예제 #1
  private BibtexEntry createNewEntry() {

    // Find out what type is wanted.
    EntryTypeDialog etd = new EntryTypeDialog(frame);
    // We want to center the dialog, to make it look nicer.
    Util.placeDialog(etd, frame);
    BibtexEntryType type = etd.getChoice();

    if (type != null) { // Only if the dialog was not cancelled.
      String id = Util.createNeutralId();
      final BibtexEntry be = new BibtexEntry(id, type);
      try {

        // Set owner/timestamp if options are enabled:
        ArrayList<BibtexEntry> list = new ArrayList<BibtexEntry>();
        Util.setAutomaticFields(list, true, true, false);

        // Create an UndoableInsertEntry object.
        panel.undoManager.addEdit(new UndoableInsertEntry(panel.database(), be, panel));
            Globals.lang("Added new")
                + " '"
                + type.getName().toLowerCase()
                + "' "
                + Globals.lang("entry")
                + ".");

        // We are going to select the new entry. Before that, make sure that we are in
        // show-entry mode. If we aren't already in that mode, enter the WILL_SHOW_EDITOR
        // mode which makes sure the selection will trigger display of the entry editor
        // and adjustment of the splitter.
        if (panel.getMode() != panel.SHOWING_EDITOR) {

        /*int row = entryTable.findEntry(be);
        if (row >= 0)
            // Selects the entry. The selection listener will open the editor.
             if (row >= 0) {
                    entryTable.setRowSelectionInterval(row, row);
                }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
                    System.out.println("RowCount: " + entryTable.getRowCount());

        else {
            // The entry is not visible in the table, perhaps due to a filtering search
            // or group selection. Show the entry editor anyway:
        }   */
        panel.markBaseChanged(); // The database just changed.
        new FocusRequester(panel.getEntryEditor(be));
        return be;
      } catch (KeyCollisionException ex) {
    return null;
예제 #2
  private BibtexEntry cleanup(BibtexEntry entry) {
    if (entry == null) {
      return null;

    // clean up title
    String title = entry.getField("title");
    if (title != null) {
      // USe the alt-text and replace image links
      title = title.replaceAll("[ ]?img src=[^ ]+ alt=\"([^\"]+)\">[ ]?", "\\$$1\\$");
      // Try to sort out most of the /spl / conversions
      // Deal with this specific nested type first
      title = title.replaceAll("/sub /spl infin//", "\\$_\\\\infty\\$");
      title = title.replaceAll("/sup /spl infin//", "\\$\\^\\\\infty\\$");
      // Replace general expressions
      title = title.replaceAll("/[sS]pl ([^/]+)/", "\\$\\\\$1\\$");
      // Deal with subscripts and superscripts
      if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_CONVERT_TO_EQUATION)) {
        title = title.replaceAll("/sup ([^/]+)/", "\\$\\^\\{$1\\}\\$");
        title = title.replaceAll("/sub ([^/]+)/", "\\$_\\{$1\\}\\$");
        title = title.replaceAll("\\(sup\\)([^(]+)\\(/sup\\)", "\\$\\^\\{$1\\}\\$");
        title = title.replaceAll("\\(sub\\)([^(]+)\\(/sub\\)", "\\_\\{$1\\}\\$");
      } else {
        title = title.replaceAll("/sup ([^/]+)/", "\\\\textsuperscript\\{$1\\}");
        title = title.replaceAll("/sub ([^/]+)/", "\\\\textsubscript\\{$1\\}");
        title = title.replaceAll("\\(sup\\)([^(]+)\\(/sup\\)", "\\\\textsuperscript\\{$1\\}");
        title = title.replaceAll("\\(sub\\)([^(]+)\\(/sub\\)", "\\\\textsubscript\\{$1\\}");

      // Replace \infin with \infty
      title = title.replaceAll("\\\\infin", "\\\\infty");

      // Unit formatting
      if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_UNIT_FORMATTER_ON_SEARCH)) {
        title = unitFormatter.format(title);

