/** Instances which have same content are equal. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if ((o == null) || !(o instanceof Attribute)) return false; final Attribute att = (Attribute) o; if (!name.equals(att.name)) return false; if (nelems != att.nelems) return false; if (!dataType.equals(att.dataType)) return false; if (svalue != null) return svalue.equals(att.getStringValue()); if (values != null) { for (int i = 0; i < getLength(); i++) { int r1 = isString() ? getStringValue(i).hashCode() : getNumericValue(i).hashCode(); int r2 = att.isString() ? att.getStringValue(i).hashCode() : att.getNumericValue(i).hashCode(); if (r1 != r2) return false; } } return true; }
public void testCoordVar(NetcdfFile ncfile) { Variable lat = ncfile.findVariable("lat"); assert null != lat; assert lat.getShortName().equals("lat"); assert lat.getRank() == 1; assert lat.getSize() == 3; assert lat.getShape()[0] == 3; assert lat.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT; assert !lat.isUnlimited(); assert lat.getDimension(0).equals(ncfile.findDimension("lat")); Attribute att = lat.findAttribute("units"); assert null != att; assert !att.isArray(); assert att.isString(); assert att.getDataType() == DataType.STRING; assert att.getStringValue().equals("degrees_north"); assert att.getNumericValue() == null; assert att.getNumericValue(3) == null; try { Array data = lat.read(); assert data.getRank() == 1; assert data.getSize() == 3; assert data.getShape()[0] == 3; assert data.getElementType() == float.class; IndexIterator dataI = data.getIndexIterator(); assert TestUtils.close(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 41.0); assert TestUtils.close(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 40.0); assert TestUtils.close(dataI.getDoubleNext(), 39.0); } catch (IOException io) { } }
public String getAbbrev() { Attribute att = ve.findAttributeIgnoreCase(CDM.ABBREV); return (att == null) ? null : att.getStringValue(); }
private String getCalendarAttribute(VariableEnhanced vds) { Attribute cal = vds.findAttribute("calendar"); return (cal == null) ? null : cal.getStringValue(); }
/** * Constructor. If scale/offset attributes are found, remove them from the decorated variable. * * @param forVar the Variable to decorate. * @param useNaNs pre-fill isMissing() data with NaNs * @param fillValueIsMissing use _FillValue for isMissing() * @param invalidDataIsMissing use valid_range for isMissing() * @param missingDataIsMissing use missing_value for isMissing() */ EnhanceScaleMissingImpl( VariableDS forVar, boolean useNaNs, boolean fillValueIsMissing, boolean invalidDataIsMissing, boolean missingDataIsMissing) { this.fillValueIsMissing = fillValueIsMissing; this.invalidDataIsMissing = invalidDataIsMissing; this.missingDataIsMissing = missingDataIsMissing; // see if underlying variable has scale/offset already applied Variable orgVar = forVar.getOriginalVariable(); if (orgVar instanceof VariableDS) { VariableDS orgVarDS = (VariableDS) orgVar; EnumSet<NetcdfDataset.Enhance> orgEnhanceMode = orgVarDS.getEnhanceMode(); if ((orgEnhanceMode != null) && orgEnhanceMode.contains(NetcdfDataset.Enhance.ScaleMissing)) return; } // the other possibility is that you want to apply scale and offset to a signed value, then // declare the result unsigned // this.isUnsigned = (orgVar != null) ? orgVar.isUnsigned() : forVar.isUnsigned(); this.isUnsigned = forVar.isUnsigned(); this.convertedDataType = forVar.getDataType(); DataType scaleType = null, missType = null, validType = null, fillType = null; if (debug) System.out.println("EnhancementsImpl for Variable = " + forVar.getFullName()); Attribute att; // scale and offset if (null != (att = forVar.findAttribute(CDM.SCALE_FACTOR))) { if (!att.isString()) { scale = att.getNumericValue().doubleValue(); hasScaleOffset = true; scaleType = att.getDataType(); forVar.remove(att); if (debug) System.out.println("scale = " + scale + " type " + scaleType); } } if (null != (att = forVar.findAttribute(CDM.ADD_OFFSET))) { if (!att.isString()) { offset = att.getNumericValue().doubleValue(); hasScaleOffset = true; DataType offType = att.getDataType(); if (rank(offType) > rank(scaleType)) scaleType = offType; forVar.remove(att); if (debug) System.out.println("offset = " + offset); } } ////// missing data : valid_range. assume here its in units of unpacked data. correct this below Attribute validRangeAtt; if (null != (validRangeAtt = forVar.findAttribute(CDM.VALID_RANGE))) { if (!validRangeAtt.isString() && validRangeAtt.getLength() > 1) { valid_min = validRangeAtt.getNumericValue(0).doubleValue(); valid_max = validRangeAtt.getNumericValue(1).doubleValue(); hasValidRange = true; validType = validRangeAtt.getDataType(); if (hasScaleOffset) forVar.remove(validRangeAtt); if (debug) System.out.println("valid_range = " + valid_min + " " + valid_max); } } Attribute validMinAtt = null, validMaxAtt = null; if (!hasValidRange) { if (null != (validMinAtt = forVar.findAttribute("valid_min"))) { if (!validMinAtt.isString()) { valid_min = validMinAtt.getNumericValue().doubleValue(); hasValidMin = true; validType = validMinAtt.getDataType(); if (hasScaleOffset) forVar.remove(validMinAtt); if (debug) System.out.println("valid_min = " + valid_min); } } if (null != (validMaxAtt = forVar.findAttribute("valid_max"))) { if (!validMaxAtt.isString()) { valid_max = validMaxAtt.getNumericValue().doubleValue(); hasValidMax = true; DataType t = validMaxAtt.getDataType(); if (rank(t) > rank(validType)) validType = t; if (hasScaleOffset) forVar.remove(validMaxAtt); if (debug) System.out.println("valid_min = " + valid_max); } } } boolean hasValidData = hasValidMin || hasValidMax || hasValidRange; if (hasValidMin && hasValidMax) hasValidRange = true; /// _FillValue if ((null != (att = forVar.findAttribute(CDM.FILL_VALUE))) && !att.isString()) { double[] values = getValueAsDouble(att); // LOOK double WTF ?? if (values.length > 0) { fillValue = values[0]; hasFillValue = true; fillType = att.getDataType(); if (hasScaleOffset) forVar.remove(att); if (debug) System.out.println("missing_datum from _FillValue = " + fillValue); } } /// missing_value if (null != (att = forVar.findAttribute(CDM.MISSING_VALUE))) { if (att.isString()) { String svalue = att.getStringValue(); if (forVar.getDataType() == DataType.CHAR) { missingValue = new double[1]; if (svalue.length() == 0) missingValue[0] = 0; else missingValue[0] = svalue.charAt(0); missType = DataType.CHAR; hasMissingValue = true; } else { // not a CHAR - try to fix problem where they use a numeric value as a String // attribute try { missingValue = new double[1]; missingValue[0] = Double.parseDouble(svalue); missType = att.getDataType(); hasMissingValue = true; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { if (debug) System.out.println( "String missing_value not parsable as double= " + att.getStringValue()); } } } else { // not a string missingValue = getValueAsDouble(att); missType = att.getDataType(); for (double mv : missingValue) if (!Double.isNaN(mv)) hasMissingValue = true; // dont need to do anything if its already a NaN } if (hasScaleOffset) forVar.remove(att); } // missing boolean hasMissing = (invalidDataIsMissing && hasValidData) || (fillValueIsMissing && hasFillValue) || (missingDataIsMissing && hasMissingValue); /// assign convertedDataType if needed if (hasScaleOffset) { convertedDataType = forVar.getDataType(); if (hasMissing) { // has missing data : must be float or double if (rank(scaleType) > rank(convertedDataType)) convertedDataType = scaleType; if (missingDataIsMissing && rank(missType) > rank(convertedDataType)) convertedDataType = missType; if (fillValueIsMissing && rank(fillType) > rank(convertedDataType)) convertedDataType = fillType; if (invalidDataIsMissing && rank(validType) > rank(convertedDataType)) convertedDataType = validType; if (rank(convertedDataType) < rank(DataType.DOUBLE)) convertedDataType = DataType.FLOAT; } else { // no missing data; can use wider of data and scale if (rank(scaleType) > rank(convertedDataType)) convertedDataType = scaleType; } if (debug) System.out.println("assign dataType = " + convertedDataType); // validData may be external or internal if (hasValidData) { DataType orgType = forVar.getDataType(); // If valid_range is the same type as scale_factor (actually the wider of // scale_factor and add_offset) and this is wider than the external data, then it // will be interpreted as being in the units of the internal (unpacked) data. // Otherwise it is in the units of the external (unpacked) data. // we assumed unpacked data above, redo if its really packed data if (!((rank(validType) == rank(scaleType)) && (rank(scaleType) >= rank(orgType)))) { if (validRangeAtt != null) { double[] values = getValueAsDouble(validRangeAtt); valid_min = values[0]; valid_max = values[1]; } else { if (validMinAtt != null) { double[] values = getValueAsDouble(validMinAtt); valid_min = values[0]; } if (validMaxAtt != null) { double[] values = getValueAsDouble(validMaxAtt); valid_max = values[0]; } } } } } if (hasMissing && ((convertedDataType == DataType.DOUBLE) || (convertedDataType == DataType.FLOAT))) this.useNaNs = useNaNs; if (debug) System.out.println("this.useNaNs = " + this.useNaNs); }
