/** * 根据时间算出vip费用 * * @param info * @return */ public double vipMoney(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); String sql = "select _value from t_system_options where _key = ? or _key =? or _key = ? order by id"; List<String> keys = null; try { keys = t_system_options .find(sql, OptionKeys.VIP_MIN_TIME, OptionKeys.VIP_FEE, OptionKeys.VIP_TIME_TYPE) .fetch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("申请vip时,查询系统设置中的vip设置时" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "申请vip失败"; return error.code; } if (keys == null || keys.size() == 0) { error.code = -2; error.msg = "读取系统参数失败"; return error.code; } if (keys.get(2).equals(Constants.YEAR + "")) { this.serviceTime *= 12; } int vipMinTime = Integer.parseInt(keys.get(1)); if (this.serviceTime <= vipMinTime) { error.code = -3; error.msg = "至少开通" + vipMinTime + "月"; return error.code; } double vipFee = Double.parseDouble(keys.get(0)); double fee = Arith.mul(vipFee, serviceTime); error.code = 0; return fee; }
/** * @param time 申请vip的时长,月为单位 * @param user * @param info * @return */ public int renewal(User user, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); BackstageSet backstageSet = BackstageSet.getCurrentBackstageSet(); int vipMinTimeType = backstageSet.vipMinTimeType; int vipMinTime = backstageSet.vipMinTimeLength; int vipTimeType = backstageSet.vipTimeType; double vipFee = backstageSet.vipFee; if (vipMinTimeType != 1) { vipMinTime *= 12; } if (this.serviceTime < vipMinTime) { error.code = -3; error.msg = "vip开通不能少于最少时长"; return error.code; } int timeLen = this.serviceTime; double fee = 0; if (vipTimeType == 1) { fee = vipFee * timeLen; } else if (vipTimeType == 0) { fee = Arith.mul(vipFee, serviceTime / 12); } fee = fee * backstageSet.vipDiscount / 10; fee = Arith.round(fee, 2); DataSafety data = new DataSafety(); data.id = user.id; if (!data.signCheck(error)) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } v_user_for_details forDetail = DealDetail.queryUserBalance(user.id, error); if (error.code < 0) { return error.code; } if (Constants.IPS_ENABLE) { switch (Constants.PAY_TYPE_VIP) { // 平台内部进行转账 case PayType.INNER: error.code = -1; error.msg = "资金托管模式下,不能以平台内部进行转账的方式支付"; return error.code; // 通过独立普通网关 case PayType.INDEPENDENT: if (fee > user.balance2) { error.code = Constants.BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH; error.msg = "对不起,您可用余额不足"; Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("rechargeType", RechargeType.VIP); map.put("serviceTime", timeLen); map.put("fee", fee); Cache.set("rechargePay" + user.id, map, IPSConstants.CACHE_TIME); return error.code; } break; // 通过共享资金托管账户网关 case PayType.SHARED: // 资金托管网关 case PayType.IPS: if (this.isPay) { break; } if (fee > user.balance) { error.code = Constants.BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH; error.msg = "对不起,您可用余额不足"; return error.code; } if (fee > 0) { error.code = Constants.BALANCE_PAY_ENOUGH; error.msg = "请前去支付VIP费用"; Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("rechargeType", RechargeType.VIP); map.put("serviceTime", timeLen); map.put("fee", fee); Cache.set("rechargePay" + user.id, map, IPSConstants.CACHE_TIME); return error.code; } break; } } else { if (fee > user.balance) { error.code = Constants.BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH; error.msg = "对不起,您可用余额不足"; Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("rechargeType", RechargeType.VIP); map.put("serviceTime", timeLen); map.put("fee", fee); Cache.set("rechargePay" + user.id, map, IPSConstants.CACHE_TIME); return error.code; } } t_user_vip_records vipRecord = new t_user_vip_records(); t_user_vip_records record = null; int rows = 0; if (user.vipStatus) { try { record = t_user_vip_records.find("user_id = ? and status = 1", user.id).first(); rows = JpaHelper.execute( "update t_user_vip_records set status = 0 where user_id = ? and status = 1") .setParameter(1, user.id) .executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("申请vip时,查询系统设置中的vip设置时" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "申请vip失败"; return error.code; } if (rows == 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); error.code = -1; error.msg = "数据未更新,vip申请失败"; return error.code; } vipRecord.start_time = record.expiry_date; vipRecord.expiry_date = DateUtil.dateAddMonth(record.expiry_date, this.serviceTime); } else { vipRecord.start_time = new Date(); vipRecord.expiry_date = DateUtil.dateAddMonth(new Date(), this.serviceTime); } vipRecord.user_id = user.id; vipRecord.time = new Date(); vipRecord.service_fee = fee; vipRecord.status = true; try { JpaHelper.execute("update t_user_vip_records set status = 0 where user_id = ? and status = 1") .setParameter(1, user.id) .executeUpdate(); vipRecord.save(); rows = JpaHelper.execute("update t_users set vip_status = true where id = ?", user.id) .executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("申请vip时,查询系统设置中的vip设置时" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -5; error.msg = "申请vip失败"; return error.code; } if (rows == 