public TowerControl(Robot robot) { try { this.robot = robot; pickupPiston = new FestoDA(6); shootPiston = new FestoDA(4); Util.consoleLog("DigInput"); ballCheck = new DigitalInput(0); Util.consoleLog("DigInput end"); this.belt = robot.belt; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(Util.logPrintStream); } }
/** Initializes the TowerControl class, setting the belt and hood position to known states. */ public void run() { if (initDone == false) { initDone = true; pickupPiston.SetB(); shootPiston.SetA(); if (robot.isComp()) { robot.InitializeCANTalon((CANTalon) belt); launchMotor1 = new Talon(0); launchMotor2 = new Talon(1); Util.consoleLog("Launch Motors end"); } else if (robot.isClone()) { launchMotor1 = new Talon(1); launchMotor2 = new Talon(2); } shoot = new Shooter(robot); pickup = new Pickup(robot); } }