@Override public int parser(String string) throws SQLException { int rval = 0; if (string.trim().length() == 0 || string.isEmpty()) return rval; string = string.toLowerCase(); if (string.equals("help")) { this.help(); rval = 1; } else if (string.equals("exit")) { this.print(""); this.print("Closing connection..."); connectionManager.close(); rval = -1; } else if (string.equals("list")) { print( String.format( "\nList of tables in database: %s, on the server: %s:%s", configReader.getDatabaseName(), configReader.getServername(), configReader.getPortNumber())); int index = 1; for (String s : dbController.tableList()) { print(String.valueOf(index++) + "." + s); } rval = 1; } else if (string.startsWith("select")) { print(String.format("\nResult: \"%s\"", string)); Table table = new Table(dbController, string); for (List<String> row : table.getTable()) { System.out.println(row.toString()); } rval = 1; } else { dbController.executeCommand(string); print(String.format("%s command was successfully!!!", string.split(" ")[0])); rval = 1; } return rval; }
public InformerImpl(ConnectionManager connectionManager, ConfigReader configReader) throws SQLException, IOException { this.connectionManager = connectionManager; this.configReader = configReader; connection = connectionManager.connect(); dbController = new DbControllerImpl(connection); if (this.connectionManager == null) { System.out.println(connectionManager); System.out.println(this.connectionManager); } if (this.configReader == null) { System.out.println(this.configReader.toString()); System.out.println(configReader); } if (connection == null) { System.out.println(connection); } if (dbController == null) { System.out.println(dbController); } print("Type \"help\" for command list or type command: "); }