コード例 #1
  * Should be called Before virtual execution of instructions putfield and putstatic so that all
  * corresponding getFields are set dirty. Similarly should also be called before virtual execution
  * of instructions AASTORE so that corresponding AALOAD are set dirty.
  * @param method
  * @param callingParms
  * @param instr
  * @param stack
  * @param localVariables
 public void fixOrderRelatedInstrs(
     MethodInfo method,
     Vector callingParms,
     GCInstruction instr,
     GCOperandStack stack,
     GCLocalVariables localVariables) {
   if (!isFieldIsObjectBased(instr)) {
   String methodStr = oracle.getMethodOrFieldString(method);
   if (instr.getOpCode() == JavaInstructionsOpcodes.PUTSTATIC
       || instr.getOpCode() == JavaInstructionsOpcodes.PUTFIELD
       || instr.getOpCode() == JavaInstructionsOpcodes.AASTORE) {
     GCType type = (GCType) stack.peep();
     if (!type.isReference()) {
     HashSet<TTReference> refSet = type.getReferences();
     if (refSet.size() == 1) {
       TTReference ref = refSet.iterator().next();
       if (ref.getClassThisPointer() == Type.NULL || ref.getNewId() < 0) {
     debugPrint("\n\n++++++++++ ", "fix-Order");
     debugPrint("method Str =", oracle.getMethodOrFieldString(method));
     debugPrint("instr =", instr);
     handlePutRecalls(new MethodCallInfo(method, callingParms), instr, stack);
コード例 #2
  * In case the method is still under-call then put the record of the method fields where get was
  * used in a seperate map. When a method any next instruction is called again then the record is
  * pop from the map and corresponding instructions are made dirty.
  * <p>This method create that record of method fields.
  * @param methodCallInfo
  * @param instrDataSettingInstr
 private void handlePutRecalls(
     MethodCallInfo methodCallInfo, GCInstruction instrDataSettingInstr, OperandStack stack) {
   if (true) return;
   try {
      * 1. Firstly get from input instructions the uniqueId for corresponding data reterival
      * instructions. 2. Subsequently, add those instructions in the two different maps depending
      * upon if the method is still under call or not.
     ControllerForFieldInstr contr = ControllerForFieldInstr.getInstanceOf();
     HashSet<Integer> uniqueIdForDataRetrivalInstr = new HashSet<Integer>();
     if (instrDataSettingInstr.getOpCode() != JavaInstructionsOpcodes.AASTORE) {
       int cpIndex = instrDataSettingInstr.getOperandsData().intValueUnsigned();
     } else {
       uniqueIdForDataRetrivalInstr = getAAStoreNewIds(stack);
      * following are the all getField or getStatic instruction for the given constant pool index.
     HashSet<FieldRecord> getFieldOrStateRecordSet =
             instrDataSettingInstr.getOpCode() == JavaInstructionsOpcodes.AASTORE);
      * Now we iterate from all of those instructions and put them in two different maps
      * depenending up if their method is still under call or not.
     Iterator<FieldRecord> fieldRectIt = getFieldOrStateRecordSet.iterator();
     while (fieldRectIt.hasNext()) {
       FieldRecord fieldRec = fieldRectIt.next();
       HashSet<FunctionStateKey> allTheMethodCallsForTheField = fieldRec.getStateKeys();
       Iterator<FunctionStateKey> methodCallIt = allTheMethodCallsForTheField.iterator();
       while (methodCallIt.hasNext()) {
         FunctionStateKey stateKey = methodCallIt.next();
         GCDataFlowAnalyzer dataFlowAnalyzer = GCDataFlowAnalyzer.getInstanceOf();
         HashSet<FunctionStateKey> allMethodInExecution = dataFlowAnalyzer.getMethodsInExecution();
         String methodString = oracle.getMethodOrFieldString(stateKey.getMethod());
         long instrId = fieldRec.getInstr().getInstructionId();
         if (allMethodInExecution.contains(stateKey)) {
           putInMap(fieldsToSetDirtyInUnderCallMethod, stateKey, fieldRec);
         } else {
           putInMap(fieldsToSetDirtyAfterMethodCalled, stateKey, fieldRec);
   } catch (Exception d) {
コード例 #3
   * Call it BEFORE executing an instruction virtually.
   * @param instr
   * @param stack
   * @param localVar
  private void addRecord(
      FunctionStateKey stateKey,
      GCInstruction instr,
      GCOperandStack stack,
      GCLocalVariables localVar) {

    MethodInfo method = instr.getMethod();
    String methodStr = oracle.getMethodOrFieldString(method);
    if (methodStr.contains("jvmTestCases.Main.fooGetOnly")) {}
    debugPrint("\n\n", "***** adding record *****");
    debugPrint("method Str=", methodStr);
    debugPrint("instr =", instr);
    HashSet<Integer> unqiueForField = new HashSet<Integer>();
    if (instr.getOpCode() != JavaInstructionsOpcodes.AALOAD) {
      int cpIndex = instr.getOperandsData().intValueUnsigned();
    } else {
      unqiueForField = getAALOADNewIds(stack);
    Iterator<Integer> it = unqiueForField.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      contrForField.addRecord(stateKey, instr, it.next());