コード例 #1
   * creating a TestEnvironment for the interfaces to be tested
   * @param tParam class which contains additional test parameters
   * @param log class to log the test state and result
   * @return Status class
   * @see TestParameters
   * @see PrintWriter
  protected TestEnvironment createTestEnvironment(TestParameters tParam, PrintWriter log) {

    XInterface oObj = null;
    // create testobject here

    XEnumerationAccess xEA = null;
    try {
      SOfficeFactory SOF = SOfficeFactory.getFactory(tParam.getMSF());
      XShape oShape = SOF.createShape(xDrawDoc, 5000, 3500, 7500, 5000, "Text");
      DrawTools.getShapes(DrawTools.getDrawPage(xDrawDoc, 0)).add(oShape);

      XSimpleText text = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSimpleText.class, oShape);

      XTextCursor cursor = text.createTextCursor();

      text.insertString(cursor, "Paragraph 1", false);
      text.insertControlCharacter(cursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
      text.insertString(cursor, "Paragraph 2", false);
      text.insertControlCharacter(cursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);
      text.insertString(cursor, "Paragraph 3", false);
      text.insertControlCharacter(cursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false);

      xEA = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEnumerationAccess.class, text);

      XInterface oTextContent =
                  new Type(XInterface.class), xEA.createEnumeration().nextElement());

      xEA = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEnumerationAccess.class, oTextContent);

      oObj = xEA.createEnumeration();

    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.println("Can't create test object");

    // create test environment here
    TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment(oObj);

    tEnv.addObjRelation("ENUM", xEA);

    return tEnv;
  } // finish method getTestEnvironment