      // Automatic case keeping
      if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_CASE_KEEPER_ON_SEARCH)) {
        title = caseKeeper.format(title);
      // Write back
      entry.setField("title", title);

    // clean up author
    /*   	String author = (String)entry.getField("author");
       	if (author != null) {
        if (author.indexOf("a href=") >= 0) {  // Author parsing failed because it was empty
    	entry.setField("author","");  // Maybe not needed anymore due to another change
        } else {
        	author = author.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
        	author = author.replaceAll("\\.", ". ");
        	author = author.replaceAll("([^;]+),([^;]+),([^;]+)","$1,$3,$2"); // Change order in case of Jr. etc
        	author = author.replaceAll("  ", " ");
        	author = author.replaceAll("\\. -", ".-");
                   author = author.replaceAll("; ", " and ");
        	author = author.replaceAll(" ,", ",");
        	author = author.replaceAll("  ", " ");
        	author = author.replaceAll("[ ,;]+$", "");
        	entry.setField("author", author);
    // clean up month
    String month = entry.getField("month");
    if (month != null && !month.isEmpty()) {
      month = month.replaceAll("\\.", "");
      month = month.toLowerCase();

      Pattern monthPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d*+)\\s*([a-z]*+)-*(\\d*+)\\s*([a-z]*+)");
      Matcher mm = monthPattern.matcher(month);
      String date = month;
      if (mm.find()) {
        if (mm.group(3).isEmpty()) {
          if (!mm.group(2).isEmpty()) {
            date = "#" + mm.group(2).substring(0, 3) + "#";
            if (!mm.group(1).isEmpty()) {
              date += " " + mm.group(1) + ",";
          } else {
            date = mm.group(1) + ",";
        } else if (mm.group(2).isEmpty()) {
          if (!mm.group(4).isEmpty()) {
            date =
                "#" + mm.group(4).substring(0, 3) + "# " + mm.group(1) + "--" + mm.group(3) + ",";
          } else {
            date += ",";
        } else {
          date =
                  + mm.group(2).substring(0, 3)
                  + "# "
                  + mm.group(1)
                  + "--#"
                  + mm.group(4).substring(0, 3)
                  + "# "
                  + mm.group(3)
                  + ",";
      // date = date.trim();
      // if (!date.isEmpty()) {
      entry.setField("month", date);
      // }

    // clean up pages
    String field = "pages";
    String pages = entry.getField(field);
    if (pages != null) {
      String[] pageNumbers = pages.split("-");
      if (pageNumbers.length == 2) {
        if (pageNumbers[0].equals(pageNumbers[1])) { // single page
          entry.setField(field, pageNumbers[0]);
        } else {
          entry.setField(field, pages.replaceAll("-", "--"));

    // clean up publication field
    BibtexEntryType type = entry.getType();
    String sourceField = "";
    if (type.getName().equals("Article")) {
      sourceField = "journal";
    } else if (type.getName().equals("Inproceedings")) {
      sourceField = "booktitle";
    String fullName = entry.getField(sourceField);
    if (fullName != null) {
      if (type.getName().equals("Article")) {
        int ind = fullName.indexOf(": Accepted for future publication");
        if (ind > 0) {
          fullName = fullName.substring(0, ind);
          entry.setField("year", "to be published");
        String[] parts = fullName.split("[\\[\\]]"); // [see also...], [legacy...]
        fullName = parts[0];
        if (parts.length == 3) {
          fullName += parts[2];
        if (entry.getField("note").equals("Early Access")) {
          entry.setField("year", "to be published");
      } else {
        fullName =
                .replace("Conference Proceedings", "Proceedings")
                .replace("Proceedings of", "Proceedings")
                .replace("Proceedings.", "Proceedings");
        fullName = fullName.replaceAll("International", "Int.");
        fullName = fullName.replaceAll("Symposium", "Symp.");
        fullName = fullName.replaceAll("Conference", "Conf.");
        fullName = fullName.replaceAll(" on", " ").replace("  ", " ");

