コード例 #1
   * Simulate that an AJAX event has been fired. You add an AJAX event to a component by using:
   * <pre>
   *      ...
   *      component.add(new AjaxEventBehavior(ClientEvent.DBLCLICK) {
   *          public void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget) {
   *              // Do something.
   *          }
   *      });
   *      ...
   * </pre>
   * You can then test that the code inside onEvent actually does what it's supposed to, using the
   * WicketTester:
   * <pre>
   *      ...
   *      tester.executeAjaxEvent(component, ClientEvent.DBLCLICK);
   *      // Test that the code inside onEvent is correct.
   *      ...
   * </pre>
   * PLEASE NOTE! This method doesn't actually insert the component in the client DOM tree, using
   * javascript.
   * @param component The component which has the AjaxEventBehavior we wan't to test. If the
   *     component is null, the test will fail.
   * @param event The event which we simulate is fired. If the event is null, the test will fail.
  public void executeAjaxEvent(Component component, ClientEvent event) {
    String failMessage = "Can't execute event on a component which is null.";
    Assert.assertNotNull(failMessage, component);

    failMessage = "event must not be null";
    Assert.assertNotNull(failMessage, event);

    // Run through all the behavior and select the LAST ADDED behavior which
    // matches the event parameter.
    AjaxEventBehavior ajaxEventBehavior = null;
    List<IBehavior> behaviors = component.getBehaviors();
    for (IBehavior behavior : behaviors) {
      // AjaxEventBehavior is the one to look for
      if (behavior instanceof AjaxEventBehavior) {
        AjaxEventBehavior tmp = (AjaxEventBehavior) behavior;

        if (tmp.getEvent() == event) {
          ajaxEventBehavior = tmp;

    // If there haven't been found any event behaviors on the component
    // which maches the parameters we fail.
    failMessage =
        "No AjaxEventBehavior found on component: "
            + component.getId()
            + " which matches the event: "
            + event.toString();
    Assert.assertNotNull(failMessage, ajaxEventBehavior);

    RequestCycle requestCycle = createRequestCycle();


    // process the request target