コード例 #1
   * This method attempts to find a matching dependency quickly, by bypassing full resolution of the
   * classpath path group for a plugin. It assumes the following: 1. The dependendency is directly
   * defined by the plugin artifact (this should always be true when a plugin implements an abstract
   * method of another) 2. The plugin artifact defines no overrides that effect the dependency (this
   * should be true as the plugin should just define the version it wants directly). If the
   * performance of resolvePathGroup is improved this method could be replaced by the version below.
  private RepoArtifactId fastFindMatchingDependency(Target target, RepoArtifactId id) {
    // Find the matching id that belongs to the classpath
    PathGroup pathGroup = target.getPathGroup("classpath");
    RepoArtifactId match = null;
    String matchingPath = null;
    for (Iterator i = target.getPlugin().getArtifact().getDependencies().iterator();
        i.hasNext(); ) {
      RepoDependency dependency = (RepoDependency) i.next();
      if (dependency.getId().matches(id)) {
        for (Iterator j = dependency.getPathSpecs().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
          RepoPathSpec pathSpec = (RepoPathSpec) j.next();
          if (pathGroup.getPaths().contains("plugin." + pathSpec.getTo())) {
            match = dependency.getId();
            matchingPath = pathSpec.getTo();

        match != null,
            + " does not declare a dependency that matches "
            + id);

    // Apply any project overrides
    for (Iterator i = overrides.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      ws.quokka.core.model.Override override = (ws.quokka.core.model.Override) i.next();
      if (override.getWithVersion() != null && override.matches(match)) {
        Set paths = override.matchingPluginPaths(target.getPlugin().getArtifact().getId());
        if (paths.contains(matchingPath) || ((paths.size() == 1) && paths.contains("*"))) {
          log.verbose("Overriding " + match.toShortString() + " to " + override.getWithVersion());
          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                "Applied "
                    + override
                    + (override.getLocator() == null ? "" : " from " + override.getLocator()));
          return new RepoArtifactId(
              id.getGroup(), id.getName(), id.getType(), override.getWithVersion());

    return match;

    // Slow code
    //        List artifacts = resolvePathGroup(target, "classpath");
    //        for (Iterator i = artifacts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
    //            RepoArtifact artifact = (RepoArtifact) i.next();
    //            if (artifact.getId().matches(id)) {
    //                return artifact.getId();
    //            }
    //        }
コード例 #2
   * Overrides anything that conflicts with the core to the core version This will allow old plugins
   * to potentially work without overriding them
  private List getCoreOverrides() {
    List overrides = new ArrayList();

    for (Iterator i = corePath.getArtifacts().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      RepoArtifact artifact = (RepoArtifact) i.next();
      RepoArtifactId id = artifact.getId();
          new RepoOverride(

    return overrides;
コード例 #3
   * Returns a set of properties for the project. The precedence is: quokka.properties
   * quokka.properties of inherited projects plugin.properties No expansion or ordering of
   * properties is done
  public AnnotatedProperties getProperties() {
    AnnotatedProperties resolvedProperties = new AnnotatedProperties();

    // Add the global defaults
    resolvedProperties.put("quokka.project.targetDir", "${basedir}/target");
    resolvedProperties.put("quokka.project.sourceDir", "${basedir}/src");
    resolvedProperties.put("quokka.project.resourcesDir", "${basedir}/resources");

    // Add artifact related properties
    if (project.getArtifacts().size() > 0) {
      // Add properties common to all (group & version)
      RepoArtifactId artifactId =
          ((Artifact) getProject().getArtifacts().iterator().next()).getId();
      resolvedProperties.put("quokka.project.artifact.group", artifactId.getGroup());
      resolvedProperties.put("quokka.project.artifact.version", artifactId.getVersion().toString());

      // Build up a list of names by type
      Map namesByType = new HashMap();

      for (Iterator i = project.getArtifacts().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Artifact artifact = (Artifact) i.next();
        artifactId = artifact.getId();

