コード例 #1
 public String renderOutput(OutputType type) {
   switch (type) {
     case ASCII:
       return renderASCIITable();
     case CSV:
       return renderCSVTable();
     case INSTANCES:
       return renderInstanceList();
     case STATISTICS:
       return StatStore.getInstance().getCSVString();
     case TIMES:
       return TimeTracker.getInstance().createEvaluation();
       return "WARNING: output type not supported";
コード例 #2
public class CanonicalInterpretationGenerator implements IInterpretationGenerator {

  private static final String LOCAL_LOGGER_NAME = "CanonicalModel-Logger";
  private static final TimeTracker TRACKER = TimeTracker.getInstance();
  private static final StatStore STAT = StatStore.getInstance();

  OWLClassExpression m_referenceExpression;
  OWLClass m_referenceClass;

  OntologyOperator m_ontologyOperator;

  private Map<OWLClass, OWLNamedIndividual> m_classAssociations;

  CanonicalDomain m_domain;

  boolean m_keepSmall;

  boolean m_normalize;

  protected Map<OWLClassExpression, Set<OWLClass>> m_superClassBuffer;
  protected Map<OWLClassExpression, Set<OWLClass>> m_equivalentClassBuffer;
  protected Map<OWLClassExpression, Set<OWLClass>> m_subClassBuffer;

  protected boolean m_useBuffer;

  Logger LOG;

  /** @deprecated you should use the iterative generators */
  public CanonicalInterpretationGenerator() {

  /** @deprecated you should use the iterative generators */
  public CanonicalInterpretationGenerator(OWLClassExpression expr) {
    this(expr, true);

  /** @deprecated you should use the iterative generators */
  public CanonicalInterpretationGenerator(boolean normalizing) {
    this(null, normalizing);

  /** @deprecated you should use the iterative generators */
  public CanonicalInterpretationGenerator(OWLClassExpression expr, boolean normalizing) {
    this.m_referenceExpression = expr;
    this.m_classAssociations = new HashMap<OWLClass, OWLNamedIndividual>();

    m_keepSmall = true;

    m_normalize = normalizing;

    LOG = Logger.getLogger(LOCAL_LOGGER_NAME);

    m_useBuffer = false;
    m_superClassBuffer = new HashMap<OWLClassExpression, Set<OWLClass>>();
    m_subClassBuffer = new HashMap<OWLClassExpression, Set<OWLClass>>();
    m_equivalentClassBuffer = new HashMap<OWLClassExpression, Set<OWLClass>>();

  public CanonicalInterpretation generate(OWLOntology ontology) {
    CanonicalInterpretation canonInterpretation = new CanonicalInterpretation();
    m_domain = new CanonicalDomain();

    m_ontologyOperator = OntologyOperator.getOntologyOperator(ontology);
    IDomainElementGenerator elemGen;
    if (isKBMode()) {
      elemGen = new KBDomainElementGenerator();
    } else {
      elemGen = new TBoxDomainElementGenerator();

    if (!isKBMode()) { // TBox + Query mode
      // define class Q as equivalence to the reference expression (query)
      m_referenceClass = getFreshQueryClass("Q");
      ((TBoxDomainElementGenerator) elemGen).registerConcept(m_referenceClass);

    OWLAxiomFlatteningTransformer exRestStore =
        m_ontologyOperator.getFlatteningTransformer(); // flattens here
    m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner(isKBMode()); // precomputes inferences

    // the element generator creates all necessary domain elements and adds their instantiators
    elemGen.generate(this, m_keepSmall);
    LOG.info("a total of " + m_classAssociations.size() + " classes are mapped to individuals");

    if (!isKBMode()) { // TBox + Query mode

      // add all successor relations by iterating all known existential restrictions
      for (OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom some : exRestStore.getRestrictions()) {
        addEntailedTBoxSuccessors(some, m_normalize);
    } else { // KB mode (ABox + TBox)
      // add all ABox property assertion successors
      for (OWLAxiom ax : m_ontologyOperator.getOntology().getABoxAxioms(true)) {
        if (ax instanceof OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom) {
          //					LOG.fine("Adding role assertion successor: " + ax);
          OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom pAx = (OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom) ax;
                  (OWLObjectProperty) pAx.getProperty(), getDomainElement(pAx.getObject()));

      // add all successor relations by iterating all known existential restrictions
      int exR = 1;
      for (OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom some :
          m_ontologyOperator.getFlatteningTransformer().getRestrictions()) {
        if (exR % 1000 == 0) {
          System.out.println(exR + " restrictions handled");

      LOG.info("TOTAL TIME FOR INSTANCE RETRIEVAL: " + sum + " ms");

