   * Take a snapshot of a table, add data, and verify that deleting the snapshot does not affect
   * either table.
   * @param online - Whether the table is online or not during the snapshot
  private void runTestSnapshotDeleteIndependent(boolean online) throws Exception {
    FileSystem fs = UTIL.getHBaseCluster().getMaster().getMasterFileSystem().getFileSystem();
    Path rootDir = UTIL.getHBaseCluster().getMaster().getMasterFileSystem().getRootDir();

    final Admin admin = UTIL.getHBaseAdmin();
    final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final TableName localTableName = TableName.valueOf(STRING_TABLE_NAME + startTime);

    try (Table original = UTIL.createTable(localTableName, TEST_FAM)) {
      UTIL.loadTable(original, TEST_FAM);

    // Take a snapshot
    final String snapshotNameAsString = "snapshot_" + localTableName;
    byte[] snapshotName = Bytes.toBytes(snapshotNameAsString);

        admin, localTableName, TEST_FAM_STR, snapshotNameAsString, rootDir, fs, online);

    if (!online) {
    TableName cloneTableName = TableName.valueOf("test-clone-" + localTableName);
    admin.cloneSnapshot(snapshotName, cloneTableName);

    // Ensure the original table does not reference the HFiles anymore

    // Deleting the snapshot used to break the cloned table by deleting in-use HFiles

    // Wait for cleaner run and DFS heartbeats so that anything that is deletable is fully deleted

    try (Table original = UTIL.getConnection().getTable(localTableName)) {
      try (Table clonedTable = UTIL.getConnection().getTable(cloneTableName)) {
        // Verify that all regions of both tables are readable
        final int origTableRowCount = UTIL.countRows(original);
        final int clonedTableRowCount = UTIL.countRows(clonedTable);
        Assert.assertEquals(origTableRowCount, clonedTableRowCount);