/** Construct a new stage from the information contained in the node bundle. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public BundleStage( StageInformation stageInfo, UtilContext context, MasterMgrClient client, NodeMod mod, TreeMap<String, BaseAnnotation> annotations, TreeMap<String, String> toolsetRemap, TreeMap<String, String> selectionKeyRemap, TreeMap<String, String> licenseKeyRemap, TreeMap<String, String> hardwareKeyRemap) { super("Bundle", "Description...", stageInfo, context, client, mod, StageFunction.aNone); pOrigNodeMod = mod; { String ntset = toolsetRemap.get(mod.getToolset()); if (ntset != null) pRemappedToolset = ntset; else pRemappedToolset = super.getToolset(); } JobReqs jreqs = mod.getJobRequirements(); if (jreqs != null) { { TreeSet<String> selectionKeys = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String key : jreqs.getSelectionKeys()) { String nkey = selectionKeyRemap.get(key); if (nkey != null) selectionKeys.add(nkey); } addSelectionKeys(selectionKeys); } { TreeSet<String> licenseKeys = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String key : jreqs.getLicenseKeys()) { String nkey = licenseKeyRemap.get(key); if (nkey != null) licenseKeys.add(nkey); } addLicenseKeys(licenseKeys); } { TreeSet<String> hardwareKeys = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String key : jreqs.getHardwareKeys()) { String nkey = hardwareKeyRemap.get(key); if (nkey != null) hardwareKeys.add(nkey); } addHardwareKeys(hardwareKeys); } } for (String aname : annotations.keySet()) addAnnotation(aname, annotations.get(aname)); { TreeMap<String, BaseAnnotation> annots = mod.getAnnotations(); for (String aname : annots.keySet()) addVersionAnnotation(aname, annots.get(aname)); } }
/** * Phase in which parameter values should be extracted from parameters and checked for * consistency and applicability. */ @Override public void validatePhase() throws PipelineException { /* sets up the built-in parameters common to all builders */ validateBuiltInParams(); /* setup the StudioDefinitions version of the UtilContext */ pStudioDefs.setContext(pContext); /* lookup the source images node */ String sourceNodeName = null; VersionID sourceVersionID = null; { Path spath = (Path) getParamValue(aSourceNode); if (spath == null) throw new PipelineException("No " + aSourceNode + " was specified!"); sourceNodeName = spath.toString(); pSourcePrefix = spath.getName(); String sversion = (String) getParamValue(aSourceVersion); if (sversion == null) throw new PipelineException("No " + aSourceVersion + " was specified!"); try { sourceVersionID = new VersionID(sversion); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PipelineException( "The value supplied for the " + aSourceVersion + " parameter " + "(" + sversion + ") is not a legal node revision number!\n\n" + ex.getMessage()); } try { pSourceVersion = pClient.getCheckedInVersion(sourceNodeName, sourceVersionID); } catch (PipelineException ex) { throw new PipelineException( "The source images node (" + sourceNodeName + " v" + sourceVersionID + ") " + "does not exist!"); } } /* set namer/builder parameters based on the annotations on the source images node */ { boolean validated = false; String projName = null; String taskName = null; String taskType = null; TreeMap<String, BaseAnnotation> annotations = pClient.getAnnotations(sourceNodeName); TreeSet<String> otherPurposes = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String aname : annotations.keySet()) { if (aname.equals("Task") || aname.startsWith("AltTask")) { BaseAnnotation annot = annotations.get(aname); String purpose = lookupPurpose(sourceNodeName, aname, annot); if (purpose == null) { otherPurposes.add("<UNKNWON>"); } else if (purpose.equals(aFocus) || purpose.equals(aEdit) || purpose.equals(aProduct)) { projName = lookupProjectName(sourceNodeName, aname, annot); taskName = lookupTaskName(sourceNodeName, aname, annot); taskType = lookupTaskType(sourceNodeName, aname, annot); validated = true; break; } else { otherPurposes.add(purpose); } } } if (!validated) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append( "Unable to find an valid " + aEdit + ", " + aFocus + " or " + aProduct + " " + "task annotation for the source images node (" + sourceNodeName + " v" + sourceVersionID + ")!"); if (!otherPurposes.isEmpty()) { buf.append( "\n\nHowever, there were task annotations on the source images node for " + "the following unsupported purposes:"); for (String purpose : otherPurposes) buf.append(" " + purpose); } throw new PipelineException(buf.toString()); } if (taskName.length() != 5) throw new PipelineException( "The " + aTaskName + " (" + taskName + ") of the source images " + "node (" + sourceNodeName + " v" + sourceVersionID + ") did not conform to " + "the 2-letter sequence name followed by 3-digit shot number format!"); pProjectName = projName; pSeqName = taskName.substring(0, 2); pShotName = taskName.substring(2, 5); try { pTaskType = TaskType.valueOf(TaskType.class, taskType); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new PipelineException( "The " + DeliverNamer.aTaskType + " (" + taskType + ") of the source images " + "node (" + sourceNodeName + " v" + sourceVersionID + ") was an unknown type " + "by this builder!"); } } /* generate a temporary working area where the approval process will take place and change the util context to use it instead for all future operations */ { String tempView = ("QtDeliver" + "-" + pProjectName + "-" + pSeqName + pShotName + "-" + pSourcePrefix); tempView = tempView.replaceAll(" ", "_"); setContext(new UtilContext(pContext.getAuthor(), tempView, pContext.getToolset())); } /* turn on the DoAnnotations flag for the StageInformation shared by all of the Stages created by this builder since we always want task annotations */ getStageInformation().setDoAnnotations(true); /* initialize internal Project namer */ { pProjectNamer.setParamValue(new ParamMapping(StudioDefinitions.aProjectName), pProjectName); pProjectNamer.generateNames(); } }