      // normalize later
      // if(m_normalize){ startSimulationComputation(); }


    /* ************* TEST SPECIFIC STUFF ************** */
    //		LOG.info("Start checking for useless domain nodes ...");
    //		Map<OWLClassExpression, DomainNode<OWLClassExpression>> conceptDomainNodes =
    // canonInterpretation.getDomain().getConceptElements();
    //		Set<DomainNode<OWLClassExpression>> noPredecessors = new
    // HashSet<DomainNode<OWLClassExpression>>();
    //		noPredecessors.addAll(conceptDomainNodes.values());
    //		for(OWLClassExpression ce : conceptDomainNodes.keySet()){
    //			for(OWLObjectProperty r : conceptDomainNodes.get(ce).getSuccessorRoles()){
    //				noPredecessors.removeAll(conceptDomainNodes.get(ce).getSuccessors(r));
    //			}
    //			NodeSet<OWLClass> subClasses =
    // m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getSubClasses(ce.asOWLClass(), false);
    //			Node<OWLClass> eqClasses =
    // m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getEquivalentClasses(ce.asOWLClass());
    //			for(OWLClassExpression ce2 : conceptDomainNodes.keySet()){
    //				if(!ce.equals(ce2)){
    //					if(subClasses.containsEntity(ce2.asOWLClass())){
    //						LOG.info("Domain node " + conceptDomainNodes.get(ce2) + " represents something more
    // specific than " + conceptDomainNodes.get(ce));
    //					}else if(eqClasses.contains(ce2.asOWLClass())){
    //						LOG.info("Domain node " + conceptDomainNodes.get(ce2) + " is equivalent to " +
    // conceptDomainNodes.get(ce));
    //					}
    //				}
    //			}
    //		}
    //		for(DomainNode<OWLClassExpression> d : noPredecessors){
    //			LOG.info(d + " does not have any predecessors.");
    //			if(d.getSuccessorObjects().isEmpty())
    //				LOG.info(d + " is not connected to the model at all!");
    //		}
    /* ************ END TEST ***************** */

    return canonInterpretation;

  protected NodeSet<OWLClass> currentIdSubClasses;
  protected NodeSet<OWLClass> currentIdSuperClasses;
  protected Node<OWLClass> currentIdEqClasses;

  private void addEntailedTBoxSuccessors(OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom some, boolean doNormalizing) {
    //		StatStore.getInstance().enterValue("lookup " + some.getFiller(), 1.0);
    //		StatStore.getInstance().enterValue("restrictions handled", 1.0);
    TRACKER.start(StaticValues.TIME_TBOX_SUCCESSORS, BlockOutputMode.COMPLETE, true);
    //		TRACKER.start("fetch domain element and intermediary", BlockOutputMode.COMPLETE, true);
    DomainNode<?> toNode = getDomainElement(some.getFiller());
    // the super class, intermediary stands for (some r B)
    OWLClass superClass = m_ontologyOperator.getFlatteningTransformer().getIntermediary(some);
    //		TRACKER.stop("fetch domain element and intermediary");
    // add successors from all
    //		TRACKER.start("query elk", BlockOutputMode.COMPLETE, true);
    //		StatStore.getInstance().enterValue("subclass accessing", 1.0);
    NodeSet<OWLClass> classes = m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getSubClasses(superClass, false);

    // fill current class relations from Id
    //		StatStore.getInstance().enterValue("subclass accessing", 1.0);
    currentIdSubClasses = m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getSubClasses(some.getFiller(), false);
    //		StatStore.getInstance().enterValue("superclass accessing", 1.0);
    currentIdSuperClasses =
        m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getSuperClasses(some.getFiller(), false);
    //		StatStore.getInstance().enterValue("equivalent classes accessing", 1.0);
    currentIdEqClasses = m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getEquivalentClasses(some.getFiller());

    //		TRACKER.stop("query elk");
    //		LOG.fine(" creating successors to " + some + ": " + classes.toString());
    Iterator<Node<OWLClass>> nodeIt = classes.iterator();
    while (nodeIt.hasNext()) {
      Iterator<OWLClass> it = nodeIt.next().iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        DomainNode<?> node = m_domain.getDomainNode(it.next());
        // if it.next() yields no domain node, there exists an ABox identity for it
        // and this case is covered by addEntailedKBSuccessors
        if (node != null) {
          if (doNormalizing) {
            //						if(!isSuccessorRepresented(node, (OWLObjectProperty)some.getProperty(),
            // some.getFiller())){
            TRACKER.start("normalizing and adding", BlockOutputMode.COMPLETE, true);
            if (!isSuccessorRepresented(node, toNode, (OWLObjectProperty) some.getProperty())) {
                  (OWLObjectProperty) some.getProperty(), node, some.getFiller());

