// edit ranks
  public void editRankings(ArrayList<School> H) {
    int schoolRanking, nSchools = this.rankings.length;
    String schoolPrompt, yesOrNo;

    yesOrNo = BasicFunctions.getYesOrNo("Edit rankings (y/n): ");

    if (yesOrNo.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {

    System.out.printf("\nStudent %s's rankings:\n", this.getName());

    // for loop handles schools
    for (int i = 0; i < nSchools; i++) {

      // initialize the prompt
      schoolPrompt = "School " + H.get(i).getName() + ": ";

      // get the correct input from user for rank
      do {
        schoolRanking = BasicFunctions.getInteger(schoolPrompt, 1, nSchools);
      } while (this.rankingUsed(i, schoolRanking));

      // set that to be the rank
      this.setRanking(i, schoolRanking);
    } // end for loop
  } // end editRankings method
  public void editInfo(ArrayList<School> H) {
    this.setName(BasicFunctions.getString("Name: "));
    this.setGPA(BasicFunctions.getDouble("GPA: ", 0, _GPA_MAX_VALUE_));
    this.setES(BasicFunctions.getInteger("Extracurricular score: ", 0, _ES_MAX_VALUE_));
    this.editRankings(H); // will only fully execute if user wants it to

  } // user info