protected void forceNumberArgumentsToParameterTypes(
      Object[] args, Class[] paramTypes, int[] typeFlagsByParamIndex) {
    final int paramTypesLen = paramTypes.length;
    final int argsLen = args.length;
    for (int argIdx = 0; argIdx < argsLen; argIdx++) {
      final int paramTypeIdx = argIdx < paramTypesLen ? argIdx : paramTypesLen - 1;
      final int typeFlags = typeFlagsByParamIndex[paramTypeIdx];

      // Forcing the number type can only be interesting if there are numerical parameter types on
      // that index,
      // and the unwrapping was not to an exact numerical type.
      if ((typeFlags & TypeFlags.WIDENED_NUMERICAL_UNWRAPPING_HINT) != 0) {
        final Object arg = args[argIdx];
        // If arg isn't a number, we can't do any conversions anyway, regardless of the param type.
        if (arg instanceof Number) {
          final Class targetType = paramTypes[paramTypeIdx];
          final Number convertedArg =
              BeansWrapper.forceUnwrappedNumberToType((Number) arg, targetType, bugfixed);
          if (convertedArg != null) {
            args[argIdx] = convertedArg;