public void testBufferWithLargeFile() throws Exception { final char[] chars = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray(); final char[] manyChars = new char[10000]; for (int i = 0; i < manyChars.length; ++i) { manyChars[i] = chars[i % chars.length]; } final String s0 = new String(manyChars); final StringTextSource textSource = new StringTextSource(s0); assertSame(s0, textSource.getText()); final File file = new File(getDirectory(), "myfile.txt"); final Buffer buffer = new BufferImplementation(s_resources, textSource, file); assertEquals(Buffer.TEXT_BUFFER, buffer.getType()); assertTrue(!buffer.isDirty()); assertTrue(!buffer.isUpToDate()); assertEquals(file, buffer.getFile()); assertEquals(textSource, buffer.getTextSource());; assertTrue(!buffer.isDirty()); assertTrue(buffer.isUpToDate()); assertSame(s0, textSource.getText()); buffer.load(); assertTrue(!buffer.isDirty()); assertTrue(buffer.isUpToDate()); assertEquals(canonicaliseLineEndings(s0), textSource.getText()); assertNotSame(s0, textSource.getText()); }
public void testBufferWithAssociatedFile() throws Exception { final String s0 = "A shield for your eyes\na beast in the well on your hand"; final String s1 = "Catch the mean beast\nin the well in the hell on the back\n" + "Watch out! You've got no shield\n" + "Break up! He's got no peace"; final StringTextSource textSource = new StringTextSource(s0); assertSame(s0, textSource.getText()); final File file = new File(getDirectory(), "myfile.txt"); final Buffer buffer = new BufferImplementation(s_resources, textSource, file); assertEquals(Buffer.TEXT_BUFFER, buffer.getType()); assertTrue(!buffer.isDirty()); assertTrue(!buffer.isUpToDate()); assertEquals(file, buffer.getFile()); assertEquals(textSource, buffer.getTextSource());; assertTrue(!buffer.isDirty()); assertTrue(buffer.isUpToDate()); assertSame(s0, textSource.getText()); textSource.setText(s1); textSource.markDirty(); assertTrue(buffer.isDirty()); assertTrue(buffer.isUpToDate()); assertSame(s1, textSource.getText()); buffer.load(); assertTrue(!buffer.isDirty()); assertTrue(buffer.isUpToDate()); assertEquals(canonicaliseLineEndings(s0), textSource.getText()); assertNotSame(s0, textSource.getText()); // Add an error margin, as Linux does not support setting the modification // date with millisecond precision. assertTrue(file.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000)); assertTrue(!buffer.isUpToDate()); buffer.load(); assertTrue(buffer.isUpToDate()); assertEquals(textSource, buffer.getTextSource()); }
public void testBufferWithBadAssociatedFile() throws Exception { final StringTextSource textSource = new StringTextSource(""); final Buffer buffer = new BufferImplementation(s_resources, textSource, getDirectory()); try { buffer.load(); fail("Expected DisplayMessageConsoleException"); } catch (DisplayMessageConsoleException e) { assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof IOException); } try {; fail("Expected DisplayMessageConsoleException"); } catch (DisplayMessageConsoleException e) { assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof IOException); } }
public void testBufferWithNoFile() throws Exception { final String text = "Some text for testing with"; final TextSource textSource = new StringTextSource(text); assertEquals(text, textSource.getText()); final Buffer buffer = new BufferImplementation(s_resources, textSource, "My Buffer"); assertNotNull(textSource.getText()); assertEquals(text, textSource.getText()); assertEquals("My Buffer", buffer.getDisplayName()); assertTrue(buffer.toString().indexOf(buffer.getDisplayName()) >= 0); try { buffer.load(); fail("Expected EditorException"); } catch (EditorException e) { } try {; fail("Expected EditorException"); } catch (EditorException e) { } assertTrue(!buffer.isDirty()); assertTrue(buffer.isUpToDate()); assertNull(buffer.getFile()); assertEquals(textSource, buffer.getTextSource()); assertEquals(Buffer.UNKNOWN_BUFFER, buffer.getType()); assertTrue(!buffer.isDirty()); assertTrue(buffer.isUpToDate()); assertNull(buffer.getFile()); assertEquals(textSource, buffer.getTextSource()); }
/** * Replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string. * * @param view The view * @param dontOpenChangedFiles Whether to open changed files or to autosave them quietly * @return the number of modified files */ public static boolean replaceAll(View view, boolean dontOpenChangedFiles) { // component that will parent any dialog boxes Component comp = SearchDialog.getSearchDialog(view); if (comp == null) comp = view; if (fileset.getFileCount(view) == 0) { GUIUtilities.error(comp, "empty-fileset", null); return false; } record(view, "replaceAll(view)", true, true); view.showWaitCursor(); boolean smartCaseReplace = getSmartCaseReplace(); int fileCount = 0; int occurCount = 0; try { SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) return false; initReplace(); String path = fileset.getFirstFile(view); loop: while (path != null) { Buffer buffer = jEdit.openTemporary(view, null, path, false); /* this is stupid and misleading. * but 'path' is not used anywhere except * the above line, and if this is done * after the 'continue', then we will * either hang, or be forced to duplicate * it inside the buffer == null, or add * a 'finally' clause. you decide which one's * worse. */ path = fileset.getNextFile(view, path); if (buffer == null) continue loop; // Wait for buffer to finish loading if (buffer.isPerformingIO()) VFSManager.waitForRequests(); if (!buffer.isEditable()) continue loop; // Leave buffer in a consistent state if // an error occurs int retVal = 0; try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); retVal = _replace(view, buffer, matcher, 0, buffer.getLength(), smartCaseReplace); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } if (retVal != 0) { fileCount++; occurCount += retVal; if (dontOpenChangedFiles) {, null); } else { jEdit.commitTemporary(buffer); jEdit.getBufferSetManager().addBuffer(view, buffer); } } } } catch (Exception e) { handleError(comp, e); } finally { view.hideWaitCursor(); } /* Don't do this when playing a macro, cos it's annoying */ if (!BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { Object[] args = {Integer.valueOf(occurCount), Integer.valueOf(fileCount)}; view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("view.status.replace-all", args)); if (occurCount == 0) view.getToolkit().beep(); } return (fileCount != 0); } // }}}