コード例 #1
  @RequestMapping(value = "/rec/rec", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public ResponseEntity<ArrayList<String>> recomendaciones(
      @RequestParam("url") String url,
      @RequestParam(value = "custom", required = false) String custom,
      @RequestParam(value = "expire", required = false) String expireDate,
      @RequestParam(value = "hasToken", required = false) String hasToken,
      HttpServletRequest request) {

    UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(new String[] {"http", "https"});
     * Check if url comes through http or https
    if (urlValidator.isValid(url)) {
       * Hash of URL or custom
      String id;
      if (!custom.equals("")) {

        id = custom;

        if (shortURLRepository.findByHash(id) == null) {
          return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED);
        } else {
          try {
            HttpResponse<JsonNode> response =
                Unirest.get("https://wordsapiv1.p.mashape.com/words/" + id + "/synonyms")
                    .header("X-Mashape-Key", "VLzNEVr9zQmsh0gOlqs6wudMxDo1p1vCnjEjsnjNBhOCFeqLxr")
                    .header("Accept", "application/json")
            ObjectMapper map = new ObjectMapper();
            Synonym sin = map.readValue(response.getBody().toString(), Synonym.class);
            return new ResponseEntity<>(sin.getSynonyms(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
          } catch (Exception e) {
             * Caso en el que la id seleccionada esta cogida y la
             * API no da alternativas
            return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
      } else {
        return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK);
    } else {
      return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
コード例 #2
  /** Changes the expire date and alert for the new specified */
  @RequestMapping(value = "/changeExpire", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public ResponseEntity<?> changeExpireDate(
      HttpServletRequest request,
      @RequestParam(value = "url", required = false) String hash,
      @RequestParam(value = "expire", required = false) String expire,
      @RequestParam(value = "days", required = false) String days) {
    hash = hash.substring(1, hash.length() - 1);

    /* Changes expire date */
    ShortURL su = shortURLRepository.findByHash(hash);
    logger.info("su: " + su);
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    Date newExpire = null;
    try {
      newExpire = sdf.parse(expire);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      logger.info("Error with introduced alert date");
    logger.info("Updating ShortURL: " + su);

    /* Changes alert date */
    Alert a = alertRepository.findByHash(hash);
    Date alertDate = processAlertDate(expire, days);
    if (a != null) {
      /* If alert already exists, updates its alert date */
      logger.info("Updating alert: " + a);
    } else {
      /* If alert does not exist, creates a new one */
      String mail = UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs.getOwnerMail();
      logger.info("Setting new alert");
      alertRepository.save(new Alert(mail, hash, alertDate));
    return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK);
コード例 #3
  @RequestMapping(value = "/{id:(?!link|index|profile).*}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public Object redirectTo(
      @PathVariable String id,
      @RequestParam(value = "token", required = false) String token,
      HttpServletResponse response,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      Model model) {

    logger.info("Requested redirection with hash " + id);
    ShortURL l = shortURLRepository.findByHash(id);
    logger.info("su: " + l);
    logger.info(l == null ? "null" : "not null");
    if (l != null) {
       * Check Token
      if (l.getToken() != null && (token == null || !l.getToken().equals(token))) {
         * Wrong Token
        throw new CustomException("400", "It is need a token");
      } else {

        Date d = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
        if (l.getExpire() != null && d.after(l.getExpire())) {
           * Date has expired
          throw new CustomException("400", "Link has expired");

        } else {
          ArrayList<String> rules = l.getRules();
          if (rules != null && !rules.isEmpty()) {
             * Execute javascript
            for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) {
              Boolean resul = executeS(rules.get(i), l);
              if (resul != null) {
                if (resul == true) {
                  throw new CustomException("400", "Link has expired");
              } else {
                throw new CustomException("400", "Bad rule");

          List<String> authorizedMails = l.getAllowedUsers();
          if (authorizedMails != null && !authorizedMails.isEmpty()) {

            if (!authentication(authorizedMails)) {
              request.getSession().setAttribute("redirect", id);

              // model.addAttribute("hash", id);
              return "login_special";
          createAndSaveClick(id, request);
          long click =
              clickRepository.clicksByHash(l.getHash(), null, null, null, null, null, null);
          /* Data from countries */
          DBObject groupObject = clickRepository.getClicksByCountry(id, null, null).getRawResults();
          String list = groupObject.get("retval").toString();
          String countryData = StatsController.processCountryJSON(list);
          /* Data from cities */
          DBObject groupObjectCity =
                  .getClicksByCity(id, null, null, null, null, null, null)
          String listCities = groupObjectCity.get("retval").toString();
          String cityData = StatsController.processCityJSON(listCities);
          WebSocketsData wb = new WebSocketsData(false, click, countryData, cityData);
          this.template.convertAndSend("/topic/" + id, wb);
          return createSuccessfulRedirectToResponse(l);
    } else {
      throw new CustomException("400", "BAD_REQUEST\nURL SHORTENED DOESN'T EXISTS");