(this.inputFileName); } } catch (Exception e) { console.error("Critical error::" + e.toString()); } // All done. Show our timing stats testTiming.setFinish(); testTiming.printStats(); } // end runUrlTracker()
// returns false if options are not valid public static void parseArgs(String[] args) { // String arg; int argPos = 0; while ((argPos < args.length) && args[argPos].startsWith("-")) { arg = args[argPos++]; if (arg.startsWith("-v") || arg.startsWith("--verbose")) { String level = arg.startsWith("-v") ? arg.replace("-v", "") : arg.replace("--verbose", ""); VerboseLevel = level.isEmpty() ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(level); if (VerboseLevel > MaxVerboseLevel) { VerboseLevel = MaxVerboseLevel; } else if (VerboseLevel < 1) { VerboseLevel = 1; } Console.VerboseLevel = VerboseLevel; Console.debug("Option: Verbose level set to " + VerboseLevel); } else if (arg.equals("-s") || arg.equals("--skip-assembly")) { Console.debug("Option: Skipping assembly."); SkipAssembly = true; } else if (arg.equals("--skip-cleanup")) { Console.debug("Option: Skipping cleanup."); SkipCleanup = true; } else if (arg.equals("--decode-res")) { Console.debug("Option: Decoding resources."); DecodeResources = true; } else if (arg.equals("-d") || arg.equals("--detect-only")) { Console.debug("Option: Determining protection information only."); DetectOnly = true; } else if (arg.equals("-f") || arg.equals("--force")) { Console.debug("Option: Allowing file overwrites."); AllowOverwrites = true; } else if (arg.equals("--sign-only")) { Console.debug("Option: Signing only."); SignOnly = true; AllowOverwrites = true; // disable any checking, wont be needed SkipCleanup = true; } else if (arg.equals("--sign-key")) { arg = args[argPos++]; SignKey = new File(arg); if (!SignKey.exists()) { Console.die("Signing key does not exist: " + arg); } } else if (arg.equals("--sign-cert")) { arg = args[argPos++]; SignCert = new File(arg); if (!SignCert.exists()) { Console.die("Signing certificate does not exist: " + arg); } } else if (arg.equals("--sign-pass")) { SignPass = args[argPos++]; } else if (arg.equals("--info-only")) { Console.debug("Option: Getting info only."); InfoOnly = true; AllowOverwrites = true; // disable any checking, wont be needed } else if (arg.equals("--assemble-only")) { Console.debug("Option: Assembling only."); AssembleOnly = true; } else if (arg.equals("--fplist")) { ListFPsOnly = true; } else if (arg.equals("--fpexclude")) { arg = args[argPos++]; String fps[] = arg.split(","); for (String fp : fps) { ExcludedFPs.add(fp.trim()); } Console.debug("Option: Excluding fingerprints: " + arg); } else if (arg.equals("--fpinclude")) { arg = args[argPos++]; String fps[] = arg.split(","); for (String fp : fps) { IncludedFPs.add(fp.trim()); } Console.debug("Option: Including fingerprints: " + arg); } else if (arg.equals("--chksigs")) { arg = args[argPos++]; CheckSigsBehavior = Integer.parseInt(arg); } else if (arg.equals("--getpi")) { arg = args[argPos++]; GetPIBehavior = Integer.parseInt(arg); } else if (arg.equals("--sigvfy")) { arg = args[argPos++]; SigVerifyBehavior = Integer.parseInt(arg); } else if (arg.equals("--spoof-id")) { arg = args[argPos++]; DeviceIDSpoofType = Integer.parseInt(arg); // These are enabled=false by default IncludedFPs.add("Hook Get Secure Setting"); IncludedFPs.add("Hook Device ID"); if (DeviceIDSpoofType == 5) { DeviceIDSpoof = args[argPos++]; // device id must be 15 characters, numeric only if (!DeviceIDSpoof.matches("\\d{15}")) { Console.die("Spoofed device ID is must be 15 digits.", -1); } } } else if (arg.equals("--spoof-account")) { arg = args[argPos++]; AccountNameSpoofType = Integer.parseInt(arg); // These are enabled=false by default IncludedFPs.add("Hook Get Account Name"); if (AccountNameSpoofType == 3) { AccountNameSpoof = args[argPos++].toUpperCase(); if (!AccountNameSpoof.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9\\.]