コード例 #1
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {

    System.out.println("+++Compiled New++++");

    nonTerminal = VSMUtil.getNonTerminal(args);

    LOGGER = VSMLogger.setup(FeatureVectors.class.getName() + "." + nonTerminal);

    featureDictionary =
        VSMContant.FEATURE_DICTIONARY + nonTerminal.toLowerCase() + "/dictionary.ser";

    wordDictionaryPath = VSMContant.WORD_DICT;

    LOGGER.info("Reading the Feature Dictionary Object");
    dictionaryBean = ReadSerializedDictionary.readSerializedDictionary(featureDictionary, LOGGER);

    LOGGER.info("Reading the word dictionary object");
    wordDictBean = VSMReadSerialWordDict.readSerializedDictionary(wordDictionaryPath);

    outsideFeatureDictionary = dictionaryBean.getOutsideFeatureDictionary();

    insideFeatureDictionary = dictionaryBean.getInsideFeatureDictionary();

    wordDictionary = wordDictBean.getWordDictionary();

        "Got the syntactic and semantic feature dictionaries, with word dictionary dimensions: "
            + wordDictionary.size());

    treeReader = VSMUtil.getTreeReader(VSMContant.SICK_TRIAL_TREES);

    LOGGER.info("GOT Training Trees File Iterator: " + treeReader);

    int treeCount = 0;

    while (treeReader.hasNext()) {


      if (syntaxTree != null) {

        treeCount += 1;

        syntaxTree = treeNormalizer.process(syntaxTree);

        constituentsMap = syntaxTree.getConstituents();

        Iterator<Tree<String>> nodeTrees = syntaxTree.iterator();

        while (nodeTrees.hasNext()) {

          insideTree = nodeTrees.next();

          if (!insideTree.isLeaf() && insideTree.getLabel().equalsIgnoreCase(nonTerminal)) {



            System.out.println("Serialized the feature vector***");

    LOGGER.info("Done Creating the Sparse Vectors For the Non Terminal: " + nonTerminal);
コード例 #2
  public void testFeatureVectorSerialization() throws Exception {

    // VSMFeatureMatrixBean matrixBean = VSMReadSerialMatrix
    // .readFeatureMatrix("/Users/sameerkhurana10/Documents/featurematrix/dictionary.ser");
    VSMDictionaryBean matrixBean =

    ArrayList<Alphabet> updateFilteredDcitionaryOutside = matrixBean.getOutsideFeatureDictionary();
    ArrayList<Alphabet> updatedFilteredDictionaryInside = matrixBean.getInsideFeatureDictionary();

     * Getting all the tree files
    // File[] files = new File("/Users/sameerkhurana10/blipp_corpus/trees")
    // .listFiles();
    // File[] files = new File("/Users/sameerkhurana10/blipp_corpus/trees")
    // .listFiles();
    File[] files = new File("/Users/sameerkhurana10/blipp_corpus/testtrees").listFiles();

     * Getting the iterator over all the trees in the file specified by the
     * URI

    VSMSerializeFeatureVectorBean serializeBean = new VSMSerializeFeatureVectorBean();

    Trees.StandardTreeNormalizer obj = new Trees.StandardTreeNormalizer();
    PTBTreeNormaliser treeNormalizer = new PTBTreeNormaliser(true);
    for (File file : files) {
      PennTreeReader treeReader = VSMUtil.getTreeReader(file.getAbsolutePath());
       * Iterating over all the trees
      while (treeReader.hasNext()) {
         * Get the tree
        Tree<String> syntaxTree = null;
         * Unmatched parentheses exception
        try {
          syntaxTree = treeReader.next();
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
          System.out.println("exception" + e + " ::tree  " + syntaxTree);
         * Do stuff only if the syntax tree is a valid one
        if (syntaxTree != null) {

           * Processed syntax tree
          syntaxTree = treeNormalizer.process(syntaxTree);

