コード例 #1
  public void testAddAFewWindCoordinates() {
    Mesh3D mesh = reader.readGlobe(GlobeType.Full);
    Collection<Face> allFaces = mesh.getFaces();
    int oldCount = allFaces.size();

    TriangleMesh newMesh = new TriangleMesh();
    // TriangleMesh offers easier access to the faces,
    // unfortunately it is also significantly slower when adding faces

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      Face face = newMesh.faces.get(i);

      Vec3D cloudPoint = face.getCentroid();
      cloudPoint.x += 7;
      cloudPoint.y += 7;
      cloudPoint.z += 7;
      mesh.addFace(cloudPoint, face.a, face.b);
      mesh.addFace(cloudPoint, face.b, face.c);
      mesh.addFace(cloudPoint, face.c, face.a);

    int newCount = mesh.getNumFaces();
    assertFalse(oldCount == newCount);

    String path = getClass().getResource(".").getFile();
    File file = new File(path, "manipulated.stl");
    TriangleMesh meshforWriting = new TriangleMesh();
    writer.write(file, meshforWriting);