예제 #1
   * Creates a Tab to host the given WebContents asynchronously.
   * @param webContents WebContents that has been pre-created.
   * @param parentId ID of the parent Tab.
   * @param type Launch type for the Tab.
   * @param url URL that the WebContents was opened for.
   * @param startedBy See {@link DocumentMetricIds}.
  public boolean createTabWithWebContents(
      WebContents webContents, int parentId, TabLaunchType type, String url, int startedBy) {
    if (url == null) url = "";

    // TODO(dfalcantara): Does this transition make sense? (crbug.com/509886)
    int pageTransition =
        startedBy == DocumentMetricIds.STARTED_BY_CHROME_HOME_RECENT_TABS
            ? PageTransition.RELOAD
            : PageTransition.AUTO_TOPLEVEL;

    AsyncTabCreationParams asyncParams =
        new AsyncTabCreationParams(new LoadUrlParams(url, pageTransition), webContents);
    createNewTab(asyncParams, type, parentId);
    return true;
예제 #2
  public Tab createNewTab(LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams, TabLaunchType type, Tab parent) {
    AsyncTabCreationParams asyncParams = new AsyncTabCreationParams(loadUrlParams);

    // Figure out how the page will be launched.
    if (TextUtils.equals(UrlConstants.NTP_URL, loadUrlParams.getUrl())) {
    } else if (type == TabLaunchType.FROM_LONGPRESS_BACKGROUND) {
      if (!parent.isIncognito() && mIsIncognito) {
        // Incognito tabs opened from regular tabs open in the foreground for privacy
        // concerns.
      } else {

    // Classify the startup type.
    if (parent != null && TextUtils.equals(UrlConstants.NTP_URL, parent.getUrl())) {
    } else if (type == TabLaunchType.FROM_LONGPRESS_BACKGROUND
        || type == TabLaunchType.FROM_LONGPRESS_FOREGROUND) {
    } else if (type == TabLaunchType.FROM_MENU_OR_OVERVIEW) {

    // Tab is created aysnchronously.  Can't return anything, yet.
    createNewTab(asyncParams, type, parent == null ? Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID : parent.getId());
    return null;
예제 #3
   * Creates a Tab to host the given WebContents asynchronously.
   * @param asyncParams Parameters to create the Tab with, including the URL.
   * @param type Information about how the tab was launched.
   * @param parentId ID of the parent tab, if it exists.
  public void createNewTab(AsyncTabCreationParams asyncParams, TabLaunchType type, int parentId) {
    assert asyncParams != null;

    // Tabs should't be launched in affiliated mode when a webcontents exists.
    assert !(type == TabLaunchType.FROM_LONGPRESS_BACKGROUND
        && asyncParams.getWebContents() != null);

    Context context = ApplicationStatus.getApplicationContext();
    Activity parentActivity = ActivityDelegate.getActivityForTabId(parentId);

    boolean mayLaunchDocumentActivity = isAllowedToLaunchDocumentActivity(context);
    assert mayLaunchDocumentActivity || (asyncParams.getWebContents() == null);

    if (FeatureUtilities.isDocumentMode(context) && mayLaunchDocumentActivity) {
      AsyncDocumentLauncher.getInstance().enqueueLaunch(mIsIncognito, parentId, asyncParams);
    } else {
      // TODO(dfalcantara): Is it possible to get rid of this conditional?
      int assignedTabId = TabIdManager.getInstance().generateValidId(Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID);
      AsyncTabCreationParamsManager.add(assignedTabId, asyncParams);

      Intent intent =
          new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(asyncParams.getLoadUrlParams().getUrl()));
      intent.setClass(context, ChromeLauncherActivity.class);
      intent.putExtra(IntentHandler.EXTRA_TAB_ID, assignedTabId);
      intent.putExtra(IntentHandler.EXTRA_OPEN_NEW_INCOGNITO_TAB, mIsIncognito);
      intent.putExtra(IntentHandler.EXTRA_PARENT_TAB_ID, parentId);

      if (parentActivity != null && parentActivity.getIntent() != null) {
        intent.putExtra(IntentHandler.EXTRA_PARENT_INTENT, parentActivity.getIntent());

      if (asyncParams.getRequestId() != null) {
            ServiceTabLauncher.LAUNCH_REQUEST_ID_EXTRA, asyncParams.getRequestId().intValue());

      IntentHandler.startActivityForTrustedIntent(intent, context);