protected synchronized String getProcedureName(Connection dConn, Connection gConn) { /// avoid #42569 ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = gConn.getMetaData().getProcedures(null, null, null); List procNames = ResultSetHelper.asList(rs, false); Log.getLogWriter().info("procedure names are " + ResultSetHelper.listToString(procNames)); rs.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } try { rs = gConn.getMetaData().getFunctions(null, null, null); } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } List funcNames = ResultSetHelper.asList(rs, false); Log.getLogWriter().info("function names are " + ResultSetHelper.listToString(funcNames)); if (procedureNames == null) { ArrayList<String> procs = new ArrayList<String>(); procs.addAll(ProcedureDDLStmt.modifyProcNameList); procs.addAll(ProcedureDDLStmt.nonModifyProcNameList); procedureNames = new ArrayList<String>(procs); } return procedureNames.get(SQLTest.random.nextInt(procedureNames.size())); }
public static void HydraTask_populateMusicDB() { if (musicHelper == null) { musicHelper = new MusicHelper(); } try { if (hasDerbyServer) { Connection dConn = musicHelper.getDiscConnection(); MusicPopulator.addToTables( dConn, MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedArtists(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedAlbums(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedCopyrightOwners(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedSongs(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedGenres(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedTags(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedTracks()); dConn.close(); } Connection gConn = musicHelper.getGFEConnection(); MusicPopulator.addToTables( gConn, MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedArtists(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedAlbums(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedCopyrightOwners(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedSongs(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedGenres(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedTags(), MusicPrms.getNumGeneratedTracks()); gConn.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(sqle); } }
public void provideAllPrivToAll(Connection dConn, Connection gConn) { ArrayList<SQLException> exList = new ArrayList<SQLException>(); for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i++) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("grant all privileges on " + tableNames[i] + " to " + getAllGrantees()); Log.getLogWriter().info("security statement is " + sql.toString()); if (dConn != null) { try { Statement stmt = dConn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql.toString()); // execute authorization dConn.commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleDerbySQLException(se, exList); } try { Statement stmt = gConn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql.toString()); // execute authorization gConn.commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleGFGFXDException(se, exList); } } else { try { Statement stmt = gConn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql.toString()); // execute authorization gConn.commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } } } }
protected void applySecurityToGFE(Connection gConn, String sql) { Log.getLogWriter().info("execute authorization statement in GFE"); Log.getLogWriter().info("security statement is: " + sql); try { Statement stmt = gConn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); // execute authorization } catch (SQLException se) { if (se.getSQLState().equals("42506") && SQLTest.testSecurity) Log.getLogWriter() .info("Got the expected exception for authorization," + " continuing tests"); else if (se.getSQLState().equals("42509") && SQLTest.testSecurity) Log.getLogWriter() .info( "Got the expected grant or revoke operation " + "is not allowed exception for authorization," + " continuing tests"); else if (se.getSQLState().equals("42Y03") && hasRoutine) Log.getLogWriter() .info( "Got the expected not recognized as " + "a function or procedure exception for authorization," + " continuing tests"); else SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } }
protected Statement initialValue() { Statement s = null; try { s = dConn.get().createStatement(); } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } return s; }
protected PreparedStatement initialValue() { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = dConn.get().prepareStatement(delete); } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } return stmt; }
public static void turnOnGFEAuthorization(Connection conn, String sql) { Log.getLogWriter().info("turn on authorization statement in GFE"); try { Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } }
protected Connection initialValue() { Connection dConn = null; try { dConn = ClientDiscDBManager.getConnection(); // may need to use url to get the correct db connection } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } return dConn; }
public static Connection getDefaultConnection() { Connection conn = null; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection"); // Log.getLogWriter().info("Connection in - getDefaultConnection " + // conn.getMetaData().getDriverName()); } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } return conn; }
protected static Connection getDefaultConnection() { Connection conn = null; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection"); } catch (SQLException se) { // TODO, add Asif's work around for ticket #41642 // and use jdbc:default:gemfirexd:connection SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } return conn; }
private void revokeDelegatedPrivilege(Connection gConn, String tableName) { int num = SQLTest.random.nextInt(SQLTest.numOfWorkers) + 1; String grantees = getGrantees(num); int whichPriv = SQLTest.random.nextInt(tablePriv.length); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("revoke " + tablePriv[whichPriv] + " on " + tableName + " from " + grantees); Log.getLogWriter().info("security statement is " + sql.toString()); try { Statement stmt = gConn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql.toString()); // execute authorization gConn.commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } }
protected List<Struct> getKeysForQuery(String sql, boolean[] success) { Connection noneTxConn = (Connection) SQLDistTxTest.gfxdNoneTxConn.get(); try { Log.getLogWriter().info("executing the following query: " + sql); ResultSet noneTxGfxdRS = noneTxConn.createStatement().executeQuery(sql); List<Struct> noneTxGfxdList = ResultSetHelper.asList(noneTxGfxdRS, false); if (noneTxGfxdList == null && isHATest) { Log.getLogWriter().info("Testing HA and did not get GFXD result set"); success[0] = false; } else { success[0] = true; } return noneTxGfxdList; } catch (SQLException se) { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } return null; // should not hit this as SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se) throws TestException. }
private void delegateGrantOption(Connection gConn, String tableName) { int num = SQLTest.random.nextInt(SQLTest.numOfWorkers) + 1; String grantees = getGrantees(num); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); int whichPriv = SQLTest.random.nextInt(tablePriv.length); sql.append( "grant " + tablePriv[whichPriv] + " on " + tableName + " to " + grantees + withGrantOption); Log.getLogWriter().info("security statement is " + sql.toString()); try { Statement stmt = gConn.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql.toString()); // execute authorization gConn.commit(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { if (se.getSQLState().equals("42X01")) { Log.getLogWriter() .info( "Got expected exception as WITH GRANT OPTION " + "is not supported yet, continuing test"); } else { SQLHelper.handleSQLException(se); } } }