/** Called to invalidate this credential element. */ public void dispose() throws GSSException { try { destroy(); } catch (javax.security.auth.DestroyFailedException e) { GSSException gssException = new GSSException( GSSException.FAILURE, -1, "Could not destroy credentials - " + e.getMessage()); gssException.initCause(e); } }
private static KerberosTicket getTgt(int caller, Krb5NameElement name, int initLifetime) throws GSSException { String realm = null; final String clientPrincipal, tgsPrincipal = null; /* * Find the TGT for the realm that the client is in. If the client * name is not available, then use the default realm. */ if (name != null) { clientPrincipal = (name.getKrb5PrincipalName()).getName(); realm = (name.getKrb5PrincipalName()).getRealmAsString(); } else { clientPrincipal = null; try { Config config = Config.getInstance(); realm = config.getDefaultRealm(); } catch (KrbException e) { GSSException ge = new GSSException( GSSException.NO_CRED, -1, "Attempt to obtain INITIATE credentials failed!" + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); ge.initCause(e); throw ge; } } final AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext(); try { final int realCaller = (caller == GSSUtil.CALLER_UNKNOWN) ? GSSUtil.CALLER_INITIATE : caller; return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<KerberosTicket>() { public KerberosTicket run() throws Exception { return Krb5Util.getTicket(realCaller, clientPrincipal, tgsPrincipal, acc); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { GSSException ge = new GSSException( GSSException.NO_CRED, -1, "Attempt to obtain new INITIATE credentials failed!" + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); ge.initCause(e.getException()); throw ge; } }
public int initSecContext(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream) throws GSSException { if (mechCtxt != null && currentState != IN_PROGRESS) { throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.FAILURE, "Illegal call to initSecContext"); } GSSHeader gssHeader = null; int inTokenLen = -1; GSSCredentialSpi credElement = null; boolean firstToken = false; try { if (mechCtxt == null) { if (myCred != null) { try { credElement = myCred.getElement(mechOid, true); } catch (GSSException ge) { if (GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid) && ge.getMajor() == GSSException.NO_CRED) { credElement = myCred.getElement(myCred.getMechs()[0], true); } else { throw ge; } } } GSSNameSpi nameElement = targName.getElement(mechOid); mechCtxt = gssManager.getMechanismContext(nameElement, credElement, reqLifetime, mechOid); mechCtxt.requestConf(reqConfState); mechCtxt.requestInteg(reqIntegState); mechCtxt.requestCredDeleg(reqCredDelegState); mechCtxt.requestMutualAuth(reqMutualAuthState); mechCtxt.requestReplayDet(reqReplayDetState); mechCtxt.requestSequenceDet(reqSequenceDetState); mechCtxt.requestAnonymity(reqAnonState); mechCtxt.setChannelBinding(channelBindings); mechCtxt.requestDelegPolicy(reqDelegPolicyState); objId = new ObjectIdentifier(mechOid.toString()); currentState = IN_PROGRESS; firstToken = true; } else { if (mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS") || GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid)) { // do not parse GSS header for native provider or SPNEGO // mech } else { // parse GSS header gssHeader = new GSSHeader(inStream); if (!gssHeader.getOid().equals((Object) objId)) throw new GSSExceptionImpl( GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, "Mechanism not equal to " + mechOid.toString() + " in initSecContext token"); inTokenLen = gssHeader.getMechTokenLength(); } } byte[] obuf = mechCtxt.initSecContext(inStream, inTokenLen); int retVal = 0; if (obuf != null) { retVal = obuf.length; if (mechCtxt.getProvider().getName().equals("SunNativeGSS") || (!firstToken && GSSUtil.isSpNegoMech(mechOid))) { // do not add GSS header for native provider or SPNEGO // except for the first SPNEGO token } else { // add GSS header gssHeader = new GSSHeader(objId, obuf.length); retVal += gssHeader.encode(outStream); } outStream.write(obuf); } if (mechCtxt.isEstablished()) currentState = READY; return retVal; } catch (IOException e) { throw new GSSExceptionImpl(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, e.getMessage()); } }