예제 #1
  public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
    Path relDirPath = m_srcRoot.relativize(dir);

    if (isSrcIgnored(relDirPath)) {
          CloneProgressReporter.EventType.DIRECTORY_SKIP_IGNORE, dir, null, null);
      return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

    Path newdir = m_destRoot.resolve(relDirPath);

    // if this is not the root, then record the directory in the parent
    if (!m_filesVisited.empty()) {
      recordVisitedFile(dir, newdir);

    // add a new set for this directory
    m_filesVisited.push(new HashSet<String>());

    // if the target directory does not exist, then create it
    // TODO: do we need to copy some kind of extended file attributes from the parent directory?
    if (!Files.exists(newdir)) {
      if (m_runType == RunType.THE_REAL_DEAL) Files.createDirectories(newdir);
          CloneProgressReporter.EventType.DIRECTORY_CREATE, dir, newdir, null);

    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
예제 #2
  public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException {
    if (exc != null) {
      m_progress.reportProgress(CloneProgressReporter.EventType.ERROR, dir, null, exc);

    // check if target dir has any additional files/dirs which should be deleted
    Path newDir = m_destRoot.resolve(m_srcRoot.relativize(dir));

    // find the log of visited items for this directory
    // we use pop as we need to remove this set regardless of whether we encounter
    // errors during deletion.
    HashSet<String> setVisited = m_filesVisited.pop();

    // make sure there was no error and the target dir exists
    if (Files.exists(newDir, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
      // enumerate all entries in the new directory and delete anything which
      // was not sourced from an original in the source directory.
      try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(newDir)) {
        for (Path p : stream) {
          try {
            String name = p.getFileName().toString();
            if (!setVisited.contains(name)) {
              if (Files.isDirectory(p, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
                deleteDirectory(p); // progress report taken care of inside method
              } else {
                if (m_runType == RunType.THE_REAL_DEAL) Files.delete(p);
                    CloneProgressReporter.EventType.FILE_DELETE, p, null, null);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            m_progress.reportProgress(CloneProgressReporter.EventType.ERROR, p, null, e);
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        m_progress.reportProgress(CloneProgressReporter.EventType.ERROR, dir, null, ex);

    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
예제 #3
 public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException {
   // recordVisitedFile(file, null); // TODO: What do we record here?
   m_progress.reportProgress(CloneProgressReporter.EventType.ERROR, file, null, exc);
   return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
예제 #4
  public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
    Path relFilePath = m_srcRoot.relativize(file);

    if (isSrcIgnored(relFilePath)) {
      m_progress.reportProgress(CloneProgressReporter.EventType.FILE_SKIP_IGNORE, file, null, null);
      return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    Path newPathCandidate = m_destRoot.resolve(relFilePath);
    Iterator<FileHandler> it = m_fileHandlers.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      FileHandler handler = it.next();
      try {
        Path newPath = handler.canHandleFile(file, attrs, newPathCandidate);
        if (newPath != null) {
          // record the visited file even if we don't process it
          recordVisitedFile(file, newPath);

          // does the new path exist
          if (Files.exists(newPath, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
            // if it's the same file, then skip
            if (Files.isSameFile(file, newPath)) {
                  CloneProgressReporter.EventType.FILE_SKIP_SAME, file, newPath, null);
            } else { // process file
              BasicFileAttributes targetAttrs =
                      newPath, BasicFileAttributes.class, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS);
              if (targetAttrs.lastModifiedTime().compareTo(attrs.lastModifiedTime()) < 0) {
                handler.processFile(file, attrs, newPathCandidate, m_runType);
                    CloneProgressReporter.EventType.FILE_UPDATE_EXISTING_END, file, newPath, null);
              } else {
                    CloneProgressReporter.EventType.FILE_SKIP_NEWER, file, newPath, null);
          } else { // otherwise process it
                CloneProgressReporter.EventType.FILE_CREATE_NEW_BEGIN, file, newPath, null);
            handler.processFile(file, attrs, newPathCandidate, m_runType);
                CloneProgressReporter.EventType.FILE_CREATE_NEW_END, file, newPath, null);

          // file has been handled
      } catch (FileCloningError e) {
        m_progress.reportProgress(CloneProgressReporter.EventType.ERROR, file, null, e);
        // TODO: should we continue and try next handler in list?
    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;