          Map<Tree<String>, Constituent<String>> constituentsMap = syntaxTree.getConstituents();
           * Iterator over the nodes of the tree
          Iterator<Tree<String>> nodeTrees = syntaxTree.iterator();
           * Iterating over all the nodes
          // double[] psi = null;
          // double[] phi = null;
          no.uib.cipr.matrix.sparse.SparseVector psi = null;
          no.uib.cipr.matrix.sparse.SparseVector phi = null;
          Tree<String> insideTree = null;
          while (nodeTrees.hasNext()) {
             * This is the inside tree for which we want to form a
             * feature vector and store it in the map
            insideTree = nodeTrees.next();
            System.out.println("****Serializing for node  " + insideTree.getLabel());
             * Setting some static variables for the particular node
             * feature
            VSMUtil.getNumberOfOutsideWordsLeft(insideTree, constituentsMap, syntaxTree);
            VSMUtil.getNumberOfOutsideWordsRight(insideTree, constituentsMap, syntaxTree);

             * Creating the footoroot path for outside feature
             * extraction
            Stack<Tree<String>> foottoroot = new Stack<Tree<String>>();
            foottoroot =
                VSMUtil.updateFoottorootPath(foottoroot, syntaxTree, insideTree, constituentsMap);

             * Only do stuff if inside tree is not a leaf
            if (!insideTree.isLeaf()) {

               * Setting the object's properties that are stored
               * in the .ser file
              VSMFeatureVectorBean vectorBean = new VSMFeatureVectorBean();

              // System.out.println(":::::::" + insideTree);
               * Getting the inside feature vector phi
              psi =
                  new VSMOutsideFeatureVector()
                          foottoroot, updateFilteredDcitionaryOutside, vectorBean);
              System.out.println("got the outside feature vector** " + psi);
              phi =
                  new VSMInsideFeatureVector()
                          insideTree, updatedFilteredDictionaryInside, vectorBean);
              System.out.println("got the outside feature vector*** " + phi);

               * THe inside feature vector //
               * // * The outside feature vector //
              // /*
              // * The inside tree from which the inside feature
              // vector
              // * is extracted
              // */
              // /*
              // * The label of the node for which the inside and
              // * outside feature vectors are extracted
              // */
              // /*
              // * The tree from which the inside and outside
              // feature
              // * vectors are extracted
              // */
              // /*
              // * Setting the outside constituent trees from
              // which
              // the
              // * outside feature vector is extracted
              // */
              // /*
              // * Read the count map from the file, if it not
              // null
              // then
              // * call the other constructor, otherwise call the
              // empty
              // * constructor
              // */
              // // String fileURI =
              // //
              // "/Users/sameerkhurana10/Documents/serialization/countMap.ser";
              // // File file = new File(fileURI);
              // // if (!file.exists()) {
              // // VSMSerializeFeatureVectorBean serializeBean =
              // new
              // // VSMSerializeFeatureVectorBean();
              // // serializeBean.serializePhiBean(vectorBean);
              // // System.out.println("****does not exist***");
              // // } else {
              // // LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> countMap =
              // // VSMReadSerialCountMap
              // // .readCountMapObj(fileURI).getCountMap();
              // // VSMSerializeFeatureVectorBean serializeBean =
              // new
              // // VSMSerializeFeatureVectorBean(
              // // countMap);
              System.out.println("****heer here****" + vectorBean.getInsideFeatureVectorDim());
              System.out.println("****heer here****" + vectorBean.getInsideFeatureVectorDim());
              System.out.println("Serialized the feature vector***");
              // // }
              // //
              // outsideFeatureMatrix.put(insideTree.getLabel(),
              // psi);
              // }
              // }
              // }
              // }


    // /*
    // * Serialize the count map
    // */
    LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> countMap = VSMSerializeFeatureVectorBean.getCountMap();
    // /*
    // * The object that will be serialized
    // */
    VSMCountMap countMapObject = new VSMCountMap();
    // /*
    // * Serialize count Map
    // */
    System.out.println("count map serialized");
    // /*
    // * Test the serialized object, read the object
    // */
    LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> countMapRetireved =