예제 #1
   * @param individual The derivation to be tested.
   * @param d The features used to test the derivation.
   * @return A list with the test results.
   * @throws GggpExceptionImpl
  public List<Integer> test(Derivation individual, DoubleMatrix2D d) throws GggpExceptionImpl {

    List<Integer> res = null;
    Collection<AuxFeatureFitnessImpl> auxFit;
    Iterator<AuxFeatureFitnessImpl> itAux;
    AuxFeatureFitnessImpl auxFitE;
    Collection<Rules> cr;
    Iterator<Rules> itr;
    Rules r;
    int normalClass;
    int injuryClass;
    int fit;
    int falsePositive;
    int falseNegative;
    int indefined;
    boolean evaluation;

    if ((individual != null) && (d != null)) {

      auxFitE = new AuxFeatureFitnessImpl();

      auxFit = auxFitE.mapFeaturesWithLabel(d);

      cr = parseRules(individual, "real");

      itAux = auxFit.iterator();

      fit = 0;
      falsePositive = 0;
      falseNegative = 0;
      indefined = 0;

       * To each feature, all the rules are applied. Only the rules that returns TRUE are
       * considered, and in function of the class (normal or injury) associated to the rule, one of
       * two variables are incremented ("normalClass" = normal class, and "injuryClass" = normal
       * class). At the end, the result is classified in FIT (a right prognosis), FALSE_NEGATIVE,
      while (itAux.hasNext()) {

        auxFitE = itAux.next();

        itr = cr.iterator();

        normalClass = 0;
        injuryClass = 0;

        while (itr.hasNext()) {

          r = itr.next();

          evaluation = r.evaluatesRule(auxFitE.getFeatures(), r.getAntecedent());

          if (evaluation) {

            if (((r.getConsecuent()).toUpperCase()).equals("NORMAL")) {


            } else {


        /** Classification of the results. */
        if (auxFitE.getLabel().equals(new Double(0))) {

          if (normalClass > injuryClass) {


          } else {

            if (normalClass < injuryClass) {


            } else {


        } else {

          if (injuryClass > normalClass) {


          } else {

            if (injuryClass < normalClass) {


            } else {


      res = new LinkedList<Integer>();

      /** Add the amount of classified items (series). */
      res.add(new Integer(d.rows()));

      /** Add the amount of right prognosis (FIT). */
      res.add(new Integer(fit));

      /** Add the amount of false negatives. */
      res.add(new Integer(falseNegative));

      /** Add the amount of false positives. */
      res.add(new Integer(falsePositive));

      /** Add the amount of indefined. */
      res.add(new Integer(indefined));

    return res;
예제 #2
   * The function calculates for each derivation (d) that belongs to "individuals", the
   * entropy-based fitness function of the rule set associated to d, over the isokinetic curves
   * sample set "features".
   * @param individuals The derivations with the rule set associated to each one.
   * @param features The sample set of isokinetic curves.
  private Map<Derivation, Double> fitness(
      Collection<Derivation> individuals, DoubleMatrix2D features, boolean applyEnt)
      throws GggpExceptionImpl {

    Map<Derivation, Double> res = null;
    Collection<AuxFeatureFitnessImpl> auxFit;
    Iterator<AuxFeatureFitnessImpl> itAux;
    AuxFeatureFitnessImpl auxFitE;
    Iterator<Derivation> it;
    Derivation d;
    Collection<Rules> cr;
    Iterator<Rules> itr;
    Rules r;
    int normalClass;
    int injuryClass;
    double notSuccess;
    boolean evaluation;
    double success;
    double ebff;
    double efc;
    double H;
    double auxFitness;

    if ((individuals != null) && (features != null)) {

      auxFit = new LinkedList<AuxFeatureFitnessImpl>();

      auxFitE = new AuxFeatureFitnessImpl();

      auxFit = auxFitE.mapFeaturesWithLabel(this.getFeatures());

      res = new ConcurrentHashMap<Derivation, Double>();

      it = individuals.iterator();

      while (it.hasNext()) {

        d = it.next();

        cr = parseRules(d, "real");

        itAux = auxFit.iterator();

        success = 0;
        H = 0;