+")) { Console.die("Spoofed Account Name must be alpha-numeric!", -1); } } } else if (arg.equals("--spoof-wifimac")) { arg = args[argPos++]; WifiMacSpoofType = Integer.parseInt(arg); // These are enabled=false by default IncludedFPs.add("Hook Get Wifi Mac"); if (WifiMacSpoofType == 3) { WifiMacSpoof = args[argPos++].toUpperCase(); if (!WifiMacSpoof.matches("(?m)^([0-9A-F]{2}([:-]|$)){6}$")) { Console.die("Spoofed Wifi MAC must be of the form 11:22:33:AA:BB:CC !", -1); } } } else if (arg.equals("--spoof-btmac")) { arg = args[argPos++]; BTMacSpoofType = Integer.parseInt(arg); // These are enabled=false by default IncludedFPs.add("Hook Bluetooth MAC"); if (BTMacSpoofType == 3) { BTMacSpoof = args[argPos++].toUpperCase(); if (!BTMacSpoof.matches("(?m)^([0-9A-F]{2}([:-]|$)){6}$")) { Console.die("Spoofed BT MAC must be of the form 11:22:33:AA:BB:CC !", -1); } } } else if (arg.equals("--spoof-model")) { arg = args[argPos++]; // This is enabled=false by default IncludedFPs.add("Hook Device Model"); Options.DeviceModelSpoof = arg; Console.debug("Spoofing model as " + Options.DeviceModelSpoof); } else if (arg.equals("--spoof-network")) { arg = args[argPos++]; // This is enabled=false by default IncludedFPs.add("Hook Network Operator"); Options.NetworkOperatorSpoof = arg; Console.debug("Spoofing network operator as " + Options.NetworkOperatorSpoof); } else if (arg.equals("--spoof-manufacturer")) { arg = args[argPos++]; // This is enabled=false by default IncludedFPs.add("Hook Device Manufacturer"); Options.DeviceManufacturerSpoof = arg; Console.debug("Spoofing manufacturer as " + Options.DeviceManufacturerSpoof); } else if (arg.equals("--key-apk")) { KeyApkPath = args[argPos++]; File f = new File(KeyApkPath); if (!f.exists()) { Console.die("The key apk " + KeyApkPath + " does not exist!"); } } else if (arg.equals("--trace")) { Console.debug("Option: Enabling method trace and debug hooks."); IncludedFPs.add("Method Trace"); IncludedFPs.add("Method Trace FixLocals"); DebugHooks = true; } else if (arg.equals("--translate")) { Console.debug("Option: Enabling Smali string language translation."); SmaliHinter.enableTranslations(); } else if (arg.equals("-h") || arg.equals("--help")) { showUsage(); System.exit(0); } else if (arg.equals("--dbghooks")) { Console.debug("Option: Using debugging hooks."); DebugHooks = true; } else if (arg.equals("--skip-hints")) { Console.debug("Option: Skipping smali hint generation."); SkipHints = true; } else { Console.die("Unknown option: " + arg + ".", -1); } } // No bother processing the rest of the logic, we just want FP listing if (ListFPsOnly) { return; } // If either is alone, no bueno! if ((SignKey != null) ^ (SignKey != null)) { Console.die("Options --sign-key and --sign-cert must be used together."); } if (argPos == args.length) { Console.error("Oopsy! Dump path / Apk file missing. Please review:"); showUsage(); System.exit(-1); } // Make sure smali dump / apk exists File input = ensureExists(args[argPos]); if (input.isDirectory()) { if (SignOnly) { Console.die("Sign only option enabled but input is not an APK file."); } SmaliDir = input.getPath(); if (!SkipAssembly) { if ((argPos + 1) >= args.length) { Console.die("Output APK required."); } OutputApk = args[argPos + 1]; ensureExists(OutputApk); } } else { if (AssembleOnly) { Console.die("Option --assemble-only only works with smali dump directories."); } ApkPath = input.getPath(); OutputApk = ApkPath.replace(".apk", ""); if (args.length <= (argPos + 1)) { // overwrite original by default if (SignOnly || DetectOnly || SkipAssembly || InfoOnly) { OutputApk = ApkPath; } else { OutputApk += "_sequenced.apk"; } } else { OutputApk = args[argPos + 1]; } } Console.debug("Output apk: " + OutputApk); Console.debug("Apk path: " + ApkPath); if (!DetectOnly && !SkipAssembly) { enforceOverwrite(OutputApk, "output file"); } }
/** * Do the main operation in emulate Mode: (1) Write a new URL Site Visit Record to the base DB (2) * Check to see if the corresponding User Record is in the Segmented Cache -- If not, write a new * User Record with the CACHE TTL -- UPDATE THE USER RECORD WITH A NEW (FULL) LDT Load (Scan the * existing LDT in the base DB and write to the cache LDT) (3) Probe the Base DB to see if the LDT * data is consistent. * * @param opNum */ private void doOperation(int opNum, ILdtOperations ldtOps) { final String meth = "doOperation()"; boolean recordPresent = false; String baseSet; String cacheSet; try { int customerSeed = random.nextInt(this.customerMax); CustomerRecord custRec = new CustomerRecord(console, customerSeed); long userSeed = getUserRecordSeed(this.userMax); UserRecord userRec = new UserRecord(console, dbOps, custRec.getCustomerID(), (int) userSeed); SiteVisitEntry sve = new SiteVisitEntry( console, custRec.getCustomerID(), userRec.getUserID(), opNum, LDT_BIN, this.timeToLive); baseSet = userRec.getCustomerBaseSet(); cacheSet = userRec.getCustomerCacheSet(); // Write the Site Visit to Storage -- which is hidden behind // this interface because there can be multiple implementations // of the LDT. sve.toStorage(client, baseNamespace, baseSet, ldtOps); // Check to see if the UserRecord is in the Segment Cache. If it is, // then add to the Cache LDT. If it is not, then create a new // User Record in the Segment, and populate the LDT Info (the Site // Visit Data) with the LDT data from the DB User Record. recordPresent = userRec.updateCache(client, cacheNamespace); if (recordPresent) { sve.toStorage(client, cacheNamespace, cacheSet, ldtOps); } else { sve.reloadCache(client, baseNamespace, cacheNamespace, ldtOps); } String keyStr = userRec.getUserID(); // At predetermined milestones, perform various actions // Show Simple Status at regular internals. For the regular large // scale tests with 100 threads, we won't hit this very often. if ((opNum + threadNumber) % 1000 == 0) { console.debug( "<%s:%s> Thread(%d) Cust#(%d) BaseSet(%s) User#(%d) UserID(%s) Iteration(%d)", CLASSNAME, meth, threadNumber, customerSeed, baseSet, userSeed, keyStr, opNum); } // Do a heavy duty scan less frequently. if ((opNum + threadNumber) % 2000 == 0) { Key baseKey = new Key(baseNamespace, baseSet, keyStr); Key cacheKey = new Key(cacheNamespace, cacheSet, keyStr); console.debug( "<%s:%s> <<SCAN TEST>> Thread(%d) Cust#(%d) BaseSet(%s) CacheSet(%s) User#(%d) UserID(%s) Iteration(%d)", CLASSNAME, meth, threadNumber, customerSeed, baseSet, cacheSet, userSeed, keyStr, opNum); List<Map<String, Object>> baseResult = null; List<Map<String, Object>> cacheResult = null; int baseResultSize = 0; int baseCheckSize = 0; int cacheResultSize = 0; int cacheCheckSize = 0; try { baseResult = ldtOps.scanLDT(baseKey); cacheResult = ldtOps.scanLDT(cacheKey); cacheCheckSize = ldtOps.ldtSize(cacheKey, LDT_BIN); if (baseResult != null) { baseResultSize = baseResult.size(); baseCheckSize = ldtOps.ldtSize(baseKey, LDT_BIN); if (baseResultSize != baseCheckSize) { console.error( "<%s:%s> <<BASE SCAN Size Error>> Thread(%d) Cust#(%d) BaseSet(%s) UserID(%s) ScanSide(%d) LDT Size(%d)", CLASSNAME, meth, threadNumber, customerSeed, baseSet, keyStr, baseResultSize, baseCheckSize); } } if (cacheResult != null) { cacheResultSize = cacheResult.size(); cacheCheckSize = ldtOps.ldtSize(cacheKey, LDT_BIN); if (cacheResultSize != cacheCheckSize) { console.error( "<%s:%s> <<CACHE SCAN Size Error>> Thread(%d) Cust#(%d) CacheSet(%s) UserID(%s) ScanSide(%d) LDT Size(%d)", CLASSNAME, meth, threadNumber, customerSeed, cacheSet, keyStr, cacheResultSize, cacheCheckSize); } } } catch (AerospikeException ae) { console.error( "Aerospike Error Code(%d) Error Message(%s)", ae.getResultCode(), ae.getMessage());"Keep on Truckin"); } console.debug( "<%s:%s> <<SCAN RESULT>> Thread(%d) Cust#(%d) BaseSet(%s) CacheSet(%s) UserID(%s) BaseLDT(%d) CacheLDT(%d)", CLASSNAME, meth, threadNumber, customerSeed, baseSet, cacheSet, keyStr, baseResultSize, cacheResultSize); } } catch (AerospikeException ae) { console.error( "Aerospike Error Code(%d) Error Message(%s)", ae.getResultCode(), ae.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); console.error( "[%s] Problem with Thread(%d) Customer Record: Seed(%d)", "Emulate: doOperation(): ", threadNumber, opNum); } }