public void update(GameContainer arg0, int arg1) throws SlickException { world.step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations); Fixture fa = cDetect.fa; Fixture fb = cDetect.fb; if (fa != null && fb != null) { player1.checkDeleteFixture(fa, fb); player2.checkDeleteFixture(fa, fb); asteroids.damageAsteroid(fa); asteroids.damageAsteroid(fb); } player1.batteryLeft = 100f; player1.calcForce(input, arg1, player2.player.getPosition()); player2.calcForceCPU( player1.player.getPosition(), asteroids.asteroids, new ArrayList<Vec2>(), arg1); player1.checkDeath(); player2.checkDeath(); if (player1.dead) { over = true; } if (player2.dead) { winner += 1; // In this case, winner will be used to determine score world.destroyBody(player2.player); player2 = new ShipCPU(player2Ship, world, tr, level); float jX = tr.width / tr.xscale; float jY = tr.height / tr.yscale; float max = jY / 2 - 15; float min = -jY / 2 + 15; float p2Y = (float) (Math.random() * (max - min) + min); player2.player.setTransform(new Vec2(jX / 2 - 15, p2Y), (float) Math.PI / 2); } if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_ESCAPE)) { over = true; } }
public void render(GameContainer arg0, Graphics arg1) throws SlickException { arg1.setBackground(; asteroids.drawAsteroids(arg1); if (!player1.dead) { player1.drawShip(arg1); } if (!player2.dead) { player2.drawShip(arg1); } }