              node.addSuccessor((OWLObjectProperty) some.getProperty(), toNode);
            TRACKER.stop("normalizing and adding");
          } else {
            node.addSuccessor((OWLObjectProperty) some.getProperty(), toNode);
    // add all equivalent class successors
    //		TRACKER.start("query elk", BlockOutputMode.COMPLETE, true);
    Iterator<OWLClass> cIt =
    //		TRACKER.stop("query elk");
    while (cIt.hasNext()) {
      DomainNode<?> node = m_domain.getDomainNode(cIt.next());
      if (node != null) {
        if (doNormalizing) {
          //					if(!isSuccessorRepresented(node, (OWLObjectProperty)some.getProperty(),
          // some.getFiller())){
          TRACKER.start("normalizing and adding", BlockOutputMode.COMPLETE, true);
          if (!isSuccessorRepresented(node, toNode, (OWLObjectProperty) some.getProperty())) {
                (OWLObjectProperty) some.getProperty(), node, some.getFiller());

            node.addSuccessor((OWLObjectProperty) some.getProperty(), toNode);
          TRACKER.stop("normalizing and adding");
        } else {
          node.addSuccessor((OWLObjectProperty) some.getProperty(), toNode);

  private long sum = 0;

  private void addEntailedKBSuccessors(OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom some) {
    TRACKER.start(StaticValues.TIME_KB_SUCCESSORS, BlockOutputMode.COMPLETE, true);
    // add all role-successors entailed by the TBox
    addEntailedTBoxSuccessors(some, m_normalize); // for KB mode only normalize TBox contained roles

    DomainNode<?> toNode = getDomainElement(some.getFiller());

    OWLClass someClass = m_ontologyOperator.getFlatteningTransformer().getIntermediary(some);

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    //		StatStore.getInstance().enterValue("instance accessing", 1.0);
    NodeSet<OWLNamedIndividual> instances =
        m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getInstances(someClass, false);
    sum += System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
    //		NodeSet<OWLNamedIndividual> instances =
    // m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getInstances(getClassRepresentation(some), false);
    //		LOG.fine(" creating successors to " + some + " from instances: " + instances.toString());
    Iterator<Node<OWLNamedIndividual>> it1 = instances.iterator();
    while (it1.hasNext()) {
      Iterator<OWLNamedIndividual> it2 = it1.next().iterator();
      while (it2.hasNext()) {
        DomainNode<?> from = m_domain.getDomainNode(it2.next());
        if (from != null) {
          //					if(!isSuccessorRepresented(from, getDomainElement(some.getFiller()),
          // (OWLObjectProperty)some.getProperty())){
          from.addSuccessor((OWLObjectProperty) some.getProperty(), toNode);
          //					}

  protected boolean isSuccessorRepresented(
      DomainNode<?> from, DomainNode<?> to, OWLObjectProperty property) {
    if (from.getId() instanceof OWLClassExpression && to.getId() instanceof OWLClassExpression) {
      Set<DomainNode<?>> successors = from.getSuccessors(property);
      //			StatStore.getInstance().enterValue("subclass accessing", 1.0);
      //			NodeSet<OWLClass> subClasses =
      // m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getSubClasses((OWLClass)to.getId(), false);
      NodeSet<OWLClass> subClasses = currentIdSubClasses;
      Node<OWLClass> eqClasses = currentIdEqClasses;
      for (DomainNode<?> succ : successors) {
        // only compare successors to other class domain elements
        if (succ.getId() instanceof OWLClass) {
          //					if(succ.getInstantiators().containsAll(to.getInstantiators())){ // could be done
          // with reasoner
          if (m_useBuffer) {
            if (m_subClassBuffer.get((OWLClass) to.getId()).contains((OWLClass) succ.getId())
                || m_equivalentClassBuffer
                    .get((OWLClass) to.getId())
                    .contains((OWLClass) succ.getId())) {
              return true;
          } else {
            if (subClasses.containsEntity((OWLClass) succ.getId())
                || eqClasses.contains(
                        succ.getId())) { // if there exists a successors more (or equally) specific
              // than the new one
              return true;
    return false;
  private boolean isSuccessorRepresented(DomainNode<?> d, OWLObjectProperty property, OWLClassExpression filler) {
  	Set<DomainNode<?>> successors = d.getSuccessors(property);
  	if(successors == null) return false;
  	for(DomainNode<?> succ : successors){
  		if(succ.getId() instanceof OWLClassExpression){
  			if(m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getSubClasses(filler, false)
  				|| m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getEquivalentClasses(filler)
  				return true;

  	return false;