         * To each isokinetic curve auxFitE, all the DB's rules are applied. Only the rules that
         * returns TRUE are considered, and depending of the class (normal or injury) associated to
         * the rule and to auxFitE, one of two variables are incremented ("normalClass" = normal
         * class, and "injuryClass" = normal class). At the end, the class with more hits is
         * returned.
        while (itAux.hasNext()) {

          auxFitE = itAux.next();

          itr = cr.iterator();

          normalClass = 0;
          injuryClass = 0;
          notSuccess = 0;

          /** Applies all the rules over the isokinetic curve auxFiteE */
          while (itr.hasNext()) {

            r = itr.next();

            evaluation = r.evaluatesRule(auxFitE.getFeatures(), r.getAntecedent());

            if (evaluation) {

              if (((r.getConsecuent()).toUpperCase()).equals("NORMAL")) {

                if (auxFitE.getLabel().equals(new Double(1))) {

                  /** The rule misclassify the isokinetic curve. */


              } else {

                if (auxFitE.getLabel().equals(new Double(0))) {

                  /** The rule misclassify the isokinetic curve. */


          if (applyEnt) {

            if (cr.size() != 0) {

               * The entropy function component of the rule set over the isokinetic curve auxFitE.
              efc = notSuccess / (2 * cr.size());

            } else {
              efc = 0;

             * The entropy funtion of the distribution of the rule set's non success results, over
             * the sample of isokinect curves.
            if (efc != 0) {

              H = H - efc * Math.log(efc);

           * Classification of the result, that is: if the rules made a right prognosis, increment
           * success, otherwise it does nothing.
          if (auxFitE.getLabel().equals(new Double(0))) {

            if (normalClass > injuryClass) {

              /** The rule set classify properly the isokinetic curve. */

          } else {

            if (injuryClass > normalClass) {

              /** The rule set classify properly the isokinetic curve. */

        if (applyEnt) {

          auxFitness = (success - H);

        } else {
          auxFitness = success;

        if (auxFitness != 0) {

           * The entropy-based fitness function of the rule set over the isokinetic curves sample
           * set.
          ebff = auxFitness / features.rows();

        } else {
          ebff = 0;

        res.put(d, ebff);

    return res;
예제 #3
   * @param fileGrammar The path and name of the file with the Grammar's definition.
   * @param fileFeaturesTotal The path and name of the file with the features in order to calculate
   *     the initial values for the initial population.
   * @param fileFeaturesTrain The path and name of the file with the features in order to train the
   *     GGGP system.
   * @param cols The column's amount of fileFeatures (18).
   * @param sizeP The GGGP System's size population (200).
   * @param maxDepth Maximum Depth of the Derivations (10).
   * @param symbol The Element's symbol to which the Evolutionary Gradient will be applied ("real").
   * @param symbol2 The Element's symbol which has the name of the feature, for which the
   *     Evolutionary Gradient is looking for a real value that will be used in a rule ("TV1").
   * @param K The parameter used in the Tournament operator.
   * @param perBest If elitism'll be applied, the parameters defines which percentage of the current
   *     generation'll survive in the next (the survivals are selected by theirs fitness,ie, only
   *     the individuals with the best fitness are selected).
   * @param elitism It defines if elitism is applied or not.
   * @param amountIter It defines the maximum amount of training's iterations.
   * @param percentage It defines the maximum fitness to be reached, ie, if the training process
   *     reach this fitness the process is stopped.
   * @param applyEnt It defines if apply Entropy or not in the fitness calculation.
   * @return The Derivation (the best individual) that results from the training process.
   * @throws GggpExceptionImpl
  public Collection<Derivation> train(
      String fileGrammar,
      String fileFeaturesTotal,
      String fileFeaturesTrain,
      int cols,
      int sizeP,
      int maxDepth,
      String symbol,
      int symbol2,
      int K,
      int perBest,
      boolean elitism,
      int amountIter,
      double percentage,
      boolean applyEnt)
      throws GggpExceptionImpl {

