コード例 #1
   * This method will execute an update to the Sound Library. What this means is that it will do two
   * things. The first thing it will do is upload the file described to the library folder. Next, it
   * will execute an update to the SQl database with the information given. Becuase all of the
   * fields must be filled out, it will throw an exception if any of them are left blank.
   * <p>Once it executes the update, it will read the response from the server and will return a
   * boolean value based on the response. A sucess will return a true and a failure will return a
   * false.
   * @return Success or Failure
   * @throws java.lang.Exception
  public boolean executeUpload() throws Exception {

    // Create a new ClientHTTPRequest
    ClientHttpRequest post = new ClientHttpRequest(page_url);

    // Set the parameters needed to update
    post.setParameter("FileName", new File(file_path));
    post.setParameter("Title", title);
    post.setParameter("Author", author);
    post.setParameter("Genre", genre);
    post.setParameter("Tags", tags);

    // Post the request and read in the response stream
    InputStream response_stream = post.post();

    // XML processing code modified from example at:
    // http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/xml/JavaTechandXML/
    // Get a new DocumentBuilder
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    // Parse the xml returned by the server
    try {
      reply = builder.parse(response_stream);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Pass it on up!
      throw e;
    // Get our list of errors. Hopefully 0 elements
    NodeList errors = reply.getElementsByTagName("Error");
    // NodeList warnings = reply.getElementsByTagName( "Warning" );
    // get our list of successes. Hopefully 1
    NodeList successes = reply.getElementsByTagName("Success");

    // If there were successes, return true
    if (successes.getLength() > 0) response = true;
    // otherwise, return false. I didn't use an if-else statement because
    // although there should never be a success AND a failure, I want to be
    // able to handle it just in case.
    if (errors.getLength() > 0) response = false;

    // Finally, return the response
    return (response);