예제 #1
  public void processSignInHASHED(
      String username,
      String password) // this is for when we do the auto login cause we getting the hashed prefs

    String url =
            + username
            + "&password_hash="
            + password
            + "&format=json";
    String getPlayer = apiCall.httpGet(url, httpReturns.size());

    System.out.println("trying to sign in hashed with " + username + " " + password);

    if (getPlayer.equalsIgnoreCase("FAILED")
        || getPlayer.equalsIgnoreCase("CANCELLED")
        || getPlayer.equalsIgnoreCase("EMPTY")) {
      // menuComponents.add(3, new MenuComponent(300, 400, 100, 50, Assets.menuFailedRegion));
      System.out.println("login with hash " + getPlayer);
      Preferences prefs = Gdx.app.getPreferences("LOGIN");
      prefs.putString("USERNAME_HASHED", "");
      prefs.putString("PASSWORD_HASHED", "");
      prefs.flush(); // saves the blank hashes to the prefs file
    } else {
      System.out.println("JSON NOT MEPTY");
      JSONObject json = new JSONObject(getPlayer);
      JSONArray playerArray = json.getJSONArray("objects");
      JSONObject player0 = playerArray.getJSONObject(0);
      int wins = player0.getInt("wins");
      int losses = player0.getInt("losses");
      String usernameS = player0.getString("username");
      String charityURL = player0.getString("charity");

      // store players id during this playing session in proofOfConcept (best place I can think of
      // at the moment)
      int id = player0.getInt("id");

      String getCharity =
          apiCall.httpGet("" + charityURL + "?format=json", httpReturns.size());
      if (getCharity.equalsIgnoreCase("FAILED")
          || getCharity.equalsIgnoreCase("CANCELLED")
          || getCharity.equalsIgnoreCase("EMPTY")) {
        // menuComponents.add(new MenuComponent(300, 400, 100, 50, Assets.menuFailedRegion));
        // //should be 3 unless 3 is already there, then it will be 4
      } else {
        JSONObject jsonCharity = new JSONObject(getCharity);
        String charityName = jsonCharity.getString("name");
        int charityIcon = jsonCharity.getInt("icon");
        int charityID = jsonCharity.getInt("id");

        System.out.println("Go to welcome");

        this.welcome(usernameS, wins, losses, charityName, charityIcon);
예제 #2
  public void processSignUp(String username, String password, String email, String charity) {
    email = "fakeEmail";
    String URL = "";
    String Body =
            + "{"
            + "   \"charity\": \"/api/v1/charity/"
            + charity
            + "/\","
            + "   \"email\": \""
            + email
            + "\","
            + "   \"username\": \""
            + username
            + "\","
            + "   \"username_hash\": \""
            + sha256(username)
            + "\","
            + "   \"password_hash\": \""
            + sha256(password)
            + "\","
            + "   \"wins\": 0,"
            + "   \"losses\": 0"
            + "}";

    String results =
            false); // makes the first call to insert player to table

    // below gets the userID from another query, then posts that to the matchmaking table
    String url =
            + sha256(username)
            + "&password_hash="
            + sha256(password)
            + "&format=json";
    String getPlayer = apiCall.httpGet(url, httpReturns.size());

    if (getPlayer.equalsIgnoreCase("FAILED")
        || getPlayer.equalsIgnoreCase("CANCELLED")
        || getPlayer.equalsIgnoreCase("EMPTY")) {
      // menuComponents.add(3, new MenuComponent(300, 400, 100, 50, Assets.menuFailedRegion));
    } else {
      JSONObject json = new JSONObject(getPlayer);
      JSONArray playerArray = json.getJSONArray("objects");
      JSONObject player0 = playerArray.getJSONObject(0);
      int id = player0.getInt("id");

      // post to matchmaking
      URL = "";
      Body =
              + "{"
              + "   \"player\": \"/api/v1/player/"
              + id
              + "/\","
              + "   \"match\": null,"
              + "   \"waiting\": false"
              + "}";

      results = apiCall.httpPostPutOrPatch(URL, Body, httpReturns.size(), false, false);
      // end post to matchmaking

    // end get playerID