예제 #1
  // Computers
  private static void runOther() {
    int numTowers = -1;
    while (true) {
      myLoc = rc.getLocation();

      // Move if we can and want to
      if (rc.isCoreReady() && myType.canMove()) {
        if (shouldRetreat()) doRetreatMove(); // Pull back if in range of the enemy guns
        else doAdvanceMove(); // Move towards our HQ


      // Perform a background breadth first search to the enemy HQ
      if (myType == RobotType.COMPUTER && Clock.getBytecodesLeft() > 1000) {
        bfs.work(threats.enemyHQ, Bfs.PRIORITY_HIGH, 1000, numTowers != threats.enemyTowers.length);
      numTowers = threats.enemyTowers.length;
예제 #2
  // Supply our units
  // Getting supply to the buildings producing units is cool
  private static void doTransfer() {
    double supply = rc.getSupplyLevel();
    double supplyToKeep = myType.supplyUpkeep * 10; // 10 turns worth of supply
    if (myType == RobotType.COMMANDER) supplyToKeep *= 10;
    if (supply < supplyToKeep) return;

    RobotInfo[] robots = rc.senseNearbyRobots(GameConstants.SUPPLY_TRANSFER_RADIUS_SQUARED, myTeam);
    // Pass to first neighbour with half the supply we have
    RobotInfo target = null;

    // Pick the nearest ally with the least supply
    for (RobotInfo r : robots) {
      // Never pass supply to buildings that can't spawn or to the HQ
      if (r.type == RobotType.HQ
          || r.type == RobotType.TOWER
          || r.type == RobotType.SUPPLYDEPOT
          || r.type == RobotType.HANDWASHSTATION) continue;

      // Drone will only pass to units with 0 supply
      if (myType == RobotType.DRONE && r.supplyLevel > 0) continue;

      if (target == null || r.supplyLevel < target.supplyLevel) target = r;

      if (Clock.getBytecodesLeft() < 600) break;

    double toTransfer = supply - supplyToKeep;
    if (target == null || supply < target.supplyLevel * 2.0) return;

    // Keep half of what we have available unless we are the HQ
    if (target.type != RobotType.HQ) toTransfer /= 2.0;
    try {
      rc.transferSupplies((int) toTransfer, target.location);
    } catch (GameActionException e) {
      System.out.println("Supply exception");
      // e.printStackTrace();
예제 #3
  private boolean doWork(MapLocation dest, int priority, int stopWhen, int page)
      throws GameActionException {
    if (!dest.equals(previousDest)) {
          "Cleanser BFS to "
              + dest
              + ", page "
              + page
              + ", start round "
              + Clock.getRoundNum()
              + "\n");

    previousDest = dest;
    previousPage = page;
    previousRoundWorked = Clock.getRoundNum();

    int emptyCount = 0;
    while (emptyCount < NUM_QUEUES
        && qHeads[currentQ] == qTails[currentQ]) { // Skip over empty queues
      currentQ = (currentQ + 1) % NUM_QUEUES;
    if (emptyCount == NUM_QUEUES) return true; // Finished

    while (Clock.getBytecodesLeft() > stopWhen) {
      // pop a location from the queue
      int data = locQueues[qHeads[currentQ]];
      int locX = data >> 24;
      int locY = (data >> 16) & 0xff;
      double delay = (data & 0xffff) / 10;
      if (++qHeads[currentQ] % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE == 0) qHeads[currentQ] -= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE;

      for (int i = 8; i-- > 0; ) {
        int x = cropX(locX + dirsX[i]);
        int y = cropY(locY + dirsY[i]);
        boolean isDiagonal = (i <= 3);

        if (!processed[x][y]) {
          processed[x][y] = true;
          TerrainTile t = map.tile(x, y);

          if (t.isTraversable()) {
            MapLocation newLoc = new MapLocation(x, y);
            // push newLoc onto queue - pick queue according to how long the move takes
            double newDelay;
            if (isDiagonal) newDelay = diagonalDelay;
            else newDelay = moveDelay;
            int newQ = (currentQ + (int) (newDelay + (delay % 1))) % NUM_QUEUES;
            newDelay += delay;
            locQueues[qTails[newQ]] = (x << 24) | (y << 16) | (int) (newDelay * 10);
            if (++qTails[newQ] % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE == 0) qTails[newQ] -= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE;
            // System.out.print("Adding " + x + ", " + y + " to queue " + newQ + " element " +
            // qTails[newQ] + "\n");
            publishResult(page, newLoc, dest, dirs[i], (int) newDelay);
          } else if (t == TerrainTile.UNKNOWN) containsUnknowns = true;
      emptyCount = 0;
      while (emptyCount < NUM_QUEUES
          && qHeads[currentQ] == qTails[currentQ]) { // Skip over empty queues
        currentQ = (currentQ + 1) % NUM_QUEUES;
      if (emptyCount == NUM_QUEUES) {
        // map.dump();

    writePageMetadata(page, previousRoundWorked, dest, priority, (emptyCount == NUM_QUEUES));
    return (emptyCount == NUM_QUEUES && containsUnknowns == false);