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); error.code = -1; error.msg = "数据未更新"; return error.code; } // 更新用户资金 if (Constants.PAY_TYPE_VIP == PayType.INDEPENDENT) { error.code = DealDetail.minusUserFund2(user.id, fee); } else { error.code = DealDetail.minusUserFund(user.id, fee); } if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } DealDetail dealDetail = null; forDetail = DealDetail.queryUserBalance(user.id, error); /* 添加交易记录 */ if (Constants.PAY_TYPE_VIP == PayType.INDEPENDENT) { dealDetail = new DealDetail( user.id, DealType.CHARGE_VIP, fee, vipRecord.id, forDetail.user_amount2, forDetail.freeze, forDetail.receive_amount, "vip扣费"); dealDetail.addDealDetail2(error); } else { dealDetail = new DealDetail( user.id, DealType.CHARGE_VIP, fee, vipRecord.id, forDetail.user_amount, forDetail.freeze, forDetail.receive_amount, "vip扣费"); dealDetail.addDealDetail(error); } if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } data.id = user.id; data.updateSign(error); if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } DealDetail.addPlatformDetail( DealType.VIP_FEE, vipRecord.id, user.id, -1, DealType.ACCOUNT, fee, 1, "vip费用", error); if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } DealDetail.userEvent(this.id, UserEvent.VIP, "申请vip", error); if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } // vip申请站内信 TemplateStation station = new TemplateStation(); station.id = Templets.M_VIP_SUCCESS; if (station.status) { TemplateStation.addMessageTask( userId, station.title, station.content.replace("vipFee", fee + "")); } // 发送邮件 TemplateEmail email = new TemplateEmail(); email.id = Templets.E_VIP_SUCCESS; if (email.status) { TemplateEmail.addEmailTask( user.email, email.title, email.content.replace("vipFee", fee + "")); } // 发送短信 TemplateSms sms = new TemplateSms(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.mobile)) { sms.id = Templets.S_VIP_SUCCESS; if (sms.status) { TemplateSms.addSmsTask( user.mobile, sms.content .replace("vipFee", fee + "") .replace("userName", user.name) .replace("date", DateUtil.dateToString(new Date()))); } } if (Constants.IPS_ENABLE) { user.balance2 = forDetail.user_amount2 - fee; } else { user.balance = forDetail.user_amount - fee; } user.vipStatus = true; User.setCurrUser(user); error.code = 0; error.msg = "申请vip成功!"; return error.code; }
/** 填充自己 */ public void setId(long id) { t_products product = null; try { product = t_products.findById(id); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("产品->填充自己:" + e.getMessage()); this._id = -1; return; } if (null == product) { this._id = -1; return; } this._id = product.id; this.mark = product.mark; if (this.createBid) { this.isUse = product.is_use; if (!this.isUse) return; this.isAgency = product.is_agency; this.name = product.name; this.loanImageFilename = product.loan_image_filename; this.bailScale = product.bail_scale; this.maxCopies = product.max_copies; this.minInvestAmount = product.min_invest_amount; this.minInterestRate = product.min_interest_rate; this.maxInterestRate = product.max_interest_rate; this.minAmount = product.min_amount; this.maxAmount = product.max_amount; this.loanType = product.loan_type; this.isDealPassword = product.is_deal_password; this.repaymentId = product.repayment_type_id; this.periodYear = product.period_year; this.periodMonth = product.period_month; this.periodDay = product.period_day; this.investPeriod = product.invest_period; this.loanImageType = product.loan_image_type; this.creditId = product.credit_id; this.showType = product.show_type; return; } if (this.bidDetail) { this.name = product.name; this.smallImageFilename = product.small_image_filename; return; } this.time = product.time; this.name = product.name; this.nameImageFilename = product.name_image_filename; this.fitCrowd = product.fit_crowd; this.characteristic = product.characteristic; this.minAmount = product.min_amount; this.maxAmount = product.max_amount; this.minInvestAmount = product.min_invest_amount; this.maxCopies = product.max_copies; this.creditId = product.credit_id; this.auditCycle = product.audit_cycle; this.applicantCondition = product.applicant_condition; this.loanType = product.loan_type; this.bailScale = product.bail_scale; this.isDealPassword = product.is_deal_password; this.loanImageType = product.loan_image_type; this.loanImageFilename = product.loan_image_filename; this.smallImageFilename = product.small_image_filename; this.isAgency = product.is_agency; this.isUse = product.is_use; this.order = product._order; this.showType = product.show_type; this.repaymentId = product.repayment_type_id; /* 年借款期限 */ this.periodYear = product.period_year; /* 月借款期限 */ this.periodMonth = product.period_month; /* 日借款期限 */ this.periodDay = product.period_day; /* 投标期限 */ this.investPeriod = product.invest_period; /* 年利率 */ double minApr = product.min_interest_rate; double maxApr = product.max_interest_rate; this.minInterestRate = minApr; this.maxInterestRate = maxApr; this.monthMinApr = minApr > 0 ? Arith.div(minApr, 12, 2) : 0; this.monthMaxApr = maxApr > 0 ? Arith.div(maxApr, 12, 2) : 0; }