        List names = (List) namesByType.get(artifactId.getType());

        if (names == null) {
          names = new ArrayList();
          namesByType.put(artifactId.getType(), names);


      // Output the names
      for (Iterator i = namesByType.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
        List names = (List) entry.getValue();
            "quokka.project.artifact.name[" + entry.getKey() + "]",
            Strings.join(names.iterator(), ","));

    // Put the plugin properties in first. Order is not important as plugin properties should be
    // unique to their plugin
    for (Iterator i = resolvedTargets.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      Target target = (Target) i.next();
      AnnotatedProperties targetProperties = target.getDefaultProperties();
          applyProfiles(targetProperties, project.getActiveProfiles().getElements()));

    // Put in any properties defined in dependency sets (processed in reverse to ensure high levels
    // override low levels)
    resolveProperties(resolvedProperties, project.getDependencySet());

        applyProfiles(project.getProperties(), project.getActiveProfiles().getElements()));

    // Put the project paths as properties
    for (Iterator i = resolvedPaths.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
          "quokka.project.path." + entry.getKey(),
          toAntPath(getProjectPath((String) entry.getKey(), false, true)).toString());

    return resolvedProperties;
コード例 #4
  public void initialise() {
    pathResolver = new Resolver(repository, log);

    // Add ant-types path
            new Path(
                "Dependencies added to this path are available to ant optional tasks."));

    // Get dependency sets, applying profiles and overrides
    List sets = depthFirst(project.getDependencySet());

    // O pass: aggregate overrides
    for (Iterator i = sets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      DependencySet set = (DependencySet) i.next();

    // 1st pass: Define targets, paths, imported URLs
    Map targets = new HashMap();

    for (Iterator i = sets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      DependencySet set = (DependencySet) i.next();

      // Get targets
      for (Iterator j = set.getDependencies().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
        Dependency dependency = (Dependency) j.next();

        if (dependency instanceof PluginDependency) {
          resolveTargets(targets, (PluginDependency) dependency);

      // Get paths
      for (Iterator j = set.getPaths().values().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
        addPath((Path) j.next());

      if (set.getImportURL() != null) {

      // Find the unique names for all declared artifacts
      Set uniqueNames = new HashSet();

      for (Iterator j = project.getArtifacts().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
        Artifact artifact = (Artifact) j.next();

      // Create artifacts for any licenses referenced by files
      for (Iterator j = set.getLicenses().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
        License license = (License) j.next();

        if (license.getFile() != null) {
              project.getArtifacts().size() != 0,
              "There are no artifacts defined for a license to be applied to.");

          Artifact artifact = (Artifact) project.getArtifacts().iterator().next();
          RepoArtifactId id = artifact.getId();

          // If no name is specified, default it to name of the artifact if it is unique,
          // otherwise use the default from the group
          String name = license.getId().getName();
          String defaultName = RepoArtifactId.defaultName(id.getGroup());

          if (name == null) {
            if (uniqueNames.size() == 1) {
              name = (String) uniqueNames.iterator().next();
            } else {
              name = defaultName;

          Artifact licenseArtifact = new Artifact(id.getGroup(), name, "license", id.getVersion());
              "License for " + id.getGroup() + (name.equals(defaultName) ? "" : (":" + name)));

    // 2nd pass: Define default paths specs, add imported targets
    for (Iterator i = sets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      DependencySet set = (DependencySet) i.next();

      // Fill in path spec defaults now that the project paths have been defined

    // 3rd pass: Reverse order for build resources
    List reverse = new ArrayList(sets);

    for (Iterator i = reverse.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      DependencySet set = (DependencySet) i.next();
      buildResources.putAll(set.getBuildResources()); // Parent overrides children

    resolvedTargets = targets;
    corePath = resolveCorePath();

    if ("true".equals(antProject.getProperty("quokka.project.overrideCore"))) {
      coreOverrides = getCoreOverrides();