/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp() */ public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); System.out.println("Calculating performance scaling factor..."); // Run this simple test to get some sort of performance scaling factor, // compared to // the development environment. This should help reduce false-positives // on this test. int numLoops = 10000; long start = currentTimeMillis(); for (int j = 0; j < 2000; j++) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(numLoops); for (int i = 0; i < numLoops; i++) { buf.append('a'); } } long elapsedTime = currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("Elapsed time for factor: " + elapsedTime); this.scaleFactor = (double) elapsedTime / (double) ORIGINAL_LOOP_TIME_MS; System.out.println("Performance scaling factor is: " + this.scaleFactor); }
/** * Destroy resources created by test case * * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ public void tearDown() throws Exception { try { this.stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS BLOBTEST"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { super.tearDown(); } }
/** * Un-binds the DataSource, and cleans up the filesystem * * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { try { this.ctx.unbind(this.tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/test"); this.ctx.close(); this.tempDir.delete(); } finally { super.tearDown(); } }
private static final double calculateScaleFactor() { // Run this simple test to get some sort of performance scaling factor, compared to the // development environment. This should help reduce false-positives // on this test. int numLoops = 10000; long start = BaseTestCase.currentTimeMillis(); for (int j = 0; j < 2000; j++) { // StringBuffer below is used for measuring and can't be changed to StringBuilder. StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(numLoops); for (int i = 0; i < numLoops; i++) { buf.append('a'); } } long elapsedTime = BaseTestCase.currentTimeMillis() - start; return elapsedTime / ORIGINAL_LOOP_TIME_MS; }
@Override public synchronized void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); System.out.println("Adjusting global performance scaling factor..."); System.out.println( "Gobal performance scaling factor adjusted from: " + scaleFactor + " to: " + adjustScaleFactor()); }
/** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws Exception DOCUMENT ME! */ public void tearDown() throws Exception { stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE statement_test"); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COLUMNS_TO_TEST; i += STEP) { StringBuffer stmtBuf = new StringBuffer("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement_col_test_"); stmtBuf.append(i); stmt.executeUpdate(stmtBuf.toString()); } try { stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE statement_batch_test"); } /* ignore */ catch (SQLException sqlEx) {; } super.tearDown(); }
/** * Setup the test case * * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); if (versionMeetsMinimum(4, 0)) { int requiredSize = 32 * 1024 * 1024; if (testBlobFile == null || testBlobFile.length() != requiredSize) { createBlobFile(requiredSize); } } else { int requiredSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024; if (testBlobFile == null || testBlobFile.length() != requiredSize) { createBlobFile(requiredSize); } } createTestTable(); }
/** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws Exception DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); createTestTable(); }
/** * Sets up this test, calling registerDataSource() to bind a DataSource into JNDI, using the * FSContext JNDI provider from Sun * * @throws Exception if an error occurs. */ @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); registerDataSource(); }
/** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws Exception DOCUMENT ME! */ public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); try { stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE statement_test"); } /* ignore */ catch (SQLException sqlEx) {; } try { stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE statement_batch_test"); } /* ignore */ catch (SQLException sqlEx) {; } stmt.executeUpdate( "CREATE TABLE statement_test (id int not null primary key auto_increment, strdata1 varchar(255) not null, strdata2 varchar(255))"); stmt.executeUpdate( "CREATE TABLE statement_batch_test " + "(id int not null primary key auto_increment, " + "strdata1 varchar(255) not null, strdata2 varchar(255), " + "UNIQUE INDEX (strdata1))"); for (int i = 6; i < MAX_COLUMNS_TO_TEST; i += STEP) { StringBuffer insertBuf = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO statement_col_test_"); StringBuffer stmtBuf = new StringBuffer("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statement_col_test_"); stmtBuf.append(i); insertBuf.append(i); stmtBuf.append(" ("); insertBuf.append(" VALUES ("); boolean firstTime = true; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (!firstTime) { stmtBuf.append(","); insertBuf.append(","); } else { firstTime = false; } stmtBuf.append("col_"); stmtBuf.append(j); stmtBuf.append(" VARCHAR("); stmtBuf.append(MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH); stmtBuf.append(")"); insertBuf.append("'"); int numChars = (int) (Math.random() * (MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH - MIN_COLUMN_LENGTH)) + MIN_COLUMN_LENGTH; for (int k = 0; k < numChars; k++) { insertBuf.append("A"); } insertBuf.append("'"); } stmtBuf.append(")"); insertBuf.append(")"); stmt.executeUpdate(stmtBuf.toString()); stmt.executeUpdate(insertBuf.toString()); } // explicitly set the catalog to exercise code in execute(), executeQuery() and // executeUpdate() // FIXME: Only works on Windows! // conn.setCatalog(conn.getCatalog().toUpperCase()); }