      Matcher m1 = publicationPattern.matcher(fullName);
      String abrvPattern = ".*[^,] '?\\d+\\)?";
      if (m1.find()) {
        String prefix = m1.group(2).trim();
        String postfix = m1.group(1).trim();
        String abrv = "";
        String[] parts = prefix.split("\\. ", 2);
        if (parts.length == 2) {
          if (parts[0].matches(abrvPattern)) {
            prefix = parts[1];
            abrv = parts[0];
          } else {
            prefix = parts[0];
            abrv = parts[1];
        if (!prefix.matches(abrvPattern)) {
          fullName = prefix + " " + postfix + " " + abrv;
          fullName = fullName.trim();
        } else {
          fullName = postfix + " " + prefix;
      if (type.getName().equals("Article")) {
        fullName = fullName.replace(" - ", "-"); // IEE Proceedings-

        fullName = fullName.trim();
        if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_IEEE_ABRV)) {
          fullName = Globals.journalAbbrev.getMedlineAbbreviation(fullName).orElse(fullName);
      if (type.getName().equals("Inproceedings")) {
        Matcher m2 = proceedingPattern.matcher(fullName);
        if (m2.find()) {
          String prefix = m2.group(2);
          String postfix = m2.group(1).replaceAll("\\.$", "");
          if (!prefix.matches(abrvPattern)) {
            String abrv = "";

            String[] parts = postfix.split("\\. ", 2);
            if (parts.length == 2) {
              if (parts[0].matches(abrvPattern)) {
                postfix = parts[1];
                abrv = parts[0];
              } else {
                postfix = parts[0];
                abrv = parts[1];
            fullName = prefix.trim() + " " + postfix.trim() + " " + abrv;

          } else {
            fullName = postfix.trim() + " " + prefix.trim();

        fullName = fullName.trim();

        fullName =
            fullName.replaceAll("^[tT]he ", "").replaceAll("^\\d{4} ", "").replaceAll("[,.]$", "");
        String year = entry.getField("year");
        fullName = fullName.replaceAll(", " + year + "\\.?", "");

        if (!fullName.contains("Abstract")
            && !fullName.contains("Summaries")
            && !fullName.contains("Conference Record")) {
          fullName = "Proc. " + fullName;
      entry.setField(sourceField, fullName);

    // clean up abstract
    String abstr = entry.getField("abstract");
    if (abstr != null) {
      // Try to sort out most of the /spl / conversions
      // Deal with this specific nested type first
      abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sub /spl infin//", "\\$_\\\\infty\\$");
      abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sup /spl infin//", "\\$\\^\\\\infty\\$");
      // Replace general expressions
      abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/[sS]pl ([^/]+)/", "\\$\\\\$1\\$");
      // Deal with subscripts and superscripts
      if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_CONVERT_TO_EQUATION)) {
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sup ([^/]+)/", "\\$\\^\\{$1\\}\\$");
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sub ([^/]+)/", "\\$_\\{$1\\}\\$");
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("\\(sup\\)([^(]+)\\(/sup\\)", "\\$\\^\\{$1\\}\\$");
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("\\(sub\\)([^(]+)\\(/sub\\)", "\\_\\{$1\\}\\$");
      } else {
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sup ([^/]+)/", "\\\\textsuperscript\\{$1\\}");
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sub ([^/]+)/", "\\\\textsubscript\\{$1\\}");
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("\\(sup\\)([^(]+)\\(/sup\\)", "\\\\textsuperscript\\{$1\\}");
        abstr = abstr.replaceAll("\\(sub\\)([^(]+)\\(/sub\\)", "\\\\textsubscript\\{$1\\}");
      // Replace \infin with \infty
      abstr = abstr.replaceAll("\\\\infin", "\\\\infty");
      // Write back
      entry.setField("abstract", abstr);

    // Clean up url
    String url = entry.getField("url");
    if (url != null) {
      entry.setField("url", "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org" + url.replace("tp=&", ""));
    return entry;
예제 #3
 public ChangeTypeAction(BibtexEntryType type, BasePanel bp) {
   this.type = type;
   panel = bp;