protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { session = request.getSession(); LoginUser user = (LoginUser) session.getAttribute("user"); if (user != null) { header = "templates/" + user.getHeader() + ".jsp"; try { AllocateTime at = new AllocateTime(); at.setDate(request.getParameter("Date")); at.setStartTime(request.getParameter("StartTime2")); at.setEndTime(request.getParameter("EndTime2")); at.setEmail( request.getParameter("pname")); // using pname to find correct advisor instead of email Visitor v = new ManageTimeSlotVisitor(); user.accept(v, at); request.setAttribute("response", user.getMsg()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.printf(e.toString()); } } else { header = "templates/header.jsp"; } request.setAttribute("includeHeader", header); request.getRequestDispatcher("/login.jsp").forward(request, response); }
public AddTimeSlot(AllocateTime at, int id) { date = at.getDate(); starttime = at.getStartTime(); endtime = at.getEndTime(); userid = id; count = TimeSlotHelpers.count(at.getStartTime(), at.getEndTime()); msg = "Unable to add time slot."; }
public String addTimeSlot(AllocateTime at) { SQLCmd cmd = new GetUserID(at.getEmail()); cmd.execute(); int id = (int) cmd.getResult().get(0); cmd = new CheckTimeSlot(at, id); cmd.execute(); if ((Boolean) cmd.getResult().get(0) == true) { cmd = new AddTimeSlot(at, id); cmd.execute(); return (String) cmd.getResult().get(0); } else { return "Unable to add time slot."; } }