Write2ncRect(NetcdfFile bufr, String fileOutName, boolean fill) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException { NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(fileOutName, fill); if (debug) { System.out.println("FileWriter write " + bufr.getLocation() + " to " + fileOutName); } // global attributes List<Attribute> glist = bufr.getGlobalAttributes(); for (Attribute att : glist) { String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(att.getName()); Attribute useAtt; if (att.isArray()) useAtt = ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(useName, att.getValues()); else if (att.isString()) useAtt = ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(useName, att.getStringValue()); else useAtt = ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(useName, att.getNumericValue()); if (debug) System.out.println("add gatt= " + useAtt); } // global dimensions Dimension recordDim = null; Map<String, Dimension> dimHash = new HashMap<String, Dimension>(); for (Dimension oldD : bufr.getDimensions()) { String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(oldD.getName()); boolean isRecord = useName.equals("record"); Dimension newD = ncfile.addDimension(useName, oldD.getLength(), true, false, false); dimHash.put(newD.getName(), newD); if (isRecord) recordDim = newD; if (debug) System.out.println("add dim= " + newD); } // Variables Structure recordStruct = (Structure) bufr.findVariable(BufrIosp.obsRecord); for (Variable oldVar : recordStruct.getVariables()) { if (oldVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE) continue; String varName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(oldVar.getShortName()); DataType newType = oldVar.getDataType(); List<Dimension> newDims = new ArrayList<Dimension>(); newDims.add(recordDim); for (Dimension dim : oldVar.getDimensions()) { newDims.add(ncfile.addDimension(oldVar.getShortName() + "_strlen", dim.getLength())); } Variable newVar = ncfile.addVariable(varName, newType, newDims); if (debug) System.out.println("add var= " + newVar); // attributes List<Attribute> attList = oldVar.getAttributes(); for (Attribute att : attList) { String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(att.getName()); if (att.isArray()) ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getValues()); else if (att.isString()) ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getStringValue()); else ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getNumericValue()); } } // int max_seq = countSeq(recordStruct); // Dimension seqD = ncfile.addDimension("level", max_seq); for (Variable v : recordStruct.getVariables()) { if (v.getDataType() != DataType.STRUCTURE) continue; String structName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(v.getShortName()); int shape[] = v.getShape(); Dimension structDim = ncfile.addDimension(structName, shape[0]); Structure struct = (Structure) v; for (Variable seqVar : struct.getVariables()) { String varName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(seqVar.getShortName() + "-" + structName); DataType newType = seqVar.getDataType(); List<Dimension> newDims = new ArrayList<Dimension>(); newDims.add(recordDim); newDims.add(structDim); for (Dimension dim : seqVar.getDimensions()) { newDims.add(ncfile.addDimension(seqVar.getShortName() + "_strlen", dim.getLength())); } Variable newVar = ncfile.addVariable(varName, newType, newDims); if (debug) System.out.println("add var= " + newVar); // attributes List<Attribute> attList = seqVar.getAttributes(); for (Attribute att : attList) { String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(att.getName()); if (att.isArray()) ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getValues()); else if (att.isString()) ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getStringValue()); else ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getNumericValue()); } } } // create the file ncfile.create(); if (debug) System.out.println("File Out= " + ncfile.toString()); // boolean ok = (Boolean) ncfile.sendIospMessage(NetcdfFile.IOSP_MESSAGE_ADD_RECORD_STRUCTURE); double total = copyVarData(ncfile, recordStruct); ncfile.flush(); System.out.println("FileWriter done total bytes = " + total); ncfile.close(); }