  protected Set<DomainNode<OWLClassExpression>> removeIncludedSuccessors(
      OWLObjectProperty property, DomainNode<?> d, OWLClassExpression newSucc) {
    Set<DomainNode<OWLClassExpression>> removed = new HashSet<DomainNode<OWLClassExpression>>();
    Set<DomainNode<?>> successors = d.getSuccessors(property);
    //		StatStore.getInstance().enterValue("superclass accessing", 1.0);
    //		NodeSet<OWLClass> superClasses = m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getSuperClasses(newSucc,
    // false);
    //		Node<OWLClass> eqClasses = m_ontologyOperator.getReasoner().getEquivalentClasses(newSucc);
    NodeSet<OWLClass> superClasses = currentIdSuperClasses;
    if (successors != null) {
      //			Set<DomainNode<?>> mark_removed = new HashSet<DomainNode<?>>();
      Iterator<DomainNode<?>> it = successors.iterator();
      //			for(DomainNode<?> succ : successors){
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        DomainNode<?> succ = it.next();
        if (succ.getId() instanceof OWLClassExpression) { // only inspect class to class relations
          OWLClass succClass = getClassRepresentation((OWLClassExpression) succ.getId());
          // if newSucc is more specific than succ, remove succ
          if (m_useBuffer) {
            if (m_superClassBuffer.get(newSucc).contains(succClass)) {
              removed.add(m_domain.getDomainNode((OWLClassExpression) succ.getId()));
          } else {
            if (superClasses.containsEntity(succClass)) {
              removed.add(m_domain.getDomainNode((OWLClassExpression) succ.getId()));
              //						mark_removed.add(succ);
        } // else what about individual domain elements
      //			successors.removeAll(mark_removed);
    return removed;

  protected OWLClass getFreshQueryClass(String base) {
    long cnt = 0;
    String iriString = base;
    while (m_ontologyOperator.getOntology().containsClassInSignature(IRI.create(iriString))) {
      iriString =
          base + (cnt++); // not guaranteed to succeed.. however |long| amount of possibilities
    return OWLManager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLClass(IRI.create(iriString));

  protected void insertQueryAxiom(OWLClass queryClass) {
    //		Main.getOntologyManager().addAxiom(m_ontologyOperator.getOntology(),
    //				OWLManager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(queryClass,
    // m_referenceExpression));

            //				OWLManager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(

  public OWLClass getClassRepresentation(OWLClassExpression ex) {
    if (ex != null
        && ex.equals(
            m_referenceExpression)) // before OWLClass check, in case referenceExpression is also a
      // class
      return m_referenceClass;

    if (ex instanceof OWLClass) {
      return (OWLClass) ex;

    return m_ontologyOperator.getFlatteningTransformer().getIntermediary(ex);

  public DomainNode<?> getDomainElement(Object o) {
    Object searchFor = o;
    if (o instanceof OWLClassExpression) {
      OWLClass c = getClassRepresentation((OWLClassExpression) o);
      STAT.enterValue(StaticValues.STAT_ASSOCIATION_CONTAINS_CHECKS, 1.0);
      searchFor = m_classAssociations.get(c);
      if (searchFor == null) searchFor = o;
    return m_domain.getDomainNode(searchFor);

  public boolean isKBMode() {
    return m_referenceExpression == null;

  public boolean isRestrictedInstantiator(OWLClass c) {
    return c == null
        || c.isTopEntity()
        || m_ontologyOperator.getFlatteningTransformer().isIntermediary(c)
        || c.equals(m_referenceClass);

  public CanonicalDomain getDomain() {
    return m_domain;

  public OntologyOperator getOntologyOperator() {
    return m_ontologyOperator;

  public void addAssociation(OWLClass c, OWLNamedIndividual i) {
    m_classAssociations.put(c, i);

   * If set to true, the generator attempts to associate OWLClass domain nodes with
   * OWLNamedIndividual domain nodes if they are an instance of the class, because they would behave
   * exactly the same. This keeps the model smaller.
   * @param keepSmall
  public void setSmallCreationFlag(boolean keepSmall) {
    this.m_keepSmall = keepSmall;

   * If set to true, the generator will normalize role successors as they are generated. This
   * consists of two extra steps:<br>
   * 1. check if the new role is already 'represented' by another role, if not do 2. + 3.<br>
   * 2. remove all roles that will be 'represented' by the new one<br>
   * 3. add the role<br>
   * This has the effect of directly creating a normalized canonical interpretation, however when
   * removing property assertions from the ABox, the interpretation may not be a model anymore.
   * @param normalize
  public void setNormalizingFlag(boolean normalize) {
    this.m_normalize = normalize;

  public void setUseBuffer(boolean buffer) {
    m_useBuffer = buffer;

   * Initialize your own logger for the generator. If not actively specified, default logger will be
   * used. Call with null to disable logging for the generator.
   * @param log
  public void setLogger(Logger log) {
    if (log == null) {
    } else {
      this.LOG = log;

  public Logger getLogger() {
    return LOG;