/** * Runs ConflictTreeSimulatedSession with calculated diagnoses * * @param matchingsDir * @param ontologyDir * @param files * @param map * @throws SolverException * @throws InconsistentTheoryException * @throws OWLOntologyCreationException */ private void runOaeiConferenceTests( String matchingsDir, String ontologyDir, Set<File> files, Map<File, String> map, int numberOfConflicts) throws SolverException, InconsistentTheoryException, OWLOntologyCreationException { OAEI11ConferenceSession conferenceSession = new OAEI11ConferenceSession(); QSSType[] qssTypes = new QSSType[] {QSSType.MINSCORE}; // QSSType[] qssTypes = new QSSType[]{QSSType.MINSCORE, QSSType.SPLITINHALF, // QSSType.DYNAMICRISK}; TargetSource targetSource = TargetSource.FROM_30_DIAGS; for (File file : files) { logger.info("processing " + file.getName()); String out = "STAT, " + file; // file parameter String fileName = file.getName(); StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(fileName, "-"); String matcher = t.nextToken(); String o1 = t.nextToken(); String o2 = t.nextToken(); o2 = o2.substring(0, o2.length() - 4); String n = file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().length() - 4); Set<FormulaSet<OWLLogicalAxiom>> targetDgSet = getRandomDiagSet(matchingsDir, ontologyDir, map, file, o1, o2, n, conferenceSession); logger.info("number of found diagnoses (max. 30): " + targetDgSet.size()); /* TODO: for each ontology always the same "randomly" chosen diagnosis is calculated, dependent from the size of the targetDgSet -> change to a real random selection */ Random random = new Random(12311); int randomNr = conferenceSession.chooseRandomNum(targetDgSet, random); Set<OWLLogicalAxiom> targetDg = conferenceSession.chooseRandomDiag(targetDgSet, file, randomNr); OWLOntology inconsOntology = loadOntology(matchingsDir, ontologyDir, map, conferenceSession, file, o1, o2, n); // OWLTheory faultyTheory = getExtendTheory(inconsOntology, false); OWLTheory faultyTheory = loadTheory(inconsOntology, ontologyDir, o1, o2); Set<OWLLogicalAxiom> rem = validateMinimality(targetDg, faultyTheory); if (!rem.isEmpty()) { targetDg.removeAll(rem); assertTrue(validateMinimality(targetDg, faultyTheory).isEmpty()); } Map<QSSType, DurationStat> ctTimes = new HashMap<QSSType, DurationStat>(); Map<QSSType, List<Double>> ctQueries = new HashMap<QSSType, List<Double>>(); for (QSSType qssType : qssTypes) { String message = "act," + file.getName() + "," + map.get(file) + "," + targetSource + "," + qssType + "," + randomNr; long preprocessModulExtract = System.currentTimeMillis(); OWLOntology ontology = loadOntology(matchingsDir, ontologyDir, map, conferenceSession, file, o1, o2, n); ctTheory = loadTheory(ontology, ontologyDir, o1, o2); preprocessModulExtract = System.currentTimeMillis() - preprocessModulExtract; message += "," + preprocessModulExtract; // Define Treesearch here TreeSearch<FormulaSet<OWLLogicalAxiom>, OWLLogicalAxiom> search = getUniformCostSearch(ctTheory, false); Map<OWLLogicalAxiom, BigDecimal> map1 = conferenceSession.readRdfMapping(matchingsDir + map.get(file), n + ".rdf"); OWLAxiomCostsEstimator es = new OWLAxiomCostsEstimator(ctTheory, map1); search.setCostsEstimator(es); search.reset(); // set for all found diagnoses during search foundDiagnoses = new LinkedHashSet<OWLLogicalAxiom>(); ctTimes.put(qssType, new DurationStat()); ctQueries.put(qssType, new LinkedList<Double>()); // calculation part ConflictTreeSession conflictTreeSearch = new ConflictTreeSession(this, ctTheory, search); if (numberOfConflicts > 0) { conflictTreeSearch.setMaximumNumberOfConflicts(numberOfConflicts); } conflictTreeSearch.setOutputString(out); conflictTreeSearch.setMessageString(message); FormulaSet<OWLLogicalAxiom> targetD = new FormulaSetImpl<OWLLogicalAxiom>(new BigDecimal(1), targetDg, null); long completeTime = conflictTreeSearch.search(targetD, ctQueries, qssType, true); ctTimes.get(qssType).add(completeTime); out += conflictTreeSearch.getOutputString(); foundDiagnoses = conflictTreeSearch.getDiagnosis(); logger.info("targetD: " + targetD.size() + ", " + CalculateDiagnoses.renderAxioms(targetD)); logger.info( "foundD: " + foundDiagnoses.size() + ", " + CalculateDiagnoses.renderAxioms(foundDiagnoses)); faultyTheory .getReasoner() .addFormulasToCache(faultyTheory.getKnowledgeBase().getFaultyFormulas()); assertFalse(faultyTheory.verifyConsistency()); Set<OWLLogicalAxiom> removedFound = validateMinimality(foundDiagnoses, faultyTheory); // assertTrue(removed.isEmpty()); Set<OWLLogicalAxiom> removedTarget = validateMinimality(targetD, faultyTheory); assertTrue(removedTarget.isEmpty()); assertTrue(targetD.containsAll(foundDiagnoses)); // TODO uncomment later // assertTrue(foundDiagnoses.containsAll(targetD)); resetTheoryTests(ctTheory); search.reset(); } logger.info(out); } }