public static boolean maybeSameLocation(Value v1, Value v2) { if (!(v1 instanceof InstanceFieldRef && v2 instanceof InstanceFieldRef) && !(v1 instanceof ArrayRef && v2 instanceof ArrayRef)) { return v1.equivTo(v2); } if (v1 instanceof InstanceFieldRef && v2 instanceof InstanceFieldRef) { InstanceFieldRef ifr1 = (InstanceFieldRef) v1; InstanceFieldRef ifr2 = (InstanceFieldRef) v2; if (!ifr1.getField().getName().equals(ifr2.getField().getName())) return false; Local base1 = (Local) ifr1.getBase(); Local base2 = (Local) ifr2.getBase(); PointsToAnalysis pta = Scene.v().getPointsToAnalysis(); PointsToSet pts1 = pta.reachingObjects(base1); PointsToSet pts2 = pta.reachingObjects(base2); return pts1.hasNonEmptyIntersection(pts2); } else { // v1 instanceof ArrayRef && v2 instanceof ArrayRef ArrayRef ar1 = (ArrayRef) v1; ArrayRef ar2 = (ArrayRef) v2; Local base1 = (Local) ar1.getBase(); Local base2 = (Local) ar2.getBase(); PointsToAnalysis pta = Scene.v().getPointsToAnalysis(); PointsToSet pts1 = pta.reachingObjects(base1); PointsToSet pts2 = pta.reachingObjects(base2); return pts1.hasNonEmptyIntersection(pts2); } }
protected void internalTransform(String pn, Map map) { SymbiosisTransformer.tlo = new ThreadLocalObjectsAnalysis(new SynchObliviousMhpAnalysis()); SymbiosisTransformer.ftea = new XFieldThreadEscapeAnalysis(); SymbiosisTransformer.pecg = new PegCallGraph(Scene.v().getCallGraph()); Iterator<SootClass> classIt = Scene.v().getApplicationClasses().iterator(); while (classIt.hasNext()) { SootClass sc =; Iterator<SootMethod> methodIt = sc.getMethods().iterator(); while (methodIt.hasNext()) { SootMethod sm =; if (sm.isAbstract() || sm.isNative()) continue; try { Body body = sm.retrieveActiveBody(); SymbFindSVPass.v().internalTransform(body, pn, map); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("[SymbiosisTransformer] SymbScenePass: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); continue; } } } }
public static SootClass mockSootClass(String clsName) { SootClass sc = null; if (Scene.v().containsClass(clsName)) { sc = Scene.v().getSootClass(clsName); if (sc.isPhantom()) { // sc.setPhantom(false); sc.setApplicationClass(); sc.setInScene(true); try { for (Field field : sc.getClass().getFields()) { if (field.getName().equals("isPhantom")) { field.setAccessible(true); field.setBoolean(sc, false); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { sc = new SootClass(clsName); sc.setSuperclass(Scene.v().getSootClass("java.lang.Object")); sc.setPhantom(false); sc.setApplicationClass(); sc.setInScene(true); } mockConstructor(sc); return sc; }
public static Collection<Type> getP2Nodes(Value v) { PointsToSet p2sTypes; if (v instanceof Local) p2sTypes = Scene.v().getPointsToAnalysis().reachingObjects((Local) v); else p2sTypes = Scene.v().getPointsToAnalysis().reachingObjects(((FieldRef) v).getField()); return (Collection<Type>) p2sTypes.possibleTypes(); }
private void loadClasses() { Date start = new Date(); if (entryClass != null) { SootUtils.loadClassesForEntry(entryClass); } else { for (JavaCriticalSection cs : results) { String clsname = cs.getClassName(); String regex = "\\$\\d"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(clsname); if (matcher.find()) { System.out.println("can't find the class created randomly by compiler"); continue; } SootClass cls = Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport(clsname); if (setMainClass == true && cls.declaresMethod( Scene.v().getSubSigNumberer().findOrAdd("void main(java.lang.String[])"))) { Scene.v().setMainClass(cls); setMainClass = false; } } Scene.v().loadNecessaryClasses(); } Date end = new Date(); System.out.println( "load " + Scene.v().getClasses().size() + " classes in " + getTimeConsumed(start, end)); }
private List<Unit> instrumentIntentAddings( BiDiInterproceduralCFG<Unit, SootMethod> cfg, Unit unit, InvokeExpr sinkExpr, Set<ResultSourceInfo> sourceInfo) { if (isMethodInterComponentSink(sinkExpr.getMethod())) { SootMethod method = cfg.getMethodOf(unit); Body body = null; if (method.hasActiveBody()) body = method.retrieveActiveBody(); else throw new RuntimeException("No body found!"); Set<String> sourceCategories = getDataIdList(sourceInfo); final String hashSetType = "java.util.HashSet"; List<Unit> generated = new ArrayList<Unit>(); // HashSet initialization Local hashSetLocal = generateFreshLocal(body, RefType.v(hashSetType)); NewExpr newExpr = Jimple.v().newNewExpr(RefType.v(hashSetType)); AssignStmt assignStmt = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(hashSetLocal, newExpr); generated.add(assignStmt); // constructor call SpecialInvokeExpr constructorCall = Jimple.v() .newSpecialInvokeExpr( hashSetLocal, Scene.v().getMethod("<java.util.HashSet: void <init>()>").makeRef()); InvokeStmt constructorCallStmt = Jimple.v().newInvokeStmt(constructorCall); generated.add(constructorCallStmt); // add categories to HashSet for (String cat : sourceCategories) { InterfaceInvokeExpr addCall = Jimple.v() .newInterfaceInvokeExpr( hashSetLocal, Scene.v().getMethod("<java.util.Set: boolean add(java.lang.Object)>").makeRef(), StringConstant.v(cat)); InvokeStmt addCallStmt = Jimple.v().newInvokeStmt(addCall); generated.add(addCallStmt); } // get Intent Value intent = sinkExpr.getArg(0); List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>(); args.add(RefType.v("android.content.Intent")); args.add(intent); args.add(RefType.v(hashSetType)); args.add(hashSetLocal); StaticInvokeExpr sie = Instrumentation.createJimpleStaticInvokeExpr( Settings.INSTRUMENTATION_HELPER_JAVA, "addTaintInformationToIntent", args); InvokeStmt invStmt = Jimple.v().newInvokeStmt(sie); generated.add(invStmt); return generated; } return Collections.emptyList(); }
/** * Instruments the runtime version of the program. * * @param mainclass */ public static void transformRuntimeVersion(String mainclass) { PackManager.v().getPack("jtp").add(new Transform("jtp.intrumenter", SymbBodyPass.v())); setOptions(mainclass, false); Scene.v() .setSootClassPath( System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path") + File.pathSeparator + System.getProperty("java.class.path")); Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport(runtimeClass); try { // ** instrument runtime version String outpath = getOutputDir(); String[] args1 = getArgs(mainclass, outpath); soot.Main.main(args1); System.err.println("***** Runtime version generated *****\n"); // reset soot parameters soot.G.reset(); bbIdCounter = 0; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(">> Exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
private static SootClass makeFreshClass(String name) { // reset the testClass if (Scene.v().containsClass(name)) { Scene.v().removeClass(Scene.v().getSootClass(name)); } SootClass result = new SootClass(name); Scene.v().addClass(result); return result; }
/** * @ast method * @aspect Expressions * @declaredat * /Users/eric/Documents/workspaces/clara-soot/JastAddExtensions/JimpleBackend/Expressions.jrag:84 */ public soot.Value eval(Body b) { TypeDecl dest = getDest().type(); TypeDecl source = getSource().type(); if (dest.isString()) { Value lvalue = getDest().eval(b); Value v = asImmediate(b, lvalue); // new StringBuffer(left) Local local = b.newTemp(b.newNewExpr(lookupType("java.lang", "StringBuffer").sootRef(), this)); b.setLine(this); b.add( b.newInvokeStmt( b.newSpecialInvokeExpr( local, Scene.v() .getMethod("<java.lang.StringBuffer: void <init>(java.lang.String)>") .makeRef(), v, this), this)); // append right Local rightResult = b.newTemp( b.newVirtualInvokeExpr( local, lookupType("java.lang", "StringBuffer") .methodWithArgs("append", new TypeDecl[] {source.stringPromotion()}) .sootRef(), asImmediate(b, getSource().eval(b)), this)); // toString Local result = b.newTemp( b.newVirtualInvokeExpr( rightResult, Scene.v() .getMethod("<java.lang.StringBuffer: java.lang.String toString()>") .makeRef(), this)); Value v2 = lvalue instanceof Local ? lvalue : (Value) lvalue.clone(); getDest().emitStore(b, v2, result, this); return result; } else { return super.eval(b); } }
private static void setOptions(String mainclass, boolean isJPF) { PhaseOptions.v().setPhaseOption("jb", "enabled:true"); PhaseOptions.v().setPhaseOption("tag.ln", "on"); Options.v().set_keep_line_number(true); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jb", "use-original-names:true"); Options.v().set_app(true); Options.v().set_whole_program(true); if (isJPF) { // Enable Spark HashMap<String, String> opt = new HashMap<String, String>(); // opt.put("verbose","true"); opt.put("propagator", "worklist"); opt.put("simple-edges-bidirectional", "false"); opt.put("on-fly-cg", "true"); opt.put("set-impl", "double"); opt.put("double-set-old", "hybrid"); opt.put("double-set-new", "hybrid"); opt.put("pre_jimplify", "true"); SparkTransformer.v().transform("", opt); PhaseOptions.v().setPhaseOption("cg.spark", "enabled:true"); Scene.v() .setSootClassPath( System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path") + File.pathSeparator + System.getProperty("java.class.path")); } List excludes = new ArrayList(); excludes.add("org.eclipse."); excludes.add("javax."); excludes.add("java."); excludes.add("pt.tecnico."); Options.v().set_exclude(excludes); List includes = new ArrayList(); includes.add("org.apache.commons.pool."); // pool107 includes.add("org.apache.log4j."); // log4j_3 includes.add("org.apache.commons.lang."); // lang Options.v().set_include(includes); SootClass appclass = Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport(mainclass); try { Scene.v().setMainClass(appclass); Scene.v().getMainClass(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(">> Exception [No main class]: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** For instance invokes */ public static ArrayList<SootMethod> resolveAppCall(Type tgtType, SootMethodRef methodRef) { final NumberedString mSubsignature = methodRef.getSubSignature(); if (tgtType instanceof RefType) { // find first class upwards in hierarchy, starting from cls, that implements method (i.e., // *concrete* method) SootClass cls = ((RefType) tgtType).getSootClass(); while (!cls.declaresMethod(mSubsignature)) cls = cls .getSuperclass(); // if method not in this class, it HAS to be in a superclass, so a // superclass must exist if (!cls.hasTag(ClassTag.TAG_NAME)) return null; // not an app method // finally, store resolved app method SootMethod m = cls.getMethod(mSubsignature); assert m.hasTag(MethodTag.TAG_NAME); ArrayList<SootMethod> methods = new ArrayList<SootMethod>(); methods.add(m); // just one element, directly resolved return methods; } if (tgtType instanceof AnySubType) { // return set of all app subtypes that implement referenced method SootClass baseCls = ((AnySubType) tgtType).getBase().getSootClass(); List subClasses = baseCls.isInterface() ? Scene.v().getActiveHierarchy().getImplementersOf(baseCls) : Scene.v().getActiveHierarchy().getSubclassesOf(baseCls); ArrayList<SootMethod> methods = new ArrayList<SootMethod>(); for (Object oSubCls : subClasses) { SootClass subCls = (SootClass) oSubCls; if (subCls.hasTag(ClassTag.TAG_NAME)) { try { SootMethod m = subCls.getMethod(mSubsignature); assert m.hasTag(MethodTag.TAG_NAME); if (!m.isAbstract()) methods.add(m); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } } } return methods; } assert tgtType instanceof ArrayType; // only other case observed so far return new ArrayList(); // no array class/method is in app }
protected void readNonRefField(OpenCLField field) { SootField soot_field = field.getSootField(); String function_name = "read" + getTypeString(soot_field); BytecodeLanguage bcl =; bcl.pushMethod(, function_name, soot_field.getType()); Local data = bcl.invokeMethodRet(; SootClass soot_class = Scene.v().getSootClass(soot_field.getDeclaringClass().getName()); if (soot_class.isApplicationClass()) { if (field.isInstance()) { bcl.setInstanceField(soot_field,, data); } else { bcl.setStaticField(soot_field, data); } } else { SootClass obj = Scene.v().getSootClass("java.lang.Object"); SootClass string = Scene.v().getSootClass("java.lang.String"); String static_str; SootClass first_param_type; Value first_param; if (field.isInstance()) { static_str = ""; first_param_type = obj; first_param =; } else { static_str = "Static"; first_param_type = Scene.v().getSootClass("java.lang.Class"); first_param = ClassConstant.v(soot_class.getName()); } String private_field_fun_name = "write" + static_str + getTypeString(soot_field); Local private_fields = bcl.newInstance("org.trifort.rootbeer.runtime.PrivateFields"); bcl.pushMethod( private_fields, private_field_fun_name, VoidType.v(), first_param_type.getType(), string.getType(), string.getType(), soot_field.getType()); bcl.invokeMethodNoRet( private_fields, first_param, StringConstant.v(soot_field.getName()), StringConstant.v(soot_field.getDeclaringClass().getName()), data); } }
public Map<Unit, Set<TaintFact>> initialSeeds() { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("initial seeds"); return DefaultSeeds.make( Collections.singleton( Scene.v().getEntryPoints().get(0).getActiveBody().getUnits().getFirst()), zeroValue()); }
/** * Instruments the Java Path Finder version of the program. * * @param mainclass */ public static void transformJPFVersion(String mainclass) { sharedVars = new HashSet<String>(); PackManager.v().getPack("wjtp").add(new Transform("wjtp.transformer", new SymbScenePass())); PackManager.v().getPack("jtp").add(new Transform("jtp.transformer", new SymbBodyPass())); setOptions(mainclass, true); Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport(jpfClass); try { // ** instrument JPF version JPF_MODE = true; String outpath = getOutputDir(); sharedAccLogPath = outpath + mainclass + ".accesses"; String[] args1 = getArgs(mainclass, outpath); soot.Main.main(args1); System.err.println("***** JPF version generated *****"); saveSharedAccessesLog(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(">> Exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void run(String cls, boolean app_class) { SootClass soot_class = Scene.v().getSootClass(cls); List<SootMethod> methods = soot_class.getMethods(); for (SootMethod method : methods) { visit(method); } }
public class TopologicalOrderer { CallGraph cg; List<SootMethod> order = new ArrayList<SootMethod>(); NumberedSet visited = new NumberedSet(Scene.v().getMethodNumberer()); public TopologicalOrderer(CallGraph cg) { = cg; } public void go() { Iterator methods = cg.sourceMethods(); while (methods.hasNext()) { SootMethod m = (SootMethod); dfsVisit(m); } } private void dfsVisit(SootMethod m) { if (visited.contains(m)) return; visited.add(m); Iterator targets = new Targets(cg.edgesOutOf(m)); while (targets.hasNext()) { SootMethod target = (SootMethod); dfsVisit(target); } order.add(m); } public List<SootMethod> order() { return order; } }
public void dumpTextGraph(String fileName) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub PrintStream printStream = null; try { printStream = new PrintStream(fileName); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Cannot dump TextGraph {} ", fileName); return; } callgraphSet.clear(); for (SootMethod entry : Scene.v().getEntryPoints()) { /* printStream.printf("Entry %s \n", entry.toString()); Iterator<Edge> iterator = callGraph.edgesOutOf(entry); while (iterator.hasNext()) { totalIndegree++; Edge edge =; printStream.printf("%d: %s \n", totalIndegree, edge.tgt().toString()); } printStream.printf("\n"); */ dumpTextGraph(entry, printStream, 0); } printStream.close(); }
SootClass getSootClass(Clazz clazz) { if (!sootInitialized) { initializeSoot(this); sootInitialized = true; } return Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport(clazz.getClassName()); }
public OnFlyCallGraph(PAG pag) { this.pag = pag; CGOptions options = new CGOptions(PhaseOptions.v().getPhaseOptions("cg")); if (options.all_reachable()) { List entryPoints = new ArrayList(); entryPoints.addAll(EntryPoints.v().all()); entryPoints.addAll(EntryPoints.v().methodsOfApplicationClasses()); Scene.v().setEntryPoints(entryPoints); } callGraph = new CallGraph(); Scene.v().setCallGraph(callGraph); ContextManager cm = CallGraphBuilder.makeContextManager(callGraph); reachableMethods = Scene.v().getReachableMethods(); ofcgb = new OnFlyCallGraphBuilder(cm, reachableMethods); reachablesReader = reachableMethods.listener(); callEdges = cm.callGraph().listener(); }
private static void initializeSoot(Clazzes clazzes) { soot.G.reset(); Options.v().set_output_format(Options.output_format_jimple); Options.v().set_include_all(true); Options.v().set_print_tags_in_output(true); Options.v().set_allow_phantom_refs(true); Options.v().set_keep_line_number(true); Options.v().set_soot_classpath(getSootClasspath(clazzes)); /* * Enable the use-original-names phase to merge local variables and * verbose logging for debugging purposes only. */ // Options.v().set_verbose(true); // Options.v().setPhaseOption("jb", "use-original-names:true"); /* * Disable the jb.dae phase (DeadAssignmentEliminator) since it removes * LDC instructions which would have thrown a NoClassDefFoundError. * TODO: Report this to soot as a bug? */ Options.v().setPhaseOption("jb.dae", "enabled:false"); /* * Disable the jb.uce phase (UnreachableCodeEliminator) since it seems * to remove try-catch blocks which catches a non-existing Throwable * class. This should generate a NoClassDefFoundError at runtime but * with the UCE in place no exception is thrown. */ Options.v().setPhaseOption("jb.uce", "enabled:false"); /* * Enable jap.npc (NullPointerChecker) and (ArrayBoundsChecker) * phases in the annotation pack. The annotation pack is enabled by * default but all its phases are disabled by default. */ Options.v().setPhaseOption("jap.npc", "enabled:true"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("", "enabled:true"); /* * Enable the jop (Jimple optimization) pack but disable all phases for * now. */ Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop", "enabled:true"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.cse", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.bcm", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.lcm", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.cp", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.cpf", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.cbf", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.dae", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.nce", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.uce1", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.ubf1", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.uce2", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.ubf2", "enabled:false"); Options.v().setPhaseOption("jop.ule", "enabled:false"); Scene.v().loadNecessaryClasses(); }
public static void main(String args[]) { // Set classPath String exemplePath = "/Users/gamyot/Documents/workspace/Soot_Exemples/src/"; String objectPath = "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Classes/classes.jar"; String tracePath = "/Users/gamyot/Documents/workspace/SootInstrumenter/src/"; Scene.v().setSootClassPath(".:" + objectPath + ":" + exemplePath + ":" + tracePath); Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport("java.lang.Object"); Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport("java.lang.System"); // Set up the class we’re working with SootClass c = Scene.v().loadClassAndSupport("MyExemples.ExempleBasic"); c.setApplicationClass(); // Get methods Iterator<SootMethod> methodIterator = c.methodIterator(); while (methodIterator.hasNext()) methodList.add(; // Iterate through the method list for (SootMethod m : methodList) { Body body = m.retrieveActiveBody(); PatchingChain<Unit> unitList = body.getUnits(); // get the all the "if statements" Units List<Unit> ifStmtList = searchIfStmts(body); // for each "if statement" unit, instrument and add the instrumentation code right after for (Unit ifStmtUnit : ifStmtList) { // Chain<Unit> instrumentedChain = generateInstrumentationUnits(ifStmtUnit, body); // unitList.insertAfter(instrumentedChain, ifStmtUnit); Chain<Unit> testChain = generateInstrumentationUnits(ifStmtUnit, body); unitList.insertAfter(testChain, ifStmtUnit); } // Output all the units for this method on terminal String methodName = m.getName(); System.out.println( "____Method: \"" + methodName + "\"__________________________________________________"); LoadAndGenerate.printAllUnits(body); } try { LoadAndGenerate.outputClassToBinary(c); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * For a concrete method (declared in an application class), find statements containing an invoke * expression for which the method is one of the method in 'allEventInformation' (i.e., * getLine1Number(), ...). * * @param cfg */ private void doAccessControlChecks(BiDiInterproceduralCFG<Unit, SootMethod> cfg) { for (SootClass sc : Scene.v().getApplicationClasses()) { for (SootMethod sm : sc.getMethods()) { if (sm.isConcrete()) { Body body = sm.retrieveActiveBody(); // only instrument application methods (i.e., not methods declared in PEP helper classes // or in a Java library classes or in an Android classes, ...) if (isInstrumentationNecessary(sm)) { // important to use snapshotIterator here Iterator<Unit> i = body.getUnits().snapshotIterator(); log.debug("method: " + sm); while (i.hasNext()) { Stmt s = (Stmt); if (s.containsInvokeExpr()) { InvokeExpr invExpr = s.getInvokeExpr(); String methodSignature = invExpr.getMethod().getSignature(); if (allEventInformation.containsKey(methodSignature)) { log.debug("statement " + s + " matches " + methodSignature + "."); ResultSinkInfo sink = null; outer: for (ResultSinkInfo key : results.getResults().keySet()) { // iterate over all the arguments of the invoke expression // and check if an argument is a tainted sink. If one is // set variable 'sink' to the ResultSinkInfo key. for (Value v : invExpr.getArgs()) { Value pathValue = key.getAccessPath().getPlainValue(); if (v == pathValue) { sink = key; log.debug("found a sink: " + pathValue); break outer; } } } if (sink != null) { log.debug("instrument with data flow information )" + s + ")"); instrumentSourceToSinkConnections(cfg, sink, s instanceof AssignStmt); instrumentWithNoDataFlowInformation( methodSignature, s, invExpr, body, s instanceof AssignStmt); } else { log.debug("instrument without data flow information (" + s + ")"); instrumentWithNoDataFlowInformation( methodSignature, s, invExpr, body, s instanceof AssignStmt); } } } // if stmt containts invoke expression } // loop on statements } } } } }
public void getAllInvolvedMethods() { ReachableMethods rm = CallGraphHelper.getReachableMethod(Scene.v().getCallGraph(), syncsEnclosingMethods); for (Iterator<?> it = rm.listener(); it.hasNext(); ) { SootMethod m = (SootMethod); allInvolvedMethod.add(m); } }
/** * Indicates whether this ThrowableSet includes some exception that might be caught by a handler * argument of the type <code>catcher</code>. * * @param catcher type of the handler parameter to be tested. * @return <code>true</code> if this set contains an exception type that might be caught by <code> * catcher</code>, false if it does not. */ public boolean catchableAs(RefType catcher) { if (INSTRUMENTING) { Manager.v().catchableAsQueries++; } FastHierarchy h = Scene.v().getOrMakeFastHierarchy(); if (exceptionsExcluded.size() > 0) { if (INSTRUMENTING) { Manager.v().catchableAsFromSearch++; } for (Iterator i = exceptionsExcluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { AnySubType exclusion = (AnySubType); if (h.canStoreType(catcher, exclusion.getBase())) { return false; } } } if (exceptionsIncluded.contains(catcher)) { if (INSTRUMENTING) { if (exceptionsExcluded.size() == 0) { Manager.v().catchableAsFromMap++; } else { Manager.v().catchableAsFromSearch++; } } return true; } else { if (INSTRUMENTING) { if (exceptionsExcluded.size() == 0) { Manager.v().catchableAsFromSearch++; } } for (Iterator i = exceptionsIncluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { RefLikeType thrownType = (RefLikeType); if (thrownType instanceof RefType) { if (thrownType == catcher) { // assertion failure. throw new IllegalStateException( "ThrowableSet.catchableAs(RefType): exceptions.contains() failed to match contained RefType " + catcher); } else if (h.canStoreType(thrownType, catcher)) { return true; } } else { RefType thrownBase = ((AnySubType) thrownType).getBase(); // At runtime, thrownType might be instantiated by any // of thrownBase's subtypes, so: if (h.canStoreType(thrownBase, catcher) || h.canStoreType(catcher, thrownBase)) { return true; } } } return false; } }
@Override protected void runInternal() { // don't print crap to screen! G.v().out = new PrintStream(NullOutputStream.NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM); Scene.v().loadDynamicClasses(); setSparkPointsToAnalysis(); // other passes can print crap now G.v().out = System.out; ptsProvider = (PAG) Scene.v().getPointsToAnalysis(); typeManager = ptsProvider.getTypeManager(); // cache the call graph callGraph = Scene.v().getCallGraph(); createNewToAllocMap(); /* for (SootMethod method : getReachableMethods()) { Set<MethodOrMethodContext> mcs = getMethodContexts(method); if (mcs.size() > 30) System.out.println(method + " " + mcs.size()); } */ // dumpReachablesAndAllocNodes(); // dumpCallGraphReachablesCSV(); // dumpOutdegreesCSV(); if (Config.v().dumpPta) { dumpPTA(Project.v().getOutputDir() + File.separator + "pta.txt"); } if (Config.v().dumpCallGraph) { // dumpCallGraph(Project.v().getOutputDir() + File.separator + ""); String fileName = String.format("callgraph%d.txt", runCount++); dumpTextGraph(Project.v().getOutputDir() + File.separator + fileName); } // System.out.println(SparkEvaluator.v().toString()); }
public static SootClass createSootClass(String clsName) { SootClass sc = new SootClass(clsName); sc.setSuperclass(Scene.v().getSootClass("java.lang.Object")); sc.setApplicationClass(); sc.setPhantom(false); sc.setInScene(true); return sc; }
@Override protected void internalTransform(String string, Map map) { CallGraph call_graph = Scene.v().getCallGraph(); Iterator<MethodOrMethodContext> src_methods = call_graph.sourceMethods(); while (src_methods.hasNext()) { MethodOrMethodContext momc =; SootMethod soot_method = momc.method(); String signature = soot_method.getSignature(); System.out.println(signature); } }
/** * Transform the Scene according to the information specified in the model for this transform. * * @param phaseName The phase this transform is operating under. * @param options The options to apply. */ protected void internalTransform(String phaseName, Map options) { // For some reason, soot 2.0.1 gives java.lang.Object as // its own superclass! PtolemyUtilities.objectClass.setSuperclass(null); for (Iterator classes = Scene.v().getApplicationClasses().snapshotIterator(); classes.hasNext(); ) { SootClass theClass = (SootClass); theClass.setLibraryClass(); } }
public CallGraph buildCallGraph(Collection<JavaCriticalSection> validSyncs) throws NoMatchingSootMethodException { CallGraphBuilder cgb = new CallGraphBuilder(DumbPointerAnalysis.v());; CallGraph cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph(); for (JavaCriticalSection cs : results) { String clsname = cs.getClassName(); String regex = "\\$\\d"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(clsname); if (matcher.find()) { continue; } validSyncs.add(cs); cs.bindToSoot(); syncsEnclosingMethods.add(cs.getSootMethod()); } Scene.v().setCallGraph(cg); return cg; }
public ReverseClassHierarchy(Map<String, OpenCLClass> classes) { m_Hierarchy = new ArrayList<TreeNode>(); m_Classes = classes; addClass("java.lang.String"); Set<String> key_set = classes.keySet(); Set<String> visited = new HashSet<String>(); for (String key : key_set) { OpenCLClass ocl_class = classes.get(key); SootClass soot_class = Scene.v().getSootClass(ocl_class.getJavaName()); if (soot_class.hasSuperclass() == false) continue; SootClass parent = soot_class.getSuperclass(); if (parent.getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) { TreeNode tree = new TreeNode(soot_class, ocl_class); m_Hierarchy.add(tree); visited.add(key); } } boolean modified; do { modified = false; key_set = classes.keySet(); for (String key : key_set) { if (visited.contains(key)) continue; OpenCLClass ocl_class = classes.get(key); SootClass soot_class = Scene.v().getSootClass(ocl_class.getJavaName()); if (soot_class.hasSuperclass() == false) continue; SootClass parent = soot_class.getSuperclass(); TreeNode node = getNode(parent); if (node == null) continue; node.addChild(soot_class, ocl_class); modified = true; visited.add(key); } } while (modified); }