コード例 #1
  public void writeRecord(String stnName, Date obsDate, StructureData sdata) throws IOException {
    StationTracker stnTracker = stationMap.get(stnName);
    ProfileTracker proTracker = stnTracker.profileMap.get(obsDate);

    if (proTracker == null) {
      proTracker = new ProfileTracker(profileIndex);
      stnTracker.profileMap.put(obsDate, proTracker);

      stnTracker.lastChild = profileIndex;

      try {
        originTime[0] = profileIndex; // 2d index
        timeArray.set(0, dateFormatter.toDateTimeStringISO(obsDate));
        parentArray.set(0, stnTracker.parent_index);
        ncfile.writeStringData(timeName, originTime, timeArray);
        ncfile.write(parentStationIndex, originTime, parentArray);
      } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);


    // needs to be wrapped as an ArrayStructure, even though we are only writing one at a time.
    ArrayStructureW sArray = new ArrayStructureW(sdata.getStructureMembers(), new int[] {1});
    sArray.setStructureData(sdata, 0);

    // track the min and max date
    if ((minDate == null) || minDate.after(obsDate)) minDate = obsDate;
    if ((maxDate == null) || maxDate.before(obsDate)) maxDate = obsDate;

    timeArray.set(0, dateFormatter.toDateTimeStringISO(obsDate));
    parentArray.set(0, proTracker.parent_index);

    proTracker.lastChild = recno; // not currently used

    // write the recno record
    origin[0] = recno; // 1d index
    originTime[0] = recno; // 2d index
    try {
      ncfile.write("record", origin, sArray);
      ncfile.write(parentProfileIndex, originTime, parentArray);
    } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);

コード例 #2
  private void writeStationData(List<ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station> stnList) throws IOException {
    this.stnList = stnList;
    int nstns = stnList.size();
    stationMap = new HashMap<String, StationTracker>(2 * nstns);
    if (debug) System.out.println("stationMap created");

    // now write the station data
    ArrayDouble.D1 latArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(nstns);
    ArrayDouble.D1 lonArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(nstns);
    ArrayDouble.D1 altArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(nstns);
    ArrayObject.D1 idArray = new ArrayObject.D1(String.class, nstns);
    ArrayObject.D1 descArray = new ArrayObject.D1(String.class, nstns);
    ArrayObject.D1 wmoArray = new ArrayObject.D1(String.class, nstns);

    for (int i = 0; i < stnList.size(); i++) {
      ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station stn = stnList.get(i);
      stationMap.put(stn.getName(), new StationTracker(i));

      latArray.set(i, stn.getLatitude());
      lonArray.set(i, stn.getLongitude());
      if (useAlt) altArray.set(i, stn.getAltitude());

      idArray.set(i, stn.getName());
      descArray.set(i, stn.getDescription());
      if (useWmoId) wmoArray.set(i, stn.getWmoId());

    try {
      ncfile.write(latName, latArray);
      ncfile.write(lonName, lonArray);
      if (useAlt) ncfile.write(altName, altArray);
      ncfile.writeStringData(idName, idArray);
      ncfile.writeStringData(descName, descArray);
      if (useWmoId) ncfile.writeStringData(wmoName, wmoArray);

    } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);