    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    List<Object> parameters;
    Map<String, Double> feat;
    Collection<Derivation> newIndividuals;
    Collection<Derivation> newPopulation = null;
    Collection<Derivation> matingPool;
    int auxAmountIter;
    AuxFeatureFitnessImpl auxFitE;
    double currentPer;
    Map<Derivation, Double> currentFitness;

    /** Load the features of the training items with theirs labels . */
    this.loadFeatures(fileFeaturesTrain, null);

    /** Load the Grammar associated to the GGGP System . */

    /** ################### START INIT POPULATION ################## * */
    parameters = new LinkedList<Object>();

    /** The function DELTA to be used in the Evolutionary Gradient. */
    parameters.add(new FunctionImpl());

    /** Size of the GGGP System's Population. */
    parameters.add(new Integer(sizeP));

    /** Maximum Depth of the Derivations. */
    parameters.add(new Integer(maxDepth));

    /** The Element's symbol to which the Evolutionary Gradient will be applied . */

     * The Element's symbol which has the name of the feature, for which the Evolutionary Gradient
     * is looking for a real value that will be used in a rule.

     * Feat is the mapping from the name of each feature to his average real value in the training
     * and test items.
    auxFitE = new AuxFeatureFitnessImpl();
    feat = auxFitE.featuresInitialValues(fileFeaturesTotal);

    /** It creates the initial GGGP System's population. */
    newIndividuals = null;
    newIndividuals = this.initPopulation(2, parameters);

    parameters = null;
    parameters = new LinkedList<Object>();
    parameters.add(new Boolean(applyEnt));
    currentFitness = this.fitness(newIndividuals, this.getFeatures(), parameters);
    currentPer = java.util.Collections.max(currentFitness.values());


    /** ################### END INIT POPULATION ################## * */

    /** ################### START THE TRAINING PROCESS ################### */
    auxAmountIter = 1;

    while ((auxAmountIter <= amountIter) && (currentPer < percentage)) {

      System.out.println("Iteration number: " + auxAmountIter);


      /** ################### START CREATE MATING POOL ################## * */
      parameters = null;
      parameters = new LinkedList<Object>();

      /** The parameter K used in the Tournament operator. */
      parameters.add(new Integer(K));

      /** The name of the file with the features of the training items. */

      /** The amount of columns of the file with the features of the training items. */
      parameters.add(new Integer(cols));

      /** If apply entropy or not in fitness calculation. */
      parameters.add(new Boolean(applyEnt));

      /** It creates the mating pool from the current GGGP System's population. */
      matingPool = null;
      matingPool =
          this.parentSelection(this.getPopulation(), null, this.getFitness(), sizeP, 1, parameters);

      /** ################### END CREATE MATING POOL ################## * */

      /** ################### START CREATE POPULATION'S NEXT GENERATION ################## * */
      parameters = null;
      parameters = new LinkedList<Object>();

      /** The crossover method. */
      parameters.add(new Integer(2));

      /** Maximum Depth of the Derivations. */
      parameters.add(new Integer(maxDepth));

      /** The Element's symbol to which the Evolutionary Gradient will be applied . */

      /** It creates the next generation of individuals from the mating pool . */
      newIndividuals = null;
      newIndividuals = this.nextGeneration(this.getMatingPool(), parameters);

      /** ################### END CREATE POPULATION'S NEXT GENERATION ################## * */

      /** ################### START CHANGE CURRENT POPULATION ################## * */
      newPopulation = null;
      newPopulation =
          this.survivalSelection(this.getPopulation(), newIndividuals, 1, null, elitism, perBest);

      try {
      } catch (GrammarExceptionImpl ex) {



      parameters = null;
      parameters = new LinkedList<Object>();
      parameters.add(new Boolean(applyEnt));
      currentFitness = this.fitness(newPopulation, this.getFeatures(), parameters);
      currentPer = java.util.Collections.max(currentFitness.values());


      /** ################### END CHANGE CURRENT POPULATION ################## * */

    /** ################### END THE TRAINING PROCESS ################### */
    System.out.println("The TRAIN Maximum Fitness is: " + currentPer);
    return newPopulation;