public void destroy(Child child) { System.out.println("DESTROY"); persist( PersistAction.DELETE, child, ResourceBundle.getBundle("/Bundle").getString("ChildDeleted")); if (!JsfUtil.isValidationFailed()) { // selected = null; // Remove selection items = null; // Invalidate list of items to trigger re-query. } }
// public EventType prepareCreate() { // created = new EventType(); // initializeEmbeddableKey(); // return created; // } public Child create(Child newChild) { System.out.println("CREATE"); Child ret = persist( PersistAction.CREATE, newChild, MessageFormat.format( ResourceBundle.getBundle("/Bundle").getString("ChildCreated"), newChild.getFirstname())); if (!JsfUtil.isValidationFailed()) { items = null; // Invalidate list of items to trigger re-query. } return ret; }