  public void ensureIsNotAllDayForNoonPeriod() {

    DateMidnight today = DateMidnight.now();

    Period period = new Period(today, today, DayLength.NOON);

    Absence absence = new Absence(person, period, EventType.ALLOWED_APPLICATION, timeConfiguration);

    Assert.assertFalse("Should be not all day", absence.isAllDay());
  public void ensureIsAllDayForFullDayPeriod() {

    DateMidnight start = DateMidnight.now();
    DateMidnight end = start.plusDays(2);

    Period period = new Period(start, end, DayLength.FULL);

    Absence absence = new Absence(person, period, EventType.ALLOWED_APPLICATION, timeConfiguration);

    Assert.assertTrue("Should be all day